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The World 2010

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  • Text from President Casee's Press Conference

    Ladies and Gentlemen, my fellow Americans, a time of crisis is upon us. From all areas of Earth, we feel that evil is reigning. Countries are engaged in genocide against one another. The once great United Nations has shown us that nothing is incorruptible, and has started to play at power politics.
    In this time of crisis, we must band together and protect ourselves. The First Fleet has put to sea under my orders to try and help evacuate civilians from Europe. Designated the European Relief Force, its primary mission is relief and humanitarian aid. The carriers and Marines are there for protection of the force, along with the First Infantry Division. We will be landing, but only to set up a secure perimeter for an aid site, and a primary evacuation point. To both sides in the European War. Do not interfere. We will fight for neither side, but make sure that the people of Europe are cared for while you are resolving your disputes.
    Japan has shown herself to be an unpredictable force in today's world. We are calling, publicly upon the Japanese, to take down their satellite defense system. This system threatens all peace loving people in the world. Bring it down yourself, or you will not like the consequences.
    As for the UN, we have decided to withdraw from active participation, and see what they do. During this review period, we will not join in any votes, or any sactions, or pay any dues.
    People of the United States, we must defend ourselves. The Senate has passed the Emergency Forces Act, and I am signing it into law. What does this mean for you, the American working man or woman?
    Jobs will increase as the defense industry is geared back up. We will be building another Nimitz class carrier at Boston naval yards, but completion will take another 4-5 years. Groton, Connecticut will begin work on three Spearfish class advanced tactical attack submarines with in the month, and shipyards in Philadelphia and Little Creek will begin work on AEGIS cruisers and advanced Frigates.
    The Air Force is also being revamped. The new FB-3 Skystriker will form the backbone of our forces, but full deployment is still a few years away. As for now, the F-15s, 16s, 22s and the B-1s and 2s will continue to form the backbone of our air force, but will be increased in size by two wings.
    The Army will also be increased, and reorganized. Based on the M-1A4 Abrams and the AH-64D Longbow Apaches, ten H-ACRs will be formed, replacing the current two armored divisions. Also, three L-ACR will be formed for worldwide rapid deployment. Also, we will be doubling the force size in the next ten years.
    And now, for the announcement of the creation of a new service. The United States Space Forces has been enacted by the Senate, with th following mission. "To preserve protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States above and beyond to limits of the sky." This service will be responsible for all space activities, inluding defense, and offense if need be.
    My fellow Americans, this is a time of great peril. Be strong, and we will survive to once again be named among the world superpowers.
    But I kick that ball, and I pray it goes straight,
    If it does, then Coach says, "Good job number eight."
    He doesn't even no my name is Andre Kristacovitchlalinski, Jr.
    But that's the life I live...Lonesome Kicker


    • First Thing

      You cannot whip together an army in less then 1 month Bill. Also, I would think that Russia would have the border with Italy under guard.

      Second Thing

      This Orbital Weapons thing is realistic but I am ruling that a shuttle must be sent up after each firing to reload it. The Total process takes one month. Also, the Orbital Weapon uses special armaments that cost approximately 1.2 Billion for a shipload. I don't mind the Orbital Weapon, it is pretty kool, but you have only one and it will cost a ****load of money to maintain.

      Basically on Antartica was damaged. The UN still lives elsewhere.

      Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
      Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
      The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep



        the president has recently ordered that "daily" be spelled "daeleei"
        in other news, what started of as a spout in europe is quickly turning into world war three! when president reed was asked to respond to this he said,"i cant wate to get into it!"


        • Governor Du Chateau today denouced the actions of the USSR, France and Japan for their attacks. The State Republic of California though said it would stay neutral in this affair.

          To the USA
          From The SRC

          We would accept a trade pact with you if you offered it. We are neutral in the war in Europe.


          • OOC: Anybody else getting the hint that this thread is out of control and a wee bit rediculous? That's what I thought. Onward comrades!

