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GDNES2 - The Age of War
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The American government to owns Hawaii and this will be returned. We will not pay any reperations nor be forced to trade with anyone, however such is the system of the American economy that we do not tell it what to do.
The American Amry continues to drive Latino forces out of continental USA. Brazilian forces are forced to withdraaw from Florida to Cuba. The first US army groups begin to arrive in Central America liberating them from Latino occupation. In Mexico the US government offically remains neutral, however backs its allies Italy and the Ottoman Empire. The Navy lifting the blockade of the Western coast forces The Latino navies south. At the battle of the Galapagos Islands Latino fleets are severly beaten back.
To Britian: We appluad your peace efforts. May we start trade again soon. The peoples of the United States and Canada will live in peaceful harmony from now on. As a toke of our goodwill we offer 500,000 dollars to the Canadian government for comepnstation to our inavsion of His Majesty's territory.
To Brazil and Argentina: We still offer peace but on our terms. We wish for the Central Americans to have a vote. They will be independent. Hawaii and Alaska are to remain ours. All nations occupied by you are to be regiven their independence. You armies are to be limited by treaty. You are to have no airplanes or submarines. There will be no reperations. We take this sterner view in consideration of your unwillingness to make peace in the past.Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
Britain to U.S.:
we are happy to have peaceful relations again, but we must urge you not to assume that you can now order other nations around as you are attempting with Brazil and Argentina. Just as we didn't support an overly penalizing peace against you when you were down, we don't support you trying to do the same to other nations. It is not right, and most importantly, there will never be peace if both sides continue demanding unreasonable concessions from each other. The pendulum of fate has an unpredictable path, just as the recent seeming reversal in the situation has indicated. You should accept peace while at the hight of your fortune, lest you are forced to when things aren't going so well and you are in a less favorable bargaining position.Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
To Britian: We offer much, yet the Lationos do not agree. Until they do we will offer less and less. They are wise to accept no before they get asked more of them. We want peace but we will not suffer because of others lack of intentions.Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
Cuba to the world: As you have seen, the Cubano Carribian Nation has tried to come up with a very fair compromise for the war that rages around her. A war that is almost certain to come to Cuban shores with further escalation. Cuba asks all nations to aid her peoples in preparation and arming for a defensive war.
As long as the United States does not allow the peaceful withdrawl of Brazilian forces and POWs, Cuba cannot support the U.S. and asks the rest of the world to follow suit. Additionally, until the Brazilian troops are allowed to peaceably withdraw, Brazilian ships still have access to Cuban ports. Argentinian, and U.S. ships NO LONGER HAVE THIS LUXURY, and will not have it until the fighting stops.
The United States has claimed more than 750,000 Prisoners of War, which have since disappeared, should harm have befallen these men, the United States is in direct violation of the rules of warfare, and, lest all nations wish to see their captured be killed in the event of future war, punishment by international tribunal should be enacted.
Cuba expresses anger at the United States' use of the following words and phrases: Latinos, Latino, and tinpot emperors. These terms are diplomatically inappropriate, and racially biased. If the United States wishes a war with Latin America, that is one thing, because this language does nothing but escalate conflict.
Argentina has shown NO desire for peace under reasonable terms. The Argentinian government has taken a war over Central America and turned it into a land grab in North America! The United States has relinqueshed any control they once held in Central America, thus the initial purpose for the war has been resolved, the objective is complete, AA won the objective. Argentina should NOT demand reparations for an invasion which they fought on the soil of the United States; however, it could best be analogized to a bully beating up a schoolchild and then demanding milk money. Argentina has shown no desire for peace, only land or money.
Brazil is the only hope Cuba sees in the resolution of this conflict. If Brazil withdraws, Cuba sees a swift end to this war. We urge Brazil to work hard for peace. Cuba recognizes that the North Americans have some outrageous demands, and their racist comments only fuel the fires of rage in Latin American hearts, but it is in the best interest of all nations concerned that we achieve peace, for with peace comes prosperity.
To All American Countries (secret): We must resolve this conflict quickly, the hounds of Europe are licking their imperialist chops in regards to our nations. The sooner we can end this war, the sooner we may prosper!
Cuban military orders (passed 98-2)
Upgrade Army to Large in order to better protect Cuba. (1.5 years)
Improve Infantry Tactics and Weaponry to the level of the most advanced powers in the world. (3.5 years)
Secret: Agents to Central America to help incite the people to a Cuba-friendly government. They don't have the money of Europe, but they are better able to communicate with the people, and their message spreads faster and more effectively because of it. Cuban weapons will be supplied to pro-Cuba guerilla groups.
