England (Coug) (0 builds)
Lon H
Ska - Den (move fails)
Ech S Iri - Mao
Iri - Mao
Turkey (reismark) (0 builds)
A Bul-Gre (move fails, unit dislodged and destroyed)
F Aeg S A Bul-Gre
A Smy S F Aeg (support cut)
F Bla-Con
Germany (Defiant) (1 build)
1.A-Sil > War (move fails)
2.A-Pru S A-Sil > War
3.F-Hel > Den (move fails)
4.A-Kie S F-Hel > Den
5.A-Bel > Burg (move fails)
6.A-Hol > Bel (move fails)
Austria (berzerket) (0 builds)
F Gre > S Rum > Bulg
A Ser > S Gre
A Bud > S Ser
A Vie > S Bud
France (Lamb) (0 builds)
F por - mao (move fails)
A bre - pic
A gas - Mar
A par - bur (move fails)
Russia (Victor G.) (0 builds)
F Swe S English F Ska-Den
F Sev-Black Sea
A Rum-Bul
A Gal-Rum
A Nor S A Swe H
A Stp-Liv
A War no order recieved (dislodged, can retreat to Mos
Italy (Talon) (0 builds)
A Pie S French A Gas->Mar
A Tun->Smy (move fails)
F Ion COnvoy A Tun->Smy
F Eme Convoy A Tun->Smy
England (Coug) (0 builds)
Lon H
Ska - Den (move fails)
Ech S Iri - Mao
Iri - Mao
Turkey (reismark) (0 builds)
A Bul-Gre (move fails, unit dislodged and destroyed)
F Aeg S A Bul-Gre
A Smy S F Aeg (support cut)
F Bla-Con
Germany (Defiant) (1 build)
1.A-Sil > War (move fails)
2.A-Pru S A-Sil > War
3.F-Hel > Den (move fails)
4.A-Kie S F-Hel > Den
5.A-Bel > Burg (move fails)
6.A-Hol > Bel (move fails)
Austria (berzerket) (0 builds)
F Gre > S Rum > Bulg
A Ser > S Gre
A Bud > S Ser
A Vie > S Bud
France (Lamb) (0 builds)
F por - mao (move fails)
A bre - pic
A gas - Mar
A par - bur (move fails)
Russia (Victor G.) (0 builds)
F Swe S English F Ska-Den
F Sev-Black Sea
A Rum-Bul
A Gal-Rum
A Nor S A Swe H
A Stp-Liv
A War no order recieved (dislodged, can retreat to Mos
Italy (Talon) (0 builds)
A Pie S French A Gas->Mar
A Tun->Smy (move fails)
F Ion COnvoy A Tun->Smy
F Eme Convoy A Tun->Smy