goober's my friend, due to an aol mistake with cookies, at my house or his house we can only log in under gooberboob, so he writes stories and I play NESes
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GDNES2 - The Age of War
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To World:
France strongly condemns the invasions into the American homeland. The issue surrounding the war does not call for invasion. French ships will assist in a blockade and trade embargo. This was our only purpose in declaring war.
Any further aggresion against the now defeated United States by any nation will have severe consequences.
I beleive that America has proposed reasonable terms. All are at fault in this conflict, so we shall go back to the ways things were with Central America retaining its right to choose their course of action. We beleive this to be a victory. Thus, as soon as other nations accept these terms, we will consider hostilities ended.
ooc: I thought Giovanni was supposed to resolve combats, eh?"The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
Former President, C3SPDGI
Thud: No, combats are left to be roselved by the good sense of each player, otherwise I would just make Italy win every wars
Sheep: Please stay, this was becoming a good NES and if you leave it wouldn't be very good. About the War I must say that even if it is a trench warfare, it would be very unlikely that the US could resist so much time against many nations (Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, France, Britain and later Russia, Cuba and France again) the US was still not very powerful at the time, as at the time they had many debts with the Europeans nations, and the only way they could take the world leadership was during WW1, while all Euros were destroying each other, and the US could continue to prosper, canceled their debts with Europe and in the end become a creditor, but right now Britain and France would still be much more powerful than the US, although, I must admit that the US citizens would create a very high resistance, and thanks to the "right to bear arms" it would be very costly for somebody to invade the US.
Goober: I don't know if you are a DL of Metaliturtle, don't want to know, and don't give a damn about that, Just play, if you are a DL the moderators will take care of it.
And now.. let's keep on playing (with Sheep too I hope)
White Nations: January 1910
To: Argentina
From: Spain
We don't want to get involved in this American affaires, we won't join the war
To: France
From: Switzerland
We believe that no nation would ever think of invading us, it would just cost them too many troops, we are highly trained, and we defend a montaneous terrain, who in the world would invade us. We believe that our neutrality will not be violated.
Therefore we decline your alliance offer, and we thank you very much for it.
To: France
From: Portugal
As a new Repubblic (ehy thud.. good timing on this: see events) we agree that an alliance with you would be the best, although we would sign only a defensive alliance with BENEDEFRA, any aggression made by one of our members to another country would be condemned by the Portuguese government.
To: France
From: Spain
No... we will not become a French vassal
To: France
From: Belgium
We will consider your union proposal.
To: Ottoman
From: China
We will welcome a free trade agreement with you only on agricultural products, we can not extend it to Industrial products too, as our Industry is weak, and it would not be able to survive foreign competition.
- Revolution in Portugal
King Manuel II flees aboard his yacht to Gibraltar (dies in exile in Britain, 1932). A republican government, under the leadership of Dr. Thephilo Braga, takes power, confiscating Church property, expelling members of Catholic orders, and banning religious education in schools
- Russia annexes Finland
Finland, hitherto a nominally independent country under Russian control, is annexed as a regular Russian province. The members of the Duma greet the news with the words "Finis Finlandiae!" ("The end of Finland!").
Saluti"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
To: Italy
The war goes well to help to keep it that way are will to help you develop Aircraft.
To: China
We will agree to that.
The Emporer of the Ottoman Federation has started an inisutive to indutrialize the Ottoman empire.
The Ottoman Federation has started to inlarge the navy it will be large in 1.5 years.
The Ottoman Federation has started to search for oil as it see it may need it later. (complete in 1 year)
The war goes well have made large gains in Serbia and Greece. It should end in 1 or 2 years to finish.
The Emporer of the Ottoman Empire has started an inisutive to indutrialize the Ottoman empire.
The Ottoman Empire is working on making a working flying mechean based off the Wright Brothers work. Has been completed.
Diplomatic status:
Afganistan: Protectorit
Persia: Part of the Ottoman empire
UK: Normal (Trade)
France: Friendly (Trade)
Italy: Very Friendly (Allied, Trade)
Germany: Normal (Allied)
Russia: Normal (Allied)
Austria-hungary: Normal
China: Normal
Japan: Friendly (Trade)
USA: Normal
Brazil: Normal
Argentinia: Normal
Mexico: None
National Status:
Ottoman Empire (light blue)
Ruler: Nimitz
Army: Very Large
Navy: Medium > Large(1.5 years (3 days))
Air Force: Tiny
Space Fleet: N/A
Government: Federal Monarchy
Economy: Growing
MMP: Emperors AllianceJoin the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires
OOC: No offense, Sheep, but afaik most people would consider you to be the #1 ruiner of NESs. Still, I would like you to stay in the game. And I doubt trench warfare would result from the invasion, because there's so much space to maneuver through.
ARgentinian troops, in a desperate attack, ahve captured Washington. The Vice President and many other leaders were captured, but Roosevelt escaped.
