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SNESA: From the Ashes

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  • #61
    To UN:
    We request your approval on behalf of the European Community in sending military and humanitarian aids in Spain, in order for Spain to be able to rise as a strong Democratic state.

    To EC:
    We are about to send half of our airforce and army to Spain, and 1/3 of our Navy.
    Although because of internal disagreements we can not do anything without UN approval.
    We only managed to send some financial aids to the Democratic factions there.


    Italian Economic Status:
    The Italian Economy is poor but raising very fast, thanks to the help from the UN and her allies.

    The strongest industry are:
    Aereospace industry, covering for 38% of GNP
    main factories are: FIAT, Alena, ISA and Alitalia
    Car industry, covering for 30% of GNP
    main factories are: FIAT, Lancia, Alfa Romeo, Innocenti, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Maserati
    Naval Canteer, covering for 15% of GNP, all factories here are national factories.
    House building, covering for 8% of GNP, this industry is mande up of big numbers of medium-size industries.
    Agricolture, covering for 7% of GNO, especially in Southern Italy and the islands.
    Other minor industries, covering for 2%

    What Italy need is:
    Steel, Petrol, there is also a raising demand for Electricity, as new industries are opening in very short time, and the city and population are booming.


    Italian Projects.
    Massive Rebuilding: 7 years


    Name: Italian Repubblic
    Government: Constitutional Democracy (based on French and US ones)
    President of the Repubblic: Enrico de Nicola (no political party)
    President of the Cabinet: Luigi Einaudi (Christian Democrats)
    Economy: weak but quickly improving
    Army: Small
    Navy: Small
    Air Force: Medium
    Member of: UN, EC
    Alliances: France, Britain
    NAP: Australia

    "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
    The trick is the doing something else."
    — Leonardo da Vinci
    "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
    "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


    • #62
      We care nothing for your warnings. Singapore is rightfully Asutralian and her peoples should be taken out of their imperialist oppression. We will act if this matter isn't resloved peacefully. We herby cancel our NAP's with France and Britain, Italy too if she supports the rest of the EC

      TO USSR: (secret) How about an alliance. Their is a growing communist feeling in our country and we could be persuaded to join your bloc.
      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


      • #63
        To Britain: We offer you 100 million US dollars for Singapore, and will allow you to continue to use naval bases in the area. If you do not agree to this you will gain nothing.
        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


        • #64
          To Australia and Britain:
          I ask you to resolve this crisis peacefully.
          We already had enough of war, and we only wish for peace in the world for many years to come.
          Therefore we ask for both of you to sit at a table and to discuss the issue with a neutral moderator.

          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
          The trick is the doing something else."
          — Leonardo da Vinci
          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


          • #65
            ooc: how realistic is it that ussr would care about britain
            who owns CAR and MAR

            I am shocked that Britain just threatened me with nuclear weapons! As a response to this the nuclear and miltary research program started by Australia. Japan sends her best scientists and much money into this program.

            To: Australia
            From: Japan
            I suggest a MPP

            To: Britain
            From: Japan
            We are shocked but will not care about your threats. Sell us(Australia and Japan) Hongkong and Singapore. They rightfully belong to us.


            • #66

              To Austrilla (secret):
              We want to help you in developing nuclear weapons and if your government were a communist one we would be open to an mmp with your nation.

              To Japan(secret):
              Seing how the west is treating your nation we can still be friends, allthough we still do not want to sell any territories to you. We can also help you in devoloping nuclear weapons to prevent Britain from using them on you.
              Donate to the American Red Cross.
              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


              • #67
                To Mexico(secret):
                Do to the internation pressure I think it would be best if you pulled out of Cuba. We are currently supporting communist rebels there, and suggest you use more covert means to get cuba to side with you.
                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                • #68
                  Damn I wrote a whole long thing and when I sent it, it came with an error....

                  Well quick thing
                  TO Britain: Maybe a referendum in Singapore and Hong-Kong would be wiser?

                  France wants quick reply of USSR for Spain intervention. If no veto, European Community will move in to protect democracy and to restablish a peaceful democratic state.

                  Nuclear Weapon Research: 8 years
                  Rebuilding: 6 years

                  Canal Rhine-Rhone studied
                  New Airport at Paris
                  Increase of Army budget.


                  • #69
                    Foreign Affairs
                    To the EC: Britain must regrettably pull out of any military force sent to Cuba and Spain, due to the threat of war in the Pacific. If some assistance is sent on the Pacific front, we may be able to contribute to the Cuban and Spanish forces.

                    To Australia: Britain will not give in to threats.

                    To Italy and France: Depending on the moderator, we may allow talks on the future of Singapore and Hong Kong. We would like to hear more of this proposal. Be prepared that we are not likely to make many concessions, due to the recent threats of force against us from nations in the region.

                    To Japan: We have no interest in selling you, or Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong. Britain needs its bases in the Pacific, and nothing has illustrated this more clearly than your recent threats - and as such, we will never tolerate Australian or Japanese control over Singapore and Hong Kong.


                    Britain is deploying a considerable portion of its navy, army and airforce into the Pacific region, increasing presences of all three at Hong Kong and Singapore, and moving several SAS divisions into the vicinity. Britain is also increasing the military budget significantly.


                    • #70
                      Australian Diplomacy

                      To Japan: We will gladly sign the MPP and we also welcome Japanese scientists in their quest for defensive technology. (Secret) I sughgest we forge closer ties with the USSR. We will be able to use this triple alliance in cnjuction with China to make sure we survive this post-war era.

                      To USSR: Although we are not communist in nature, one of the two major parties in Australia, the Labor Party is strongly leftis in nature. With your support Australia will remain close friends with you. I offer