((Giovanni, we'll see your impartiality with this call))
Naval Improvements (6 Years).
Cuba's stats with Nations of the World.
Argentina: Neutral
USA: Neutral
Brazil: Cordial
Britain: Annoyed
France: Annoyed
Ottoman Empire: Annoyed ((we're not on your thing like this))
Other European Nations with intent to intervene: Hostile
Mexico: Supportive of Democratic groups
Central America: Supportive
((OOC: I pointed out flaws in both sides of the American conflict in the hopes of resolving it, not to make nearby enemies. Obviously I am aware that any one of these nations could easily invade Cuba, but it was fun ranting.))Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer
United States Stats:
Army: Huge
Navy: Large
Air Force: Small
Economy: Growing once more
Culture: Growing
Confidence: All Faithful and Enthusiasitic
Current Status on War: Winning, only northern Dakota is under occupation and that is soon to not be with Latino Armies losing supply routes.
United States Diplomatic Stances
Argentina: At War
Cuba: At War (you declared war on me remember)
Brazil: At War
Britian: Cool , at Peace but still largely mistrustful
France: Icy
Russia: Neutral
Germany: Neutral
Austria: Enthusaistic
Italy: Worshipful (Allied)
Ottoman: Worshipful (Allied)
Japan: Icy (Allied)
China: Neutral
Mexico: Neutral (both sides)
Rest of Carrabean: Supportive
Central America: Supportive trying to liberateDon't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
To Cuba: Either sign peace with the United States give up all claims to the Carrabean they are to be independent and we shall spare your nationhood. We do not despise you but your continuing defamation will not be tolerated. All POWs are cared for and however any US POW executed by Latino troops will be followed by 1 Latino executed and 2 put into hard labour. Until normiliastion of our relations we place a full blockae on your island. The Carrabean has been liberated by American troops and the people of the islands welcome us. Cuba will not lead or be a part of the New Carrabean Union.
The United States is whole once more. We have declared a full blockade of the South American coasts and the invasion in Dakota has surrendered giving the USA a futher 1.5 million POWs. This is due to the loss of supply routes once Britian ceased her support of the warmongering Latino American Alliance.
The tinpot Emperor's have 1 month (2 hours RL) to surrender or face full invasion. We find this ample time, considering their proffessed want of peace. We regret having to use such heavy handed tactics and will help all citizens of the enemy nation who don;t become agent provocateurs. However we will not allow to have this war continue indefinently and therefore are required to take action.Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
((OOC: REALITY POLICE: Sheep, you cannot give a two hour time limit when the everyone but you is asleep))
Cuba wishes the world to see the imperialism of the United States returning once more. Now it is North America which will be invading the south, both sides have now proven that their talk of peace is B.S.Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer
To Cuba: It is only your decleration of war and your continued insults that find you in your situation. We will not invade Cuba nor occupy any of Central America after the war. However neither will you.
occ: Who cares everyone does it to me.Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
To the US: We will never accept any peace in which we must give up something. This is a position shared by all of us except the extreme branches of the Socialist and Marxist parties.
To teh World: Hahaha the US has declared a blockade but you might notice we still have naval supremacy in the Caribbean, Central-east Pacific, and Center-West Atlantic. To paraphrase one of the US's past leaders, "Teddy Roosevelt has made his blockade; now let him enforce it!"
The president of Argentina has been assassinated. The Conservatives and Reformists have accused the Marxists; the Liberal Coalition has accused nonpartisan anarchist groups. The new president is a Reformist. Anti-Marxist riots rage in many cities, and overall public opinion is now leaning towards the Conservative Coalition.
In teh Caribbean, Argentinian and Brazilian ships have successfully pushed the US navy east or into harbors. The entire Gulf COast is now under a very heavy blockade (and Argentinian ships have come out of Cuba)
To the US: These will be the peace terms:
1. Central America will be independent under the government of the Central American Confederacy. Under our supervision this government will be in place in 18 months. If you think it will be biased towards us, you are free to come and investigate.
2. Your territory will consist of: the lower states (were there all 48 by now?), Alaska, Hawaii, and a few other little islands in the pacific.
3. You will limit your navy and airforce size each to medium. We will limit our army to large, and our airforce to small.
4. You will pledge to never meddle in Latin American affairs or in any way attempt to gain control over any oart of the region (in effect, renounce your beloved "Roosevelt Corollary"). If you do so then all Latin American nations will be entitled by this treaty to declare war on you. By international law, you will be considered the "starter" of such a war.
