To britain: Our comments are based on threats of the United State of British naval backing, until they realize that England will not fight the war for them, we cannot rest at ease.
Concerning Aruba: Cuban agents (not troops) coerced the citizens to join Cuba, Cuba has not declared formal war on the Netherlands, rather they are acting within the guidlines of the Cuban constitution. However, should france get extremely uppity about a small carribean island, Cuba will grant the isle a choice of popular sovereignty, and let the people decide their own fate. Surely a democratic nation such as france and/or the Netherlands can agree to this.
Concerning Aruba: Cuban agents (not troops) coerced the citizens to join Cuba, Cuba has not declared formal war on the Netherlands, rather they are acting within the guidlines of the Cuban constitution. However, should france get extremely uppity about a small carribean island, Cuba will grant the isle a choice of popular sovereignty, and let the people decide their own fate. Surely a democratic nation such as france and/or the Netherlands can agree to this.