OOC - Sigma!!! How do activate those smilies?? Let me know.
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The World 2010
The Confederate States has begun a major industrialization and militarization initiative to keep up with the nations of the world. Tank factories, aircraft complexes, shipyards and ammunition dumps have sprung up across the CS over the years, and now they have been put to usage. King Rossi has ordered the production of all military equipment from M-16 Assault Rifles to the F22 Raptor and Abrams Battle Tank. The hulls for a huge new navy have been laid down in the Norfolk, Newport News, Savannah, Charleston and Mobile Shipyards. A million State Folk have been drafted into the military and all reserves have been called to the colors to defend and protect Confederate Interests.
Confederate Navy: () Ships under construction
2 Fleet Carriers (2)
4 Light Carriers (4)
4 Battleships
8 Frigates (12)
8 AEGIS Frigates (12)
16 Destroyers (24)
16 Submarines (24)
4 Tarawa Landing Ships (6)
12 Coast Guard Patrol Ships
CS Air Force
96 F-117 Fighters
120 F-18 Fighters
240 F-22 Fighters
48 B-1b Stealth Bombers
36 B-2 Stealth Bombers
96 B-52 Bombers
24 C-130 Transport/Cargo Planes
120 Apache Assault Helicopters
120 Huey Transport Helicopters
To Mexico: We would never think of attacking your nation, we just desire a pacific port of call to open our nation to the huge markets there. We will find a way there, rest assured, without violence either. We hope to remain friends!
To California: We welcome your hand in friendship and we also hope we prosper as a result. We would be willing to sell you a majority of our food surplus in exchange for a fair price on some of your naturla resources, mainly ores and minerals seeing that our stockpiles are running low and our nation is not very well endowed in these things!
To Japan: We propose an alliance between our nations and we hope that you accept.We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!
With the breakup of the USA, the old southern states have reformed the Confederate States of America. The states of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona have united to form this grand nation. The capital has been symbolically chosen as Richmond, Virginia and the government is a constitutional monarchy, with the first king being the multibillionaire Scott Rossi. All federal military units in the south have sworn loyalty or gone home, and all southern troops stationed abroad have returned in the years following the formation.
Societal lines have been reformed with nobles being the rich and influential, free folk being the old middle class, and state folk being the poor and impoverished. It is completely possible for people to change class, as the CS hierchy isnt oppressive, it is free.
The military has been greatly increased as the state folk are being trained to be soldiers, engineers, laborers and farmers. Furthermore, citizens serving 10 years in the armed services get noble status.
Confederate States Data:
Population: 110,000,000
Army: 450,000 active
1,500,000 reserves
600,000 in training
Capital: Richmond, Virginia
Government: Monarchy
Languages: English and Spanish
To Russia: We wish to enter in an alliance with your great nation! We feel that we cna help each other greatly, we can supply technical and industrial expertise and equipment, you can provide us with valuable resources that our nation needs.
To California: We wish to enter in an alliance with your great state. Seeing that we were once members with the bloated and inefficient USA, we feel we can exist together similarly as brothers in arms against all who wish us to be squashed. Also we feel we can benefit each other greatly, you have valuable resources, we have food and industrial equipment that you may need, seeing that most of your industries are geared for the computer market.
To Mexico: We are interested in purchasing the provinces of Chiuahua and Sonora as we do not have an opening into the pacific ocean. How much would you be willing to sell these lands for?
We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!
hey all i have an idea...why not have the same technologies seeing that the breakup of these bigger nations means that the huge amounts of money needed wont be available for the research efforts, well until now that is. If the USA broke up, the world economic crisis would not allow this until the economy stabilizes as it would be now with us playing.
Oh and another thing, the remainder of the USA besides California and the CSA is still open to anyone!! I want someone to take it so we can have some fun infracontinental diplomacy!!We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!
"Kapitan wir sind nur sieben Kilometer von Kaliningrad. Was sollen wir tun?" asked a young German ensign. Commanding officer of the SMS Thuringen, Captain Karl Pfalzer turned to face the ensign. He spoke slowly in a harsh Berliner accent.
"Signal port. We don't want the Russians to take any hostile action" said Pfalzer in German. The ensign nodded. The communications officer a ruddy young Saxon lieutenant began a radio transmission to the port authorities.
- - - - -
Meanwhile in national news
Kaiser Roman I and Chancellor Linder have both announced a plan to modernize the Kriegsmarine. The SMS Thuringen being built in 2008 is the newest ship in the Fleet. Although most ships in the Kriegsmarine are new there are some old ships. The Kaiser wishes to eliminate the obsolete ships and replace them with newer ships. Plans include obtaining design schematics ofr the new Virginia class submarines and secret designs not yet revealed.
The Kaiser's personal economic planners have begun a project to return the Rheinland's economy to it's former postion before the French took control. This includes repairing the Saar mines no doubt raped nearly dry by the greedy French. The project is expected to take three years.
