A few Changes: Canada should have A good peice of New England and a bit of Alaska. i can do it.
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SNESA 8: Ironclad
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Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land
Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land
To China:
We have our new differences. But I agree. Let us unite in destroying our common enemy. They are fools to think they can do what they did and get away with it!
Soviet forces reinvade the Caucasus, rather than one large mass, they form many smaller divisions with close air support. The combined fire power is too much for the Jihads. They move with complete speed, plans already drawn out before the offensive to limit enemy interceptance of transmissions of the plans. 500,000 men is believed to be the offensive force, but the way it is divided and carried out is difficult to be certain.
With the current threats in the world, the USSR begins a project for a new Anti-Ballistic Missile system that will defend Russian soil from nuclear weapons. The Soviets combine with the Warsaw pact allies in developing this new system.
Project: primitive capabilities 6-9 years, fully operational, maybe 10-12 years, depending on priorities.
Russian oil companies begin drilling in Alaska. Also upgrading capabilities of current petroleum fields in Siberia.
Polish territory in America has now accepted Polish Rule, volunteer armies are growing with fervor in the Southeastern US and Mexico, local militias are itchy to connect their plots of land, and have begun to purchase old military equipment, and are hiring veteran Polish troops as drill sargeants.
Poland is making the world aware of the vigilanteism in their American Territory, noting that although these men and women are Polish citizens, they do not represent the wishes of the empire; however, should they invade successfully on behalf of Poland, the occupation of the newly captured territories will be done by Polish regulars.
Poland sends troops and supplies to aid the Russians against the Band of Jihad, noting. "We are brethren, Poland and Russia, without one the other has no blood, withought the other, one has less clout.
Poland wishes to work with Russia in the development of an ABM system.Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer
To Russia: We would like to offer our help in your fight against the Band of Jihad. We would also like to join in the ABM research.
To China: We would like to offer our help in your fight against the Band of Jihad.
To Japan: We would like to sign a trade agreement with you.
France- Domestic Affairs
- The French Space Agency will be doing several more scientific manned missions to the moon over the next few years.
- Egyptian troops were spotted amassing in northern Morocco near the Straits of Gibraltar, as if they were planning an attack on Spain. Our forces are being depolyed in the area as to prevent an attack.
France- Statistics (1971)
Huge Army
Large Navy
Large Airforce
Small Nukes (Medium in 3 years)
Govt: Socialist Democracy
President: Jean-Paul d'Avignon (Jonny)
Tech Level: Early Modern
MPP's: Warsaw Pact
War: none
To Japan(secret):
We are already allies, with Canada as well.
We have an army of 10 million men massed in the region. Our airforce is also in postion. We can overwhelm the defenders easily. We will begin the attack with the next few months. The rebels will soon be dead.
To Poland:
We oppose any expansion of your lands in the Americas. Be warned.
Germany - Diplomacy:
To Warsaw Pact (secret): Due to our concerns about the Band nuclear threat, we cannot assist you directly in your dispute with them, but we will provide covert assistance, and we will make sure that any pro-Band activity in Iraq is mercilessly crushed.
Germany - Internal Affairs:
Preparations are almost complete for next year's elections in Iraq, with the ILD being the only major contender against an array of smaller parties. All indications are that they will follow the Turkish model if elected.
Meanwhile, in Turkey, the government has restructured the army after the ambitious C-in-C attempted a military coup. The army has been renamed the National Army of Turkey and Kurdistan, or NATAK for short. It has beene ffectively integrated into the German miltiary by subordinating it's own High Command to the German General Staff.
[b]Germany - Espionage (secret):[/quote]
Germany has begun a program of covertly funding paramiltiaries and militias throughout Egypt and other remaining Band territory. They are under isntructions to attack government and miltiary targets and cause maximum disruption within the Band governments. Using modern weapons against the outdated equipment of the Band members, tehy have thus far met with no inconsiderable success.
Germany - Military Actions:
German troops have moved up to the Egyptian border and are constructing heavy fortifications to defend against a Band invasion.
Germany - Statistics (1971):
Large Army
Large Navy
Large Air Force
Medium Nukes
Nuclear Defence: 7 years.
Space Program: See France.
Satellites: Medium communication satellites; upgrades to many in 1 year.
Economy: Booming (upgrades to World Leading in 1 year)
Govt: Social Democracy
Leader: GeneralTacticus
Tech Level: Mid Modern
MPP's: India
Other Treaties: European Free Trade Pact
War: None.
The government of MCCP has finally decided on the new Confederated flag, which will be raised avor all government buildings
Here it is:
The Blue background simbolizes the Mediterranen Sea, which gave the name to the Confederation.
The 5 strips, which cut the flag in two, simbolizes the many ethnicities living in the Confederation, and each color has a particular meaning as well
Black = Courage
Yellow = Freedom
Green = Hope
White = Peace
Red = Social Equality
The Star of Communism have been placed in the lower left corner, while in the Upper Right corner you can see the constellation of Hercules, the ancient Greek hero and mith, simbolizing the strenght of the new nation.
(OOC: cool eh?)
MCCP Military
Army: Large
Navy: Huge
Air Force: Very Large
Nukes: None
MCCP Statistics
Government: Marxist Repubblic
Structure: Confederation
President: Giacomo Leoni
Capitals: Athens, Rome
Territories: Italian Peninsula, Balkans
Population: About 100 Milion
Economy: Stable
MCCP Projects:
Enlarge Navy: 5 years
Build few nukes: 12 years"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio