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The Age of Imperialism

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  • Emperor Sukoto expresses his incredible joy at the thought of a Russo-Japanese alliance, let alone the reality! They asked for a base on the Kurile Islands in return for the alliance, that is nothing considering the tremendous benefits the alliance will provide both nations in the long run!

    The war in Korea continues, and actually intensifies as Chinese troops begin straggling into the area. Armed with only flintlocks and other archaic weapons, they are little match for our Imperial troops. After heavy fighting, the cities of Taegu, Masan, Chinju, Kwangju, and Chonju have been captured. In several instances, the locals have poured from their dwellings cheering the victorious Imperials, while in most cases, they seem indifferent as to who rules them. That will all change soon though.

    Emperor Sukoto has ordered all regular military forces into Korea except the First Corps which is acting as an honor guard and reserve. Local militias are now entering service to protect the cities and countryside from any invaders who dare to strike the mainland.

    His majesty also attended the opening of a munitions plant and an artillery works in Tokyo, and the opening of a steel mill in Fukushima and two more munitions plants in Kyoto. He celebrated the unbelievable indutriousness of his people and made remarks about the solid future of his nation!

    To Russia: It is done, you may now have control of the northernmost Kurile island as a naval base (I cant find the Japanese name or even a reference). May our nations never fade into history! Also due to the war, we suddenly find that we have a few thousand Korean refugees and displaced persons in our posession, and we have heard of your great labor shortage, and as our islands are growing overcrowded, we wonder if you would be interested in taking them as indentured workers? Just some food for thought...

    OOC: Actually ScottF, i wasnt sure so i just posted that i was building them and waited to see, i will gladly delete them, but what in the way of light ships types were there? I want a massive small ship navy, but i dont wnat a billion of one type, get my drift? And another thing, the reference to the USA being west was a subtle punch at them since for all intents and purposes, they have ceased to exist for the Japanese people!! hahaha

    We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!


    • To Japan: We thank you, and our alliance is forged, Russian Engineers will immediatly leave for the Kurile Island you have provided for us. Together we will carve up the Pacific and create a new and powerful hegemony in Asia.
      If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


      • OOC: Bearcat! This is a vendetta for the "Big Huge War", isn't it! I HAVE to find a way of proving this "IC"

        To SWEDEN:
        We are NOT the prime exporters of beef.
        And the beef CANNOT be tainted OR poisoned, cause we export LIVE COWS! There are no meat packing plants in Argentina AT THE MOMENT.

        To GERMANY:
        Please do not support the Swedish, for their accusations are lies and unfounded. The Argentine government has never sold dead cows to anyone! Only live cows! And if the cows were diseased it's probably due to the Swedish ships that transport it not feeding the cows properly!

        To THE WORLD:
        Argentine cows are not diseased.
        A thorough investigation of this accusation and inspection of cows for export has shown that the cows are completely healthy!


        • ***TOP SECRET***
          To US
          From Spain
          Our expeditionary force is ready to invade in Mexico to help you. We await your response on an alliance.
          ***TOP SECRET***
          But I kick that ball, and I pray it goes straight,
          If it does, then Coach says, "Good job number eight."
          He doesn't even no my name is Andre Kristacovitchlalinski, Jr.
          But that's the life I live...Lonesome Kicker


          • To Sweden:
            We have for some time been monitering your diplomatic channels and we are inreasingly disturbed at what we hear. You would declare war on another nation with only circumstancial proof? We cannot allow this blatent show of aggression to continue so we are dispatching the First, and Third Field Armies to our border with you. If you do not immediatly cease your war with the Argentinians we will be forced to intervene on their behalf. You have forty eight hours to comply or we will utterly destroy you.

            From the Office of the President.

            [This message has been edited by Bolo (edited April 26, 2000).]
            If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


            • OOC - Hodad no this is not a vendetta for BIG. I started this because I wanted to find a realistic way to kill King Oscar. So I was going to have him contract food poisoning from bad beef. Simply an accident. But I got a message from an anonymous source asking me to make it an assasination attempt. So I made it one. And you got yourself into this #1 beef exporter. I know for a fact that beef is the most popular food in Argentina and you yourself said that Argentina had plenty of beef ot export. So it only made sense to say that. Oh and Bolo back off! None of your business.


