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GDNES2 - The Age of War (2nd Thread)

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  • From France:
    To Austria:
    As in the terms we agreed to, all African colonies except for those ceded to Germany\Russia and Mauritania go to you.

    To Ottomans: We are initiating such a project as well. We would like to coorperate with you and Italy on this.

    From Federated New Republic:
    To Russia: We have no qualm with your claim on the Congo. We wish for peace with you.

    To Germany: We will see Chad, Niger, and Central Africa to you, you have already conquered them. We wish for peace with you.

    To Asutria: We'll see you in hell.

    Talks have begun to reunite the Federated New Republic and ease their belligerant stance. Some success has been met, but more time will be needed before the wounds will heal.

    The French people begin returning from Italy, back to their homes. The government has regained calm control in the territory that it currently controls, and is making preparations to return to Paris.

    French Stats:
    Army: Very Large
    Navy: Very Large
    Air Force: Small
    Economy: Prosperous
    Personal Anti-Tank Rockets: Complete
    Monoplane development: 2 Years
    Aircraft Carrier Development: 3.5 Years
    "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
    Former President, C3SPDGI


    • To: France
      That sounds good to us.

      Aircraft Carrier Development: 3.5 Years quicker if Italy joins in.
      Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
      Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
      President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


      • January 1924

        To: Germany
        From: Denmark

        Thank you, we will allow you to build a new military base in Iceland

        To: Germany
        From: Holland

        Apparently we have no other chioce than to surrender, we accept of giving up Indonesia to you, but we want to be fully independent, we don't want to be another Denmark

        To: Germany
        From: Indonesia

        Thank you, your people shall receive our eternal gratitude, and we will gladly sign an alliance as soon as you allow us indepence.

        To: Czar
        From: Rebels

        We are coming for you

        To: USA
        From: Quebecois

        Thank you for your help.

        To: USA
        From: Canadians

        Go away, we don't you here, we are happy under the commonwealth, we don't want to be the slaves of the USA


        Rebellions in Africa
        In almost all the old French colonies, the natives have rebeled to gain their independence, some of them still believe that they are still under French rule, some other instead sent a delegations to Germany, Austria and Russia asking to have their indepence recognized by them.
        This are the countries who formally asked for independence:

        Swedish revolters blow up government building in Stockholm
        The Swedish have joined in the many Russian rebellions to try to gain their independence back, the Palace of the Governor of Stckholm have been bolwned up and 3 Russian functionaries have perished in the attack.
        However the Russian Guards have captured and immediatly executed those who did that.

        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
        The trick is the doing something else."
        — Leonardo da Vinci
        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


        • To: Ottoman
          From: Italy

          What part of Spain do you want, we have already said we would like the Catalan Coast (Eastern Coast)

          To: Ottoman, France
          From: Italy

          We will join in as well, that Plane carrying boat seems a very good idea.

          To: Britain
          From: Italy

          You have our full support in your war, we shall send our best trained troops to Canada to help you

          To: USA
          From: Italy

          We have been very friendly during all these times, even protecting you by your "new allies", and now you betray our friends in such a manner, Italy formaly declares war on you.


          Italian Projects
          Enlarge the Navy (to Huge): 0,5 years (1 days)
          Enlarge Army: 2 years (4 days)


          Italian Stats
          Name: Kingdom of Italy
          Head of state: King Vittorio Emanuele III
          Prime Minister: Giolitti
          Government: Monarchy
          Economy: Prosperous
          Army: Very Large
          Navy: Very Large
          Air Force: Medium
          MPP: Emperor's League, Balkan Alliance

          Italian Positions toward countries:
          Russia: Friendly (allied)
          Germany: Friendly (allied)
          Austria-Hungary: Very Friendly (allied)
          Ottoman Empire: Best Friend (allied, trading)
          UK: Friendly (allied)
          France: Friendly
          Japan: Friendly (trading)
          USA: War
          Brazil: Cool
          Argentina: Normal to all
          Cuba: Cool
          China: Normal
          Mexico: Cool
          Portugal: Normal

