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SNESA: Absolution (T2)

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  • Moderator Post

    To save against confusion I am not planning to update today, as I used for an example in my preceding post.
    I have.... like 3 posts, mostly diplo too.
    Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


    • The Pharaho of Egypt in response to Libya's reply has ordered a full naval blockade of Libya. Also the army has been ordered to fortify along the Libian border and allow no one to pass. The Pharaho has stated that he will teach the rebellous Libyans a lession.

      The Pharaho has also decided to apoint a concil to look into the possiblity of have a elected palariment and what powers if any they can have.

      To Nations supporting Libya:
      This is a rightfull part of Egypt and we cannot stand for our sovergnity to be destroyed in this way. This area was settled by Egyptians thousands of years ago and belong to the egyptian people. Invaders such as the greeks poluted the land with their settlers, and as a result caused these people to be set apart as a different nation. Greece conintues to subvert our nation and we will not stand for this. If Greece conitnues in this course of action we will considered it an act of war.

      In the interest of peace we propse of sumit with dimplomates from all invovled parties to solve this with out the need for war.
      Donate to the American Red Cross.
      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


      • i dont have much desire to join the game again as is, because, well i lost. but if luck could change in my favor (for once...) maybe i will reconsider

        today is also my birthday...sorry i just had to plug it :P


        • happy birthday cinna. You should rejoin, it wouldn't take much for you to get back on your feet.

          Greece will send representatives to the summit, but know that a blockade and mobilization is not a good way to encourage diplomacy. We will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you really do want to settle this peacefully until you show otherwise.
          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


          • Happy birthday China

            To Rome, Vikingland and Egypt: The United Empire is willing to sign an alliance with your people to strengthen the ties of religion we have between us.

            The Druidish relgion is one of tolerance and we shall protect it as such. The Gerorgian invasion of Vikingland is one threat we must consider, if our ancient religion the oldest in the world is to continue.
            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


            • Texas-Diplomacy
              To Confederate Nations: We have found concrete evidence that you are enslaving our people. Slavery is morally wrong. We have no choice but to destroy you.

              To Oregon: Thank you for the land trade.
              Move half of the army into Confederate Nations (hereafter refered to as CN) territory, and free our slaves!

              Maintain naval superiority in Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, while blockading the CN coast.

              Upgrade the navy to Imperial tech as soon as possible!

              Continue construction on the "Imperial Road System", a wonder. When it is finished, it will boost Texas's economy. (SKI, how long will this take?)

              Upgrade army to Large ASAP!
              Ruler: King Jonny
              Army: Medium
              Navy: Medium (Antiquity)
              Religion: 40% Texan, 30% Pyroism, 30% Animalism
              Tech: Imperial
              Government: Absolute Monarchy
              Economy: Prospering, Free
              People: Alright
              Traits: Expansionist | Religious
              UUs: Texan Royal Guards
              OOC: Happy Birthday Cinna! If you feel you 'lost' with Rome, you can always choose another country.


              • Originally posted by Cinna
                i dont have much desire to join the game again as is, because, well i lost. but if luck could change in my favor (for once...) maybe i will reconsider

                today is also my birthday...sorry i just had to plug it :P
                Dude, you won the war. Look at the map, you took over a lotta land that was Wisconsins to the North (Which the war was fought over) and look at Wisconsin, divided into 3 parts....

                I mean dude, your luck is changing.
                Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                • To Poland

                  The Egypt matter is not much different from our own. The Egyptian nation owns Libya has much as I own normandy, and you own Macedonia. It is their's to do as they wish. Therfore, I will withdraw my invitation to help them with the Libyans, to withhold peace, but I will not ignore a nation should they aid the Libyans.

                  To Egypt

                  I am sorry, but in order to withhold peace we can not support your army in Libya. However, we shall honor our alliance (I believe it is still active?) should any other nation interfere in Egyptian affairs. Also, we will of course attend the summit. Good luck friend, and don't forget that your Sumerian friends have you back.

                  To Druidish Realms
                  From Semeria

                  Time hasn't treated our two nations as too good as friends in the past, but I would like to reaffirm whatever friendship we have with a trade agreement and a Non Agression Pact. We seem to have the same goals in Egypt, and I am not against the formation of your alliance.

                  Upgade Navy and Army to Imperial Age
                  Make obsolete the Golden Ships and Archers, and get ready for a new invention.
                  Begin mobilizing the navy and army for the protection of Egypt.
                  Trade with Druid, Poland, Egypt, and any others.
                  "Your a Mod not a God" - AnarchyRulz
                  MOD of StJNES4, JNES: The War of the World
                  JNESIV: Some Things Should Never Die


                  • To Semeria:

                    But fo course. However as of know all people wishing to have relations with the United Empire and the Druidish Realms, must allow relgious freedoms and allow people to worship Druidsh religion if they so wish.
                    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                    • To All Nations with a Presence in Africa: Ethopia would like to propose an African Defense Alliance to help secure our continent. We extend our hands in friendship to the Egyptians, the Semerians, Philistina, and the Congo. This Alliance Network would be useless in any aggresive conflicts and can only be activated with an attack on a member nation.

                      To Egypt:

                      Ethopia Stands by her former ally. In regards to the renegades in Libya we shall aid you economically and with foodstuffs. And also in rebuilding the area once this foolishness is done with.


                      Domestic Policy:

                      Allow freedom of all worship
                      Build The Comittee Hall (Wonder)
                      Connect each city village and town to the capital.
                      Connect Cities with Imperial Roads.
                      Construct Granaries in every town for food storage.
                      Build a Grand Harbor in Adulis (Wonder)
                      In other words build general infrastructure


                      • To United Empire:
                        We are willing to sign an alliance with your nation.
                        Donate to the American Red Cross.
                        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                        • To Ethopia:
                          We welcome your support and hope that our alliance countinues to serve us into the future.

                          Wonder Project:
                          The Pharaho has ordered the construction of a great wonder of the world, a great temple to the sun god. Here all of Egypt can worship before this temple.
                          Donate to the American Red Cross.
                          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                          • ooc: Sever? uuh you do mean serve right?


                            • To The Druidish Realms

                              But of course, Semeria has always been a land of tolerance and welcome. Our various religions types practice without hesitation, and the government even sponsers their temples to be built. Levieth is a powerful and loving religion, but so are many others and we respect them.
                              "Your a Mod not a God" - AnarchyRulz
                              MOD of StJNES4, JNES: The War of the World
                              JNESIV: Some Things Should Never Die


                              • In The Name of the New Emperor of China, Solo Han I:

                                The Emperor Han I, having taken the throne, issues this decree: That The Official Religion of China be formed from the traditions that the people have celebrated for many thousands of years. Honor and duty will result in glory and eternal happieness. In the interest of keeping this Official Religion from being subdued by outside heretics, the Emperor orders the commissioning of The Royal Lama, a corps of revivalists who promise to bring enlightenment to the furthest reaches of the Empire. Those who have already been converted by certain heretics do not have to fear persecution at the hands of the loving Emperor. The Royal Lama do not intend to interfere with private worship. However, the Emperor declares the act of converting someone to a non-Chinese religion to be in violation of Imperial Law, and anyone found converting citizens to Palapism or another religion will be hunted down by the Royal Lama.

                                To Ainu: The new Emperor Han I agrees to your proposal of an alliance.

                                Orders: Upgrade Navy. Maintain happieness while increasing the popularity of native Chinese religion. Send detachments of Royal Lama to begin preaching Duddism (the official Chinese relgion) to other nations.

                                Note to mod: New UU- the Royal Lama Corps
                                "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
                                Former President, C3SPDGI