              To Argentina - It was dead beef! And we demand to know how come it could of been shipped as such with Argentine labels when you claim to only export live cows. Your lives hang in the balance of your explination.

              To Russia - Back off! Our quarrel with Argentina is none of your business.


              • OOC: woohoo...some action Still looking for someone to take Britain BTW...


                To: Russia
                From: Britain

                Do not threaten Sweden, they were conducting a legitimate investigation. If you wish, we can get a third party to conduct it. However, do not threaten any other power with war. What would you have done if your President had been poisoned?

                To: Sweden
                From: Britain

                Do not be intimidated by the Russians. You have our full support.

                To: Argentina
                From: Britain

                Thank you for telling us your story. We are now sending the findings to the House of Commons for debate to which side to take.

                To: Germany
                From: Britain

                It appears Russia is threatening our ally, Sweden. Please do not allow the eastern giant to intimidate all of Europe.


                Meanwhile in China...

                "Rebels" have finally taken Beipeng (Beijing, Peking, whatever you wanna call it). The Qing Emperor has fled into the north. Meanwhile, rebels armed with British weapons and "mercenaries" installed a new Ming Emperor of the Imperial Line.
                Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                • To Sweden
                  From Spain
                  We will give you our support in any military expeditions that you may be undertaking. However, due to pending negotiations, we have no forces to send at this time, but if possible will dtach forces to help.

                  To Britain, France, and Germany
                  Watch out for the Russian Bear to our east. Allowing it to threaten one European power sets a dangerous precendent. Who will be next?

                  To US
                  Why do you not reply?

                  News From Spain

                  Phillipine Referendum Introduced Into Bill

                  A referendum to make the Phillipine Islands full-fledged states of Spain was introduced today into the Representative House of the Spanish Government. This bill faces stiff support from the isolationists in the House, but President Nogales and his Spain First Party support it. The debate will rage on for months.
                  But I kick that ball, and I pray it goes straight,
                  If it does, then Coach says, "Good job number eight."
                  He doesn't even no my name is Andre Kristacovitchlalinski, Jr.
                  But that's the life I live...Lonesome Kicker


                  • Emperor Sukoto has expressed his support of the continued efforts of our nation to rapidly industrialize. Another six arms factories opened across the nation, eight ammunition plants as well as four artillery works and two more shipyards, which will speed up our fleet production by several months. The effort is now grinding down as several dozen more factories are scheduled to be opened each month for the next few years. Soon, we will be on par with most nations, and in a few years, we will be a world superpower.

                    The war in Korea accelerated with the arrival of the mojority of the regular army. Imperial troops are entrenched around the cities of Chungju, Suwon and Andong, and heavy artillery fire is devastating the farmlands and villages in the surrounding area in an attempt to hamper the small prospect of a Chinese counterattack. The Emperor expects to be in Seoul in the next two months, and in Manchuria by the summer.

                    To Britain: We wish to seek an alliance between our two nations or at least a semblence of cooperation in China. We see that we both have territorial ambitions in that nation and we feel that with cooperation, we will be able to attain great heights!

                    To Russia: If you care to mention them, we have the Korean Refugees ready for work detail. They can be shipped to the Kuriles or Siberia or both. If you do not wish to take them, they can be easily forgotten about!

                    To Orania: We are offering to send you a detachment of our first corps as a training force for your Oranian Military should you need it. They are very well trained and battle hardened in modern tactics. Also should you be willing, you can send troops to train in Korea as well. It could be a valuable arrangement!
                    We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!


                    • OOC: Sorry, but will post the battle action for the next 3 months tommorow.