          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
          The trick is the doing something else."
          — Leonardo da Vinci
          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


          • To enemies of the US:
            Considering the last time we tried to stop US expansion, we had practically the entire eastern world declare war on us and send troops to our homelands. Did we not tell you then about the US capabilities and ambitions? Yet you declared war on us! why? because most of you were bored and wanted to get your hands dirty, you people started a world war and kept it fueled and going for numerous unnecessary years while Brazil pleaded for the end to the bloodshed. We will not get involved in this war, most european nations are selfish and manipulative, excluding Britain. Frankly, the Quebecois seem to want independence so I support their fight for freedom and the US's aid to them. However, Brazil minds its own business when it comes to such lands far from home, unlike other irrelevant nations of the world.

            To Britain:
            This is not our war. And we hope Brazillian-British relations will not get hampered by this. The US is no longer Brazil's enemy, and niether is Britian. Brazil does not want war.


            • Britain to Italy:

              many thanks

              Britain to Brazil:

              Although we disagree with your assessment, if that is your decision we won't pressure you. We also would like to maintain friendly relations, but it may be a moot point if the U.S. keeps expanding. And just for historical accuracy, we never declared war on you.

              EDIT (still IC) sure, just making certain you knew that.
              Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


              • To Britain:
                We know you didn't declare war on us. We didn't say you did.


                • To Britian:

                  These are our terms of peace. The Canadians are to be given indpendence under a new republican constituion. They are to have no formal ties to the British crown but other than that are free to carry out INDEPENDENT foreign policy

                  You are to recognise the independence of the former province of Qubec. The US gaurantees the right of the Republic of Qubec to exist.

                  Newfoundland and Nova Scotia will be returned to Britian. These are to be the only British possesions in the entire Americas.

                  To Italy: We only do this to prevent the QQubecois people and the people of America falling into European hands.

                  To Brazil: We understand your stance and welcome your friendship. However be advised that the North Atlantic Ocean has been declared a war zone and the US Navy is carrying out unresticted submarine warfare. Any Brazilian causalties will be compensated for, however we urge you not to risk your citizens.

                  To Venezula, Mexico, UCA and Cuba: I urge you to join me in this war and destoy European imperialism in the Americas once and for all! Once this is completed the American people will no longer be the agressors in a war and only seek to defend our god given rights.

                  To the Asian Tigers Alliance: I have close ties to the Japanese government and I urge you to assist me in the colossal project. European imperialism must come to an end. Africa is already lost as is large portions of Asia. However we can liberate the Asian landmass and bring freedom back to the peoples of the world.

                  To Australia, New Zealand, India and Ireland: I urge you to rise up against your oppressors and claim your rightful independence. It is long since due. The US will gaurantee this independence and will sign alliances with those nations who deem it necessary to throw off the shackles of British imperialism.

                  The American Navy continues to execisie the unrestricted submarine warfare. All supplies are cut off to Britian and the Canadian Army is severly under supplied. the British people are being starved, and riots may break out very soon.
                  Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                  Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                  Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                  • To Britain, Italy (secret):
                    I wish France to be joined with you in alliance. We will assist you in with the Canadian situation.
                    "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
                    Former President, C3SPDGI


                    • The Argentinian Navy has been almost entirely destroyed by a force of Socialist ships and bombers. Although ironically on land the navy's allies continue to make progress, the central organization of the navy has all but collapsed.


                      • To: Czar
                        From: Rebels

                        We are coming for you
                        Great stuff.


                        • britain to France (SECRET) :

                          certainly. We appreciate all and any help. Though we cannot speak for them, we suspect the Italians will also agree. Maybe (and we can't guarantee this, its just a possibility) if the Quebecois don't want to be part of the British Commonwealth, they will consider being part of a French commonwealth.