Representatives from the Fourth Reich and Union of Latin America are to meet in Mexico City this weekend to formalize a non-agression pact and trade alliance. This is expected to help both our economies and better realtions between the Fatherland and Latin America.
The Luftwaffe has declared interest in looking into the new laser defense systems. They will serve to protect the Reich from the aggressive French. The Luftwaffe will also look into new forms of stealth to bypass these systems.
To Neo-Warsaw Pact - We would like to propose a strategic alliance. This would help protect both our borders and serve to better relations between our nations. (OOC - Scott can we shorten it to NWP?)
To ULA - May our nations grow together as brothers.
OOC - This is to Bill, I just want you to know that all this French bashing isn't really personal. It's just something I think that the Germans would do. Oh and I apologize for my German.
To Germany:
The Neo-Warsaw Pact will be glad to sign an alliance with your nation. The Russians are a peace loving people. History has shown that it is always Germany that attacks Russia, not the other way around. You have little to fear from us.
In the Black Sea:
Ten of the Neo-Warsaw Pact's fifteen carrier battle groups put to sea after taking on odd cargoes. Canisters covered with warning labels were loaded aboard several of the carriers, and it was reported that new missiles had been placed aboard all of the missile warships in the task forces.
Most of the carriers were loaded down with fuel tankers and airplane fuel. It appeared that the ships would be doing a great deal of in-flight refueling.
All ten of the task forces sailed out of the Black Sea through the Dardanelles and went off to their unknown destinations around the globe.
In missile silos across the Neo-Warsaw Pact:
Due to the fact that an act of God rendered all of Russia's nuclear warheads useless, the high command decided to replace all existing warheads with ones more suitable to the modern day and age. Since only Japan had bothered to complete an SDI system, these missiles would be useful for quite some time into the future.
In the ports of the Neo-Warsaw Pact:
All of the Neo-Warsaw Pact's ballistic missile submarines are having new warheads fitted onto their old missiles, since God does not permit the use of nuclear warheads.
Today the Philippine Capital was overrun by Japanese forces in less than 2 hours. Flash actions by paratrooping Marines have seized most of the Mainland. Transports are working on the outer Islands as of now while fleet continues onto Borneo and Indonesia. New Guinea has been added to the target list as well.
OOC: Actually, Bearcat, there are few Germans that hate the French. Look at Sahib for instance.
BTW, is it ok for it to be 1 RT day= 1PT month?
The Laser Defences are almost completed! This will be a great day for France as it is modernizing it's technology.
The troops in Algieria are gaining territory everyday. The next week, Algeria surrendered. Algieria's army is incorperated into Greater France's Army.
Part of the Greater France's army is going to French Guina to conquere....."Compromises are not always good things. If one guy wants to drill a five-inch hole in the bottom of your life boat, and the other person doesn't, a compromise of a two-inch hole is still stupid." - chegitz guevara
"Bill3000: The United Demesos? Boy, I was young and stupid back then.
Jasonian22: Bill, you are STILL young and stupid."
"is it normal to imaginne dartrh vader and myself in a tjhreee way with some hot chick? i'ts always been my fantasy" - Dis
OOC I'm taking the Northeast US from Maine to North Dakota, and south to the Mason-Dixon line. This includes New England, Pennsylvbania, NY, Maryland, NJ, Delaware, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, W. Virginia, Illinois Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, South and North Dakota.
IC: Even though the United States have lost some power to seceding rebels, the core in the Northeast and Midwest still remains. From Washington D.C, the vote totals are tallied, and Jonathon Casee is elected President by a lartge margin. Promising that the US will be a world power once again, he embarks on a program of modernization and crash building in the military.
TO CSA: Although you have seceded from the Rwpublic, we still look upon you as friends. At any time, we will be willing to talk of an alliance for mutual protection against encroaching powers.
To California: Same deal as the CSA.
To all other powers. Although we are not as great as we once were, do not challenge us. The US holds to any and all claims made by past presidents, including Monroe and Roosevelt. However, we are always willing to entertain the option of alliance talks for greater security, and will always hold out the olive branch of peace.
But I kick that ball, and I pray it goes straight,
If it does, then Coach says, "Good job number eight."
He doesn't even no my name is Andre Kristacovitchlalinski, Jr.
But that's the life I live...Lonesome Kicker
I'm out now. This does not seem to be the right thread for me, I don't like countries to be pulling laser defenses, carrier battle groups and sudden unifications (yes, I've did the last thing myself as well to a certain extent) out of their arses. Anyway, have fun everyone, but this is just not my kind of thread.
Diplomacy at last! Indonesia decided it would be wiser to surrender to a dictated terms of surrender rather than draw into a protracted war with an opponent that they have no chance of winning against. 4 Divisions are already flown in to secure the area.
In addition, Japan has announced the construction of 20 light attack carriers for China.
The Japanese fleet sails onto New Guinea!