                      From US:
                      To Britain:

                      TOP SECRET

                      We are glad to see your concern for teh Chinese, but now China faces a greater threat than a Qing Emperor. Japan. Your fleet greatly outnumbers them- and Japan is an Island. Perhaps you could "Influence" The Japanese to leave China, maybe?

                      END OF SECRET MESSAGE

                      From: US
                      To: Spain

                      TOP SECRET

                      As for the alliance, we would like you to ally with Germany and Britain first. Our forces are capable of handling Mexico on their own. As For South America, the problem with Brazil is that the terrain is too bad for an invasion, and you probably wouldn't be able to take it. Perhaps Ecuador might be an acceptable substitute? Or, if the Argentina campaign falls through all together, mayhaps Peru and Ecuador might be an acceptable trade for Cuba?


                      • To Sweden and any other nation that may or may not care:
                        We will make Argentina our business if we choose to. Russia is strong and you are weak, from this point forward you have twenty four hours to comply that you will stop any campaign against the Argentinians or we will annex your pathetic Kingdom.
                        As for Britain, back off we will do as we please and their is nothing you can do about it. Unlike Germany we cannot be blockaded and your pathetically small army cannot stop us, you are nothing and we will ignore your pety threats.

                        OOC: Muahahahaahahahahaha! Being Russia rules.

                        To Japan:
                        Send the refugees at your liesure, we thank you for the labor.
                        [This message has been edited by Bolo (edited April 27, 2000).]
                        If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


                        • Napoleon Crazy?

                          In a stunning move of faith Napoleon has enacted the Conscription Laws of 1812 and has also sent all but one army to Sweden by ship. The whole fleet is also being sent. The process will take several months. He urges the other European powers to also send their armies to the front. He said the following:
                          [i]Fellow Europeans, Brothers. We have been threatened by our rude and repulsive neighbor. The Russians believe that they can just threaten another country with no retaliation, they are wrong. They believe we are weak, there they are right. We are weak my brethren, weak as individuals. If we stand united against this threat, we can repulse the Russians and punish them for their foolishness. For like the old Indians of America, combined they stood against odds that would have overwhelmed the single nations, yet they stand. It is much harder to break 5 arms then 1. So please my friends, my neighbours, my brothers, aid a fellow nation. If we do not, who will be next?

                          Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                          Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                          The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


                          • To Japan
                            The Oranian soldiers are battle hardened from fighting against both the British and the natives. We thank you for your offer but our troops are adequately trained. However, we would like to send 1,000 volunteers to Korea to gain combat experience and gather information on modern warfare.
                            The establishment of a Hebrew government and the implementation of its plans - this is the sole way of rescuing our people, salvaging our existence and our honor. We will follow this path, for there is no other. We will fight! Every Jew in our homeland will fight!


                            • To Britain and Germany and France
                              Would you be willing to sign a defensive military alliance to contain Russian aggression. It would require no commitment outside of the fact that if Russia attacked any of the signatory nations, it would be at war with all of them.

                              ***TOP SECRET***
                              To US
                              Ecuador and Peru would be acceptable. How respond you to the idea about building a canal? It would help both our economies.
                              ***TOP SECRET***
                              But I kick that ball, and I pray it goes straight,
                              If it does, then Coach says, "Good job number eight."
                              He doesn't even no my name is Andre Kristacovitchlalinski, Jr.
                              But that's the life I live...Lonesome Kicker


                              • Second War of Uruguayan Indipendance
                                Last week, in an effort to break stalemate, the Argentine troops were reinforced in Colonia by 20,000 Regulars (half of them cavalry) supported by 20 Guns and in Montevideo by 20 Guns.