                          Britain to U.S.:

                          we would be willing to consider granting to Quebec similar conditions we granted to Ireland, but those would be negotiated between us and them, and as for the rest of Canada, under no circumstances will it become your puppet.

                          British shipyards and the navy in general are doing everything in their power to maintain control of the sea/prevent further U.S. sea expansion/regain control of sea/whatever (see below)

                          OOC: I think you're wrong about the cutting off suplies thing, but I'm not going to argue about it further. Giovanni can come up with a compromise.
                          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                          • TO France:
                            The peace treaty has been signed by the king and aproved by the Paraliment. We are glad to have ended this war.

                            Stance on American War and Colonies in Africa:
                            The Austrian Empire will not get inself involved in yet anther war. Our people are sick of war and we will now focus on economic and industrail devolopment of our homeland and the new colonies in Africa. The Africa colonies are given self rule. The King has promised that they will soon be indepent when the time is right, but wishes to help those nations by sending economic aid and starting of industrail projects in the new African colonies. In return for this and future independence, we would like to have resouces our nation needs.

                            To Russia:
                            We would like to help with putting down these rebellions as they undermind the authority of all ruling monachs in Europe. We incurge you to start reforms that will culm the people, and it has helped greatly with the rebellions that we are now facing.
                            Donate to the American Red Cross.
                            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                            • Germany - Diplomacy:

                              To France: Excellent. Control in your remaining teritory is being handed back to your administrators, and our troops will withdraw once you have set up a stable governemnt infrastructure that can maintain order without them (we will allow you to be the judge of this). If you require any help suppressing the Federated New Republic', we will be happy to provide it.

                              Also, we would be interested in acquiring some of these anti-tank rockets which you have developed. If you are willing to sell us some, we would be willing to reduce the amount of reparations required of you.

                              To Holland: You will remain an independant nation, so long as you do not do anything untoward in foreign affairs. If we wanted to make you 'another Denmark', we would have offered you the same terms as them.

                              To Austria (secret): We had no intention of retaining more colonies than we had agreed to keep, we were emrely ocucpying them in the absence of anyone else. We will withdraw upon request.

                              To Denmark: Excellent.

                              To Indonesia: With the war having come to a close, we are now making preparations to give you independance and help start off your development. We will be progressively turning over administration to you over the enxt three years, at the end of which time elections will be held. In the meantime, we will encourage investment in important areas of your economy to help them grow.

                              To Britain (secret): Given the fact that the USA has ignored our protests and persisted in attacking our shipping, along witht he fact that the French war is over, we are now deploying our fleet against the American one. This should free up some of your own ships for use against their homeland.(/secret)

                              To USA: Your continued attacks on our shipping throughout the North Atlantic are an act of war against Germany, and we are treating it as such. As of now, our fleet is ordered to sink American military vessels and submarines on sight, and will in future be escorting all international shipping in the Atlantic. We are giving you a furhter six months to end all attacks on shipping before we begin a blockade of your own trade.

                              Germany - Military Actions:

                              The German navy, with it's massive numerical and qualitative advantage over the American one, including the use of the first aircraft carriers, has now been deployed into the Atlantic to break the US submarine blockade. The presence of this massive force has allowed enough suppleis to get through to Britain to stave off starvation for some time to come.

                              Meanwhile, the German army deployed in Russia ahs been further reinforced by troops brought back from the war, and have crushed the revolt in the western Russia. A number of task forces have begun the process of pacifying Central Asia, while more are heading for Vladivostok via the Trans-Siberian Railroad.

                              Germany - Internal Affairs:

                              Having ntoed the recent wave of revolts across the world against unpopular regimes, the German government has decided to take steps to liberalize itself: more press freedom is being allowed, police survelliance is more restricted, and a two-chamber parlaiment has been adopted, witht eh lower house based on proportional representation and the upper house on regional electorates. The Prime Minister and Cabine thave now also been given more power, although the Kaiser still has the power to appoint and sack ministers and governments.