5. You will never call any legitimate democratic government a "tinpot emperor" or anything similar. This will also be a cause for war against you for all of Latin America.
After the announcement of the treaty proposed by the new president, many Unionists have returned to the Reformist party. Still, the composition of COngress will depend on the US's response.
To Ecuador: Why don't you join the Brazilian Republic? It would be a wonderful step towards the unification of Latin America.
Argentinian projects etc. (Bold means Giovanni should look at):
Economy->Stable: 1.5 years
Army->Huge: 2 years
Provisional Central American government to set up permanent government: 1.5 years
Argentinian Diplomatic Postitions (in parentheses are Congress's positions):
Russia: Normal (Normal)
Germany: Normal (Cool)
Austria-Hungary: Cool (Cold)
Ottoman Empire: Cool (Friendly)
UK: Cool (Normal)
France: Limited Alliance, Friendly (Normal)
Japan: Friendly (Friendly)
USA: Very Very angry (Cool)
Brazil: Full Alliance, Very Friendly (Very Very Very Friendly)
Venezuela: Full Allaince, Friendly (Very Very Very Friendly)
China: Normal
Mexico: Friendly to government (Friendly to revolutionaries)
Ecuador: Cool (Normal)
Central America: protecting independence, Very Friendly (Very Very Friendly)
Cuba: Friendly (VEry Very Friendly)
To Argentina: Here are our terms of peace. its funny that you mention the Atalantic, isnt that an American ship sailing past Beunos Aires right now? I think it is!
1. Central America will be independent under the government of the Central American Confederacy. there is to be no Latino Supervision
2. Your territory will consit of RL Argentina. No gains are to be kept. All South American republics you have oevrrun will be indpendent
3. You will limit you army to large and your navy to meduim. We will not.
4. You will never again meddle in US politics. We will not meddle in yours. Any invasions will result in war started by you
5. You will never call any legitimate democratic government a "tinpot emperor" or anything similar. This will also be a cause for war against you for all of Latin America. This does not entail the current tinpot regimes that rule Brazil and Argentina.
As you can see my friend two can play at this game. I have the upper hand. 90% of your land forces were in the United States. Without the continue duppkly they have all surrenderd. You are hardly in the postion to dictate terms. Now it is up to ytou to accept peace on my terms or suffer invasion until you too. I have offered too much for too long. You should of taken it when you had the chance.Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
occ: I have liberated the Central American Republic from your oppression. The new government has been installed and the Union is beginning to flourish.
To Italy, Austria and Turkey: I ask you to help me now brothers the Latinos will not accept peace. The Gulf Coast is under blockade which although has little effect still startles the population. We ask for help against the warmongering fools in South AmericaDon't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
OOC: You can claim you got us out of teh mainland US quickly but I refuse to accept that you could quickly defeat our navies. We still control Central America and much of the Caribbean.
To the US: I fail to see how there could be "no Latino supervision" of CEntral America for teh people of the country are all Latinos! These are our new (and last) peace terms:
1. There will be a cease-fire while we negotiate peace.
2. We will withdraw our troops from CEntral America, and the government will continue to be set up independent of anyone's supervision. If, howeer, the government collapses within 2 years, we reserve the right to return and restore order. After that, neither of us will be allowed to put troops in CEntral America without its permission.
3. We will keep Chile, Paraguay, and Bolivia. Taking these away from us would be like taking Alaska and Hawaii away from you.
4. There will be no limits on military size for either of us.
5. If you meddle in Latin American politics, we will have the right to declare war on you. If we meddle in Anglo American politics, you will have the right to declare war on us.
6. If you ever call any democratic government a tinpot emperor, you will be a known liar that belives "democracy" means "a government that is friendly to us" and we will NEVER EVER make peace with the current US government.
To teh US and World: We challenge the US to produce a single peace of evidence that we or Brazil or Cuba are ruled by a "tinpot emperor." Until they have done so every nation in the world that believes in democracy has no reason NOT to go to war with them.
AS the US continues to refuse to accept a reasonable peace, the Conservative Coalition now has full control of Argentina again. Also, there as been record recruitment, and the Argentinian army is very large once again despite its earlier losses.
To Argentina: We find these terms acceptable except for the 3rd one. Alaska and Hawaii were brought or chose to join the United States. Chile, Paraguay and Bolivia did not. Leting you keep would be like me being allowed to keep Panama, Belize and Guatemala. Therefore unless you rectify this and make these nations independent we will have to fight on. And yuou know this is a fight you cannot win.Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.