                                Battle of Colonia
                                All night and day, the Argentine guns pundered at the Uruguayan positions in order to weaken their strength.
                                At around 1700 hours, General Roca ordered the attack. Covered by forests west of Montevideo, 20,000 men in the II and III Heavy Cavalry Corps would march all the way to the flank of the Uruguayan positions.
                                A runner was sent to the site with the orders and the Coronel Velazquez initiated a charge into the Uruguayan armies that were posted in a thin line around the north of the city. With the western flank broken by the charge, the cavalry headed back to the forests to regroup.
                                But while they retreated back into the forest, the Uruguayans managed to quickly regroup and counter the attack with obsolete musket fire, causing several Argentine casualties.
                                Casualties to present:
                                Argentina: 750 estimate
                                Uruguay: 2,100 estimate

                                After the regrouping, the cavalry was split into three groups in order to envelope the Uruguayan resistance. The remnants were few, but determined. Due to an error of miscalculation, the Argentine resumed their fire during this manouvre and caused heavy casualties on both sides. The Uruguayans managed to regroup themselves into squares to ward of the Cavalry that was charging again. At the last moment, a Uruguayan Light Cavalry brigade appeared when the battle seemed to be decided.
                                Then, the infantry was ordered to confront the cavalry. Using the modern Remington Rifles, the Uruguayan cavalry was almost exterminated by the firepower of the superior Argentine equipment. Finally, the remnants of the Uruguayan army fled to the hills farther north while the Argentine regrouped.
                                Result: Argentine Victory
                                Argentine: 2,500 Cavalry and 2,000 regulars
                                Uruguayan: 3,500 Cavalry (estimated) and 3,800 regulars

                                Battle of Mercedes
                                Covered by forests and night, the I Artillery, IV Heavy Cavalry and V Regulars advanced onto the town of Mercedes in Uruguay. Here, the Uruguayans had been expecting an invasion and had fortified themselves. This, and their numbers, came as a surprise to the Argentine commander, who had been expecting little or no resistance.
                                At first, the Uruguayan guns opened fire on the Argentine columns and these disperesed into the forest. The Argentine guns, which had taken a long time to deploy, opened fire after losing half their numbers to enemy artillery fire.
                                But a reconnaisance party went close enough to Mercedes to notice that no walls defended the city and so Capitan Garcia ordered the Cavalry to move around the city. They would divert artillery fire to the east and, aided by their swiftness, avoid most of it, so that the infantry could approach from the west.
                                At sunbreak, the charge began and the Uruguayans were surprised to find the cavalry coming in from the east, misjudged the numbers, and sent the infantry to meet them. But they weren't fast enough and the cavalry soon broke the enemy lines. But the infantry began its march and the Uruguayan commander realised what the tactic was and ordered his guns to hold their fire. When the infantry was well in range, they opened fire and the confused infantry took heavy losses. Before the battle was over almost half the company had been obliterated. But the cavalry wiped out the remnants of infantry attempted to get to the guns, but the determined civilians began to attack them from their houses with boiling water and muskets from their rooftops. When the cavalry had reached the guns, these had been abandoned by the fearful Uruguayans but destroyed previously.
                                The battle resulted as a tactical victory for the Argentinian forces.
                                Argentine: 4,500 Heavy cavalry, 6,000 regulars, 15 guns.
                                Uruguayan: 5,000 regulars and 20 guns.

                                Meanwhile, scouts report that the loyal populations of Paysandu and Salto, fearing another invasion, are moving towards Tacuarembo and are employing a scorched earth policy.

                                And in the port of Maldonado, two Argentine frigates have opened fire on the port and have rendered it useless.

                                Meanwhile, President Sarmiento has announced that victory over the Uruguayans is imminent.


                                To US:
                                We wish to purchase more rifles from you in order to continue the Uruguayan Campaign. We shall purchase more Remington Rifles and pay $15 a piece. We wish to purchase 50,000, totalling a payment of $75,000. If you do not agree to our price, name a new one.
                                We also hope that you will aid us in the eventual case of Sweden invading the Americas in the good name of the Monroe Doctrine, which we also wish to be held true.
                                All you have to do is boast the Doctrine and military power and the Swedish might hold down their invasion in fear of your fleet.