                              Meanwhile, German troops in Africa have crushed violent uprisings demanding independance, but indicated that theyw ere willing to talk if no violence was involved.

                              Germany - Projects:

                              The air force has now upgraded to Huge.

                              The German aircraft carrier project is now complete.
                              Germnay is now working on producing quality aircraft designed for them, and will have completed this in 1.5 years.

                              Indonesian development & independance: 3 years (6 days)

                              New Anti-Submarine Warfare equipment: 1 year (2 days)

                              Germany - Statistics (early 1925):

                              Army: Super-Power
                              Navy: Gigantic (upgrades to Imperial in 2.5 years (5 days))
                              Air Force: Huge
                              Space Fleet: N/A
                              Government: Constitutional Monarchy
                              Economy: World Leading
                              Other Projects:
                              Naval aircraft: 1.5 years (3 days)
                              Industrialize occupied territories: 1 year (2 days)
                              Demobilize economy: 0.5 years (1 day)
                              Indonesian development & independance: 3 years (6 days)
                              ASW: 1 year (2 days)

                              German Positions toward countries:
                              Italy: Very Friendly (allied)
                              Russia: Best Friends (allied)
                              Austria-Hungary: Friendly (allied)
                              Ottoman Empire: Friendly (allied)
                              UK: Friendly (allied)
                              France: Normal
                              Holland: Normal
                              Japan: Normal
                              USA: Undeclared war
                              Brazil: Friendly
                              Argentina: Normal
                              Cuba: Cold.
                              China: Normal
                              Mexico: Normal
                              Portugal: Friendly (allied)
                              Spain: Normal.


                              • OOC: Now that the French War is over, may I know exaclty which French colony went to who?

                                July 1924

                                To: US
                                From: Mexico

                                Give us California, Texas, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada, and we will hel you.

                                To: US
                                From: Venezuela

                                We shall help you fight the evil Europeans

                                To: US
                                From: UCA

                                No, we won't join in aggressive war

                                To: US
                                From: Japan and ATA

                                We don't want to fight the British, they are a good friends of us.

                                To: US
                                From: Ireland

                                We are already independent, and if we were to join this war, that would be on the British side, who so willingly allow us to peaceful have our independence, not with you.

                                To: US
                                From: India

                                Why should we have independence from Britain? considering that the British senate and congress have a very large Indian rapresentation, even larger than the English one, we are citizens of the Empire as well, and soon enough you'll see Indian soldiers marching to protect Canada as well.

                                To: US
                                From: New Zealand, Australia

                                You are right, is time for us to be free from the British empire

                                To: Germany
                                From: Holland

                                We shall agree to peace then


                                Revolts in Australia
                                The Australian people have rebeled against the British commonwealth of nations, and are asking for independence, the government building of Canberra have been destroyed by the mob, and major revolts have happened in the cities of Melbourne, Perth, Sydney and Brisbane.
                                The local police force struggle to keep the rebels on check.
                                Some minor revolts happened also in the southern island of New Zealand, however the rebels there did not have much success, and the protesting were over, and the local authorities have then decided to allow the Maori more rights, so to prevent any other similar rebellion.

                                Soviets suffer major defeat in Vladivostok
                                The Soviet dominated city of Vladivostok is now fully in German control, although the rebels, lead by the revolutionary leader, Vladimir Lenin, have managed to destry the Trans Siberian railroad, locking the German troops in Vladivostok unsupplied, meanwhile other major rebellions sparked in Helsinki, Oslo and Bergen (all in scandinavia) asking for the independence of Finland and Norway to be restored.
                                OOC: Frozzy, are you going to do something as well, or are you letting Germany do all the dirty job?

                                "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                                The trick is the doing something else."
                                — Leonardo da Vinci
                                "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                                "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio

