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SNESA: Absolution

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  • You must be joking. This is almost insulting. Redraw your "fair" map please. Contrary to what you may believe you are not winning this war! We want half of Greenland, and this is non negotiable. If you do not accept we shall have to settle this by the sword. We are giving the 'pen' a chance, but so far it is getting no where.

    Semeria: *yawn* Rome is aware of certain species of mice that fight better than your men, do not make us laugh. Your message simply lines my birdcage.


    • To Rome: Contray to your belief you are losing this war. contray to your belief majority of Greenlanders wish to be with in the UNIFIED EMPIRE. Contray to your belief this is the case. We have offered a fair and just settlement like before, and the time before that, but you continue to spit it back into our faces. The offer is as it stands. Accept it.

      To Poland and the Etruscans (secret): We thank you for the support you have given but the peace the Romans offer is not fair the talk about

      Can you see where it is good and equal. This is the one they offered to Wiscounsinites. It shows nothing about giving Iceland a land that the Polish have helped defend admirably back to the rightful owners. No ports to be given in America to Europeans. Only American ports in Europe. It tells nothing of the wants of the people on the ground or cares nothing about preventing future conflict that will occur if this is accepted. I urge you reconsider and help us gain the equitable peace we all deserve.

      Wisconsin: We have devised a plan that might bring about peace. Listen to it and if you like it well pass it along to The Druid.

      - The current borders in Greenland are fine.

      - We give Wisconsin two ports in Greenland. We give Oregon one port in Greenland. We give Texas one port in Greenland (yet to be founded however). Rome and Brazil split a port city.

      -You keep your current Iceland colony and give Rome one port.

      Any improvements/comments/suggestions?
      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


      • Poland supports the Peace.

        TRhe Etruscians admit that they were simply sick of war and will take any peace.
        Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


        • Ethopia has finished the training and equipment of the People of our empire. As a result of this our men are not only some of the best equiped fighting men but also among the elite of the world. Our border with the Congo has been secured and Connected to the rest of the Empire.

          To Further protect the border with the Congo (aka The Congo Line)3/4's of our army has been moved to that border.
          The Majority of the rest has been sent to Arabia For protection. Any Further growth there will be considered in the Future.
          Orders Attached with the units Marching West(Secret)
          Those Forces Currently Defending the Border will continue to do so. Those Marching East have authorization to invade in one years Time. Propoganda Campaign to begin warning the Congo of the consequence of resistance.


          To Congo: You failed to respect our towns when they were celebrating the life of our former King. We are still awaiting the reperations for the families of the dead and those who had children as a result of your 'men'. These must be delivered to our empire within a year or else.

          To Egypt: (delivered on Semaphor so therfore secret) We shall attack the Congo from the South-west and West in a years time if reperations are not paid.


          • Well that obviously wasn't meant for you but that’s OK. We'll break it down for you.

            We understand the Druid are a bit slow when compared to the skillful Americans, but messages clearly marked WISCONSIN: are not meant for the Druid. When you see a message like that ignore it until you see Druid: or All: or even ones that say nothing at all.

            Reread what I just wrote. Reread it again. And once more. Got it? No, read it again. before you respond read it once more. Need to see it in French? ne répondez pas aux messages que dit "TO wisconsin:"


            • ((OOC: Sheep, quit reading the secret messages and responding to them, it is blatantly against the rules, and eliminates ALL aspects of fun from the story, turning it into a cheater's folly, and you are the cheater.

              My previous statement still stands, you're a notch above idiot and losing ground rapidly Sheep.

              Cinna, until we have some assurance that Sheep will be punished for reading our secret transcripts, please PM me diplomacy.))

              Wisconsin to Druids: Your terms are not acceptable, however we are willing to offer a new proposal.

              Wisconsin Peace proposal terms:

              1. The peaceful settling of Greenland-

              -A. The isle of Greenland will be rebuilt by all parties participating in the war.
              --i. This is a first priority because of the coming winter.
              --ii. Wisconsin will provide materials if other nations provide labor.
              -B. The people of Greenland will become an independant nation.
              -C. To keep both sides of the conflict from re-taking the Island, every participating nation will maintain a military base in the Areas most friendly to their nation. (approximate area of Sheep's map division, but no nation will have control)
              -D. Any nation who has citizens wishing to migrate to Greenland may do so, however; any nation attempting to increase their territory in Greenland will immediately find himself at war with all nations involved with this peace process.

              2. Iceland

              -A. The Wisconsinite Citadel in Iceland will be given to the Polish to use as they see fit, this is in recognition of the selfless sacrifice they made against the Wisconsinites, we were impressed.
              -B. The remainder of Iceland will remain Druid, as a majority of it was untouched by the Druids.

              3. Voting for the treaty

              This treaty will be accepted with a majority vote on each side, NOT a unanimous vote.