                                To BRITAIN:
                                As soon as we end our Uruguayan campaign, the Anglo-Argentine community wishes to help in any conflict in Transvaal and we hope to send food, volunteer troops, you name it.
                                We also wish to make assertions as to the future of the Malvinas.
                                We wish to assure to you that we do not sell poisoned meat and the Vice-President Alsina is travelling to Europe to celebrate the trip due to the recent fever of Sarmiento.
                                To prove that Argentine meat isn't poisoned he will personnally attend the port in London, select an Argentine cow of the British ships bound from BA of your choice, will supervise the slaughter and the hiding and will cook the meat of the cow and he will eat it for dinner in the presence of your excellency.
                                Any other world leaders may attend that dinner in order to ensure it's veracity.

                                To JAPAN:
                                Your new empire, we see, requires to open up to the trade of Argentine products: wools, beef, cereals and hides. We wish to hold a conference to ensure a peace treaty between our two nations.

                                To SWEDEN:
                                Firstly, we have proven the lack of backing of your accusations. All cows sold is live and we don't send our ships abroad: the foreign ships come to BA to buy the meat.
                                Secondly, no trade is done with Sweden. Therefore you cannot have bought Argentine cows or consumed Argentine meat.
                                Lastly, Argentina is NOT the most important beef producer of the world.

                                To GERMANY: (OOC: there should be a serious looking or reverent looking face)
                                IC: We hope that your Kaiser will desist of supporting Sweden after hearing that Argentina has proved her accusations wrong and has therefore no reason for despising Argentinian products.

                                To ALL NATIONS:
                                It is with great grief that I announce that we, the people of Argentina, wish to call upon an international conference to sanction the Swedish for slandering raised against the growing economy of Argentina.
                                We therefore invite the US, Britain, Germany, Spain, France, Russia and Japan to act as jurors and mediate the conference.
                                The Argentine delegate shall open the conference, then the Swedish delegate may present his defense and then the jurors shall post their individual decision and a vote will be made upon the final decision and sanction.
                                I ask those jurors to remain impartial and objective and I also wish to thank them for their interest in South American affairs.
                                Presidente Domingo Faustino Sarmiento

                                NEW LEGISLATION
                                Custom's Act: all imported products shall be taxed 15% of their production cost value per item or good and these payments shall be delivered to the Customs house in Puerto de Buenos Aires.
                                Ley Sarmiento: The vote is now secret and obligatory and is extended to all citizens over 21.
                                Women Suffrage Act: All women over the age of 21 are allowed to vote and are equal in rights and duties as the men.

                                Aberdeen Angus arrives in Argentina!
                                This bettered breed of beef cattle hopes to increase quality of Argentine meat over the next twenty years.

                                New Coal mines in Rio Turbio!
                                These are located up river in the coridellera de los Andes. In five years we hope to compete with the minor powers in this market.

                                New Railway under construction!
                                It goes from Rio Turbio to Neuquen where it joins with the line Neuquen-Buenos Aires. It will allow a rapid transport of coal to the international market. It is a British concession. The new railway, which extends for almost 900 kilometres will hope to be finished in a year.

                                Argentine waters declared whaling free zones!
                                This new law asserts that any non authorized whaling ship in Argentine waters will proceed to be captured or sunk by the Argentine navy.

                                Swedish whaling boat captured in Argentine military waters!
                                Yesterday, the Fragata Libertad spotted a ship in Argentine territorial waters flying the Swedish flag and pursued it. After a brief battle, the Swedish boat was captured and it was found that its holds contained the carcasses of 2 whales that were hunted in Argentine waters without government permission. The Argentine government demands a fine of 50,000 pesos oro to be paid for the release of the boat and its sailors.

                                New Military Corps founded
                                These new forces shall be trained in rugged terrain warfare, especially alpine combat. This new force comprises 20,000 men that are being trained to serve in this special elite corp.

                                OOC: Hodad claims weekend amnesty from all other foreign powers. No invasion can begin on weekends and will not be responded till Monday. But in this case, Monday is labour day, so this week, they won't be responded till Tuesday.
                                So to any invading forces.
                                Till Monday.
                                And, Bearcat, why the private vendetta? It's personal, right?