            Nap: A 50 pound sattelite has to reload each time it uses a set of 4 4-ounce slugs? I'll admit they probably can't fire more than 10-15 times, but You really don't need much umf to something traveling 40,000 miles per hour through the atmosphere.

            About the realism of this orbital weapon: Linear accelerators are already on-the-shelf weaponry. It wouldn't take much to miniturize them over the next 10 years. They don't even have to send the Slugs along at a fantastic pace. Earth's gravity takes care of the speed issue. If it were to say, leave the barrel at Mach 50 (which is plasuable considering the space shuttle goes Mach 23 on no power through space). It would impact the earth with something of the magnitude of small nuclear weapon since it's going at around 80,000 miles per hour. Then of course, you have the atmosphere trailing behind it only spreading the chaos.


            Japan was quickly speeding the new "Milk-cow" sattelites to new launch bases in Kazahkstan for deployment to High Orbit. It would take some time to service and reload 40 sattelites. Then again, 8 had never fired a shot.

            The UN would be made to pay 10x over for the Tokyo incident. 4,000 dead. At least 13,000 injured. It would have been worse if civil planners had not incorporated reinforced steel, windows, and other safety features to protect against a natural disaster (either typhoon or earthquake).

            Japanese military analysts are thankful the blast was not larger. While a blast of this magnitude leveled Hiroshima, it would have no chance of leveling a modern city. Most office buildings received a thorough scorching and had their windows blown out. No doubt more than $40 Billion worth of damage was done to the city. Most of the deaths came from fires after the blast that picked up the debris scattered about.

            To: The Civilized World


            The full power blast had an effect similar to that of a 3 megaton bomb impacting the city center. Toyko was decimated.

            Do we need more proof that the U.N. must be destroyed? This corrupt agency has no more love of life.


            • "Wir sind fertig Kommandant" said the young sergeant. Captain Dieter Frymier nodded and turned to give orders to the ships crew. The entire German fleet was sailing into St. Petersburg. The Germnas had ahd enough of the Russian bastards destroying them. It was time to take the war to them. A second later ship's guns began to explode. The city of St. Petersburg exploded brilliantly in flames. More artillery barrages began as the transports moved in toward port. What Russian resistance there was was neutralized. But two transports were lost in the process. The Landmarine soldiers landed and in a matter of two hours the city of St. Petersburg was in German hands. In retribution for the Russian atrocities against Germany every man, woman, and child in St. Petersburg was killed. The city was than summarily razed to the ground. The next day the German forces swung out toward Estonia.

              OOC - Leave Spain open. Because after my resistance movement is destroyed maybe 2 or 3 posts from now I'm taking Spain.


              • To SRC: Trade Deal Approved By US Senate

                To Japan: Cease your overhead attacks now. We can deal with the UN in other ways, and your overhead weapons are freaking us out.

                First Class of Officers Lifts To SS Freedom
                The first officers of the USSF have launched to the SS Freedom. The space station, which started as the ISS, but became Freedom when no other country but the US did something with it is now the HQ for the USSF. As part of the USSF, Freedom is to be maneuverd into geosynchonous orbit over the US, and be provided with several kietic slug launchers for defens of the continental US. Plans are underway for a offensive force to be added, but development may take several years.
                [This message has been edited by Midshipman (edited April 15, 2000).]
                But I kick that ball, and I pray it goes straight,
                If it does, then Coach says, "Good job number eight."
                He doesn't even no my name is Andre Kristacovitchlalinski, Jr.
                But that's the life I live...Lonesome Kicker


                • OOC
                  Bill, nice map, but Ireland has been reunited...

                  The Celtic Federation is building up an army on the border with England, in preparation for a genocidal invasion.