              Voting Nations on the American Side ((nations involved with the war, if there is another who fought, then they too will have a vote)) : Wisconsin (by proposing this must vote yes)
              Brazil (yeah, they didn't fight, but did send troops to die)

              Voting Nations on the European Side ((Same spiel about forgetting nations)) :
              Druid Britain

              4. Miscelanny

              -A. Piracy in the atlantic will be stopped.
              --i. Nations practicing piracy after this treaty is approved will be subject to the following:
              Legal Counterpiracy
              Invasion by any nation
              An embargo by all nations on this treaty
              --ii. Raiding peaceful villiages is the same as piracy.
              --iii. To give some nations currently practicing piracy a windfall, they will be given (24hrs real time) to halt their nation's piracy programs, however; should the nation continue to practice piracy actively within that time period, this clause becomes null and the consequences of piracy will be legal.
              --iv. Use of the word "Yaaargh" and its other forms will still be encouraged amongst sailors and other surly fellows, however; because we're to scared to change it.

              American vote: 1
              European vote: 0
              (i'll update the treaty in my orders posts so you guys don't have to keep coming here)
              First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
              Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


              • OOC: I should not have expanded at all in the last update, and I should not in the next one either.

                Ingevidian merchants have begun traveling thorughout Africa and Eurasia, and are bringing a very wide variety of goods back home. ALso, wehrever they go, the are spreading tales of the Republic and their religion. As a result, a few tiny tribes in Africa and Siberia have become republics and adopted a religion similar to that of Ingevidia.

                With the construction of the Great Wall nearly complete, the Republican Guard has been created to defend it. The REpublican Guard is the elite of the elite of the Ingevidian Army. They are mainly defensive and comprise of a mainly infantry as well as a good number of crude siege devices (when we reach the next era they will be replaced by catapults) and a few cavalry and elephants. The infantry spends much of its time on top of the Wall and in its towers, watching for any attacks. More infantry and the non-infantry forces stay behind the Wall and guard certain areas, especially the gates. If you couldn't tell, this is Ingevidia's first UU.

                A new religion, Neomoralism, is rising in Ingevidia. Based on the ancient religion of civman2000 before the Jerr Revolution, this religion urges peace, an end to some of the corrupt practices of the merchants, and an end to god worship. They believe the government should be reduced to just the Assembly and the Council of the Eleven, and that the other positions on the High COuncil and the Kings should be removed. This religion has not been officially banned but is facing local persecution. However, they have manage to convert a member of the High Counicl (one of teh Eleven of civman2000) and 6 members of the Assembly.

                Orders: Finish Great Wall, hopefully triggering Golden Age (SKILORD say whether it does or not). Continue building improvements, roads, etc.


                • To: Incaland
                  From: Tierra del Fuego

                  Once again you ignore us, we expect an immediate answer, or this time we will not take it so lightly anymore, we, in Tierra del Fuego, never liked when people ignored us.

                  (OOC: Also SKILORD, is it only me, or are you not updating the first page )

                  "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                  The trick is the doing something else."
                  — Leonardo da Vinci
                  "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                  "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                  • To Wisconson: That treaty seems fair to us, we accept.
                    Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                    Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                    President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                    • ALL: Rome does not accept the treaty as is for reasons that will be discussed privately. We really have only one major qualm that needs to be addressed.


                      • Greece thinks that Wisconsin's proposal is a good one and will support it if all other nations do as well, however, if there is not unanimous support for it among other countries we will not accept it, due to the clear disadvantage to us if we accept it but others don't; especially concerning the provisions about the so-called 'piracy', which we prefer to call 'resource reallocation'.
                        Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                        • The Semerians will fully support her friends the Druids and the Polish in whatever decision they make. We are sick of the insults coming from the Americas, and will use all force to avenge our people's moral. This was a direct insult to our army and people from the Roman scum, and will not be forgot in the near future.

                          To Egypt
                          From Semeria

                          We shall supply you with a dozen ships in return for 5,000 golden pieces (a boost in my economy), and a promise that you shall not copy the designs, resell the products, or resell designs for the ships.

                          ADDITION TO ORDERS
                          Majority will be pmed.
                          If Egypt Agrees, build a dozen more Golden Ships and sell them to the Nile.
                          "Your a Mod not a God" - AnarchyRulz
                          MOD of StJNES4, JNES: The War of the World
                          JNESIV: Some Things Should Never Die


                          • ok, now knowing i cant send Skilord a PM, I need to talk to you, skilord, lol.

                            I may just send it to you on Civfanatics.

                            "Your a Mod not a God" - AnarchyRulz
                            MOD of StJNES4, JNES: The War of the World
                            JNESIV: Some Things Should Never Die


                            • We do not accept the treaty of the Wiscounsinites. First of all Greenland under our rule has complete local autonomy and has say in the High Council. Secondly NO part of Iceland is to be taken from the Unified Empire. We still put forward our own proposal. But until accepted we shall continue the fight.
                              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                              • SKILORD cannot post, he's asked me to tell everyone, hopefully he will be up soon
                                First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                                Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...

