Arab Caphiliate Response
To S.I.M. : We will not condone the use of terrorism, we will remain neutral in this war.
To UNA: We wish for you to withdraw from our brother's lands. Do so or the caphiliate will be forced to defend Islam.
To Free World: We would like to assure you that we are your friend. Will you join us in a ROP and MPP. This can be named the anti-Rascist Alliance
To China: Why are you backing those who mock you. The Chinese n Australia are treated like sub-Humans yet you support the regime who degrade your people.
To Novya Russia: Do not intefere in the politics of Islam. We do not intefere in yours.
To EU: Join us in the Anti Rascist Alliance
To Panturkistan: Join our alliance. We offer ROP with you for access between Turkey and Central Asia. However the Grand Caliph will not ceede any Islamic soil to you.
To S.I.M. : We will not condone the use of terrorism, we will remain neutral in this war.
To UNA: We wish for you to withdraw from our brother's lands. Do so or the caphiliate will be forced to defend Islam.
To Free World: We would like to assure you that we are your friend. Will you join us in a ROP and MPP. This can be named the anti-Rascist Alliance
To China: Why are you backing those who mock you. The Chinese n Australia are treated like sub-Humans yet you support the regime who degrade your people.
To Novya Russia: Do not intefere in the politics of Islam. We do not intefere in yours.
To EU: Join us in the Anti Rascist Alliance
To Panturkistan: Join our alliance. We offer ROP with you for access between Turkey and Central Asia. However the Grand Caliph will not ceede any Islamic soil to you.