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SonNES (Sonic's Never Ending Story)

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  • #91
    To the EU: Do you wish foir our help against the Cypriot Empire.

    To NATC: I ask that all peoples wishing to leave Israel and resettle in the Calpihiate may be allowed to do so.

    To SIM: We give you our last warning no more terrorist actions, and India is to have indepndence.

    To Russia: We are willing to sign an alliance between the Russian peoples and the Arabic.

    A massive aid program has started to recontstruct the damgae suffered in the Arabic campaigns against China and Panturkisstan. Meanwhile drugs for AIDs have started flowing into the Free World, and Arabic hospitals are willing to take 25% of all patients (any morer and the Arbaic patients would not have room)

    Meanwhile the Army continues its fortifications on the new boundaries. North China will be given reginol autonomy in the Greater Caliphiate in the near future.
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • #92
      To Caliphate:
      Russia is also willing to sign this alliance.


      • #93
        The let it be done
        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


        • #94
          The EU secretly begins developping turbo charged hovercrafts, capable of making amphibious landings on almost any coastline.

          Spending on the land Army is now tripled, much to the dismay of the homeless, as all shelters have been closed. Also, school funding has been cut.

          To the world: I am tired of your constant fighting. I have tried to be a peacemaker for to long now. It will not work. I am going to put a end to your nations. Prepare.


          • #95
            To the Caliphate: Sure.

            To ALL: We must form an alliance to stop the evil EU. They wish to conquer the world, and nothing else! We must attack first and destroy these evil aggressors before it's too late.

            NATC has declared war on the EU. British troops have stormed Ireland, and BUlgaria and Romania invaded the rest of Europe.

            Secret military plans:
            Cold Fusion: anywhere from 8-25 years (it's still in a relatively early phase of development).
            Armed spacecraft: 6-13 years.
            Improve Intelligence: 4 years.
            Build army to large: 3 years.
            Build airforce to huge: 6 years.


            • #96
              The Caliph's armies start peperations for the invasion of the European Union.

              TO the EU: This is your last chance stop your warmongering. I will support you against the cYPRIOTS but noone else. We will invade if you do not stop threatning everyone.
              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


              • #97
                Because EU forces are needed elsewhere Turkish Cypriot forces quite easily invaded and conquered Baleares, Rhodes, Sardinia and Corsica so they now owns all the major mediterranean islands. Turcypriot leader said he will help Caliphate to win a war against EU.

                At a time State of Islamic martyrdom is upgrading it's forces. A special "Strategic Division of Mojaheeden Islamiyah" was formed, which will take care of chemical weaponry. SIM chemics are experimenting with new types of very lethal gas. Troops of Strategic Department of Mojaheeden Islamiyah will be trained to silently go to the target and use that gas. Three transport planes from Air Force ("Air Division of Mojaheeden Islamiyah") were given to to the new division, those planes will be prepared to drop that gas on enemies target. It is counted that if gas would be used by "troops" in a building with many people, like shopping center or stadium, casualties could easily seek up to 100'000 people (all people in the building). If gas would be released from planes, people inside homes with closed doors and windows would most likely survive, but people outside would die. Three planes would be enough to kill population in a small village or city's district. However, leader Sahid Abdul-Muhamad claimed that this project is very good and that he plans to give more planes to the new department. He also said that although planes will be used only in wartime, troops (special forces) could release gas silently "anywhere and anytime", especially in countries which threatens SIM. SIM also finally completed the rebuilding of it's navy and air force to the pre-war (war against New Apartheid) size.

                SIM to Caliphate:
                No, no independence for India. I am not sure why you want it so much... We could however trade territories if you are interested - we would give India independence, but you'd give us Northern China and mid-asia territories in exchange (by mid-asia I mean those former Soviet (and Panturkish) countries in central Asia).

                SIM to Russia:
                You should release Tatarstan and Chechenya or give them to us if you would like to retain good ties with SIM... It's not that much of territory.

                SIM also asked Arabian permission to sail with it's navy through Suez chanell, where SIM would be able to help in the war against EU.