                  • Prime Director Gallentious has released a press statement with much difficulty. The use of weapon X was never intended to be surprise attack. But the VX assualts on HQ Unity destroyed all communication equipment, making it impossible to deliver an untimatum to Tokyo or to warn its citizens. It also made it impossible for a message to be sent to the rest of the free world. But UNS Majestic, one of the UN's 3 SNN's, was able to recieve to priority one message and relay it to more powerful broadcast centers in the world. The message read as follows

                    To the leaders of the Free World. By the time this message reaches you, Weapon X, now to be called The Ion Cannon, has discharged into Toyko in reprisal for the assualts on Paris and the VX bombings of Unity and the European continent. You may be distressed by the UN's show of force. But everything we have done is nessecary. Japan and Russia are out of control and bent on world domination. Japan was the first nation on Earth to demonstrate the destructive potential of orbital weapons, slaughtering innocent civilians en mass. And Russia, dear god, russia has layed a permanent chemical layer over much of Europe. Russia has used VX nerve gas and already killed HALF of the population of Germany and France. Worse yet, our anaylsts show that Russia is planned to complety destroy all life on western Europe. The UN has no choice but to use whatever means nessecary to put a stop to this. Even if we must resort to orbital or chemical weapons ourselves. May god help us all for Armaggedon is here


                    • Guys, threada arent about "I've been building it since the beginning of the thread!"

                      "I have 1,000,000,000 Tanks and EASILY over run you!"

                      "I will have... um... 20... no 30 carriers!"

                      Scott: I am much more powerful than U! Ha! Hahahahaha! I have 1010101010101010 million troops! Hahahahahahaha! So what, who cares if i am a numbers person!!!

                      Bill: My Superduper laser rockets thingy make me invincible from attack!!!

                      Scott being germany: I am TOO powerful!
                      Scott being russia: Germans are PUSSIES!

                      guys, use your common sense
                      Jools Weevil Jr.
                      what have you been drinking again jools?-MarkG
                      Have a nice ****ing day


                      • All I have to say is HE started it (little kid tone). No so I decided to be real unrealistic back. And it just got kinda fun to smack him around a bit. No I think that we should restart get our selves some mods, lay down ground rules and enforce them, yadda yadda. If it continues like this Scott and I are going to kill each other with cybernetic armies.


                        • One question: What the hell is the difference between this and the Big Huge War story thread? What? 10 years into the future!? That's nothing, that's BS. Ten years doesn't mean jack. Why the hell do we need another modern war thread? This thread is only modern war, it's not the future because it's only ten friggin years! Just go to the other thread please. The S&D can't handle to competing identical threads at the moment! There's good land in Big.
                          Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                          • Scotts gas is ok. Although the wind is blowing the remnants in Russia's direction.

                            Everything else is ok...

                            Enough fighting or I will deem you all dead.

                            Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                            Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                            The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


                            • Ahh. You mean I can't set his own nukes off agaisnt him? Damn!!


                              • OOC:Might I have to repeat this?

                                Nukes and nuke-like weapons arn't allowed!

                                Nuke-like weapon example- orbital weapons.

                                And the only high tech weapon is the laser defence.

                                And BTW, DV, you are treating the UN like if it was the pope of the middle ages, no offence.


                                Treaty proposed!

                                -Germany reformed.
                                -French Colonies are downgraded to protectorites.
                                -Russia reparations to Germany for the damage caused.

                                OOC: I basicly control Italy and England anyways....

                                IC: To the Celtic Federation:
                                England is our ally. Don't try anything funny.
                                [This message has been edited by Bill3000 (edited April 15, 2000).]
                                "Compromises are not always good things. If one guy wants to drill a five-inch hole in the bottom of your life boat, and the other person doesn't, a compromise of a two-inch hole is still stupid." - chegitz guevara
                                "Bill3000: The United Demesos? Boy, I was young and stupid back then.
                                Jasonian22: Bill, you are STILL young and stupid."

                                "is it normal to imaginne dartrh vader and myself in a tjhreee way with some hot chick? i'ts always been my fantasy" - Dis