To Britain (SECRET): Get your navy to the coast of Washington, i want our hostages in Canada before they get rescued.
To the US: Surrender or many of your leaders will suffer in our prisons for the rest of their lives.
Britian to Argentina (SECRET):
Giovanni, would you please respond for South Africa and New Zealand as to whether they will accept other concessions short of total independance? Britain would very much like them to remain part of the British Empire and reminds them of the prosperity and other benefits that it has brought them and will continue to bring them if they remain joined.
Also, if Sheep doesn't return, I believe we can assume that the U.S. has agreed to peace, especially since their capital has been captured and so many nations are at war and bearing down on them.
If Sheep does return and decides to stay at war, Britain's actions are as follows:
A new offensive against the U.S. has been launched, with troops attacking into the New England states east of the Hudson River. The invasion of Delaware and Maryland continues, with inconclusive results as yet.Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
Brazillian forces resume their advance into Florida. After the crushing American defeat at the Flint River, they are unable to halt the Brazillian advance. After a decisive battle at Tampa, the Brazillian forces march nearly uncontested. Fort Myers falls within three days of fighting. Brazillian forces fortify at Fort Myers and Belle Glade.
After a ruse, American forces in southern Florida launch a counter offensive on Brazillian positions between the Fort and Belle Glade in an effort to split the enemy in two. As they weaken their southern flank, Brazillian forces waiting in Cuba land in southern Florida and begin driving north, sacking Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach. Cut off from their supplies and any chance of reinforcements, the remaining American forces surrender after the pocket is tightened by the Brazillian forces.
Brazil now controls Florida.
Reinforcements and supplies come rushing in from Cuba, 90 miles away.
I am sure Sheep has left which leaves the USA with out a leader, if it is ok with everyone here I would like to take over the USA and leave Austria to someone else. Please tell me if this is ok. If I get to be USA, they will surrender and give up any claims on the Americas and would want them to be indepent, also reperations would be payed (5,000,000 a year for 10 years to the major powers of South America).
occ: I will continue playing, as I couldn't screw up Giovannis NES he is a friend. However I find it very unlikely that a nation like Argentina could take the capital of the Unoted States. I am sick of other's unrealism while mine in retaliation is put in the limelight.
To the World: I have time and time again tried to find a solution for this conflict. I have offered much, what have the tnpot Emperor's in South America offered? Nothing but more bloodshed. I am happy to say that the entire government of the United States is safe and moved from Washington hours before its capture. We will continue fighting only because we are forced to. We have offered a great many things, but we will not offer any money to reward the tinpot regimes for their warmongering.Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
To AA:
France concurs with the United States. Enough is enough. Peace has been offered, and the AA continues its invasion. It is clear that the AA does not wish for peace, but for land. This is our final warning. Accept peace, lay down your arms, or face the consequences."The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
Former President, C3SPDGI
OOC: Just a reminder Giovanni the Mexican revolution should start in tomorrow's events.
Exhausted by cut off supply routes, the American troops in California have been defeated. As a result, most of teh Westen US is more or less undefended. However, the Californian troops have not bothered to try to conquer the whole area, leaving behind only a small force and sending the rest east to teh Midwest.
New reinforcements and the Brazillian invasion of Florida have allowed Argentinian troops in Louisiana to make a breakthrough. Now, the Coalition controls the entire gulf coast and much of the center-south. Many of the troops have gone northeast to join the army in washington. Reinforcements have also come to Washington by ship.
In Argentina, even though elections aren't for a few years (July 1913), politics is heating up. The Socialists havve split into the Marxists and the Socialist Freedom Party (Socialists for short). Also, former Isolationists and disgruntled Reformers as well as some Conservatives have formed a new party, the Union Party. The Unionists' goals are a quick end to the war, reestablishment of good relations with the US, making a pan-latin american union or confederacy, and mistrusting Europeans and forcing them to abandon the Guyanas.
SUmmary of parties (more or less from conservative to liberal):
Conservatives (incumbent president, slim coalition majority in congress)
Reformists (slim coalition majority in congress)
Unionists (2nd smallest, slowly growing)
Marxists (smallest, coalesce with the Socialists often but aren't very happy with them)
To France: We have never wanted land. We have only wanted reparations. We want peace too, but until the US is willing to pay reparations we will accept no peace. If we ever even hint of demanding any of the core US areas we give you the right to declare war on us. I fail to see how you ever thought we wanted land.
To American Alliance:
Austria supports France in its postion, clearly the United States is defeated and wants peace, why conitnue to beat the dead horse?? We also warn the AA to agree to a cease fire and come to Austria for peace talks with all parties involved. If not Austria will be forced to act with France for the sake of peace
We will not pay any reperations as we have done nothing wrong but defended ourselves. However we still continue to offer our peace plan.
occ: Civman just continue making these outrageous attacks. Yes the United States may not of been strong, but Argentina and BVrazil have never been stronger than the USA. Also Britian and France are only giving you limited help. Just keep making the unrealistic posts.Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.