                Japan just put a territorial claim on Sakhalin island, currently controlled by Novaya Russia.

                Attached Files


                • #98
                  To SIM : You give us the rest of Iran and we will stop claiming and sipporting the independent Indian Government. As for the Seuz, that will be for what your response is towards Iran.
                  Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                  Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                  Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                  • #99
                    To Caliphate: OK, we handle you Iran, although it was a very small part we still controlled...

                    Here is the new map, after that small part was connected to Caliphate...
                    Attached Files


                    • To NATC: New Zealand joined voluntary. Ask them. Is a trade associaton, not an invasion!

                      To show to you that we're paceful, look this:


                      SPECIAL NEWS ON TNN

                      Antarctic Scientopia launched his terrible Erebus on our territory!!! A terrible laser shoot on Atlantic Ocean created a huge water vapor cloud and it is going to Atlanta!!! A terrible 3-days tempest is just starting!!

                      To NATC: Sorry for the cloud, the AIs seem that made some last changes in the energy calibration, we're discussing with them to solve this:


                      SPECIAL NEWS ON TNN

                      Incredible!! Just a few miles of the coast, a second AS laser shoot disintegrated the vapor cloud. This time it was an incredible rain of micro-lasers that slowly transfomed the hurricane in a small tempest.

                      Official communication from AS AI's of Prydz and Dry Vale City Domes:

                      We apologyze for the reaction, this shows how we, the machines, can make mistakes bigger than humans. Escuse us for this problem.

                      The Scienopist Council make another declaration:

                      The New Zealand problem could be solved by diplomacy, but remember to make the consults with THEM, not US.


                      Other News:

                      Chile, Argentina and Paraguay in a group. Mali, Ghana, Togo and Mauritania in the other. What they have in common? After the erroneous attack of AS they claimed to join an alliance with AS for the peace. And AS accepted!! Now AS has presence in the northern hemisphere!! In a protection sign our militar forces said that almost 40 micro-mirror satellites are now over these countries!! Also AS Greenpeace created several eco-bases in the area in abandoned militar bases.

                      Is this the end of Free World associtaion? These countries wait for the reaction to see if its is a total alliance between the two forces or just something impossible. AS waits for permission...

                      Is this a point in favor of peace or war. This night a special debate about it in TNN!!
                      Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


                      • occ: By the way South China is too large. I said I was administrating it from Nanjing which is according to the map in your territory. SIM has neither the capacity nor the need for so much Chinese territory. Plese rectify this Sonic
                        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                        • OOC: Xarxo, plz note that you don't have power to talk for people of South America/Africa, thus those countries didn't joined AS. In the first post it is explained how people operates, but because currently there are no people leaders either I either leaders of respective countries (Arab Caliphate for muslims, Russia for Slavic, etc.) are controlling people.

                          Sheep, OK, I'll probably post an updated map.


                          • occ: Cheers. Xarxo, ya stories are cool, but I have to agree with Sonic on that one. Perhaps you could try and instigate rebellions and such, or become technologically advanced terrorits......
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • North American forces have landed in Greenland, Iceland, and Iberia.


                              • Sensing that the European Union is going south quickly the Arab Caliphiate has started massed invasions of the Union. At the same time the Arbic troops start expaning into the Cypriot Empire, putting an end to this menace. Cyprus alone was invaded by 2 armies, and quickly surrendered. 3 armies landed in the Greecian peninsula, 5 armies occupyting Instanbul and a futher 2 armies landing on Sicily. As they have oinly beachheads the forces in Italy and Greece have accomplished very little, but the main thrust from Turkey has done well. European forces pushed back to the Bulgarian capital, Sofia.

                                The terms to the EU: The Union is to become once again un-uinited. France, Germany and Italy are to be independent republics again. If Russia joins in EU Scandinavia is to go to her, The Balkans to the Caliphiate and Iberia to the NATC.

                                To the Cyrpriot Empire: We demand the immediate complete surrender of your Empire. We warn you any attempt of terrorist actions or chemical warfare will result in the ultimate of actions. I believe the rest of the world cares not for your 'country'.
                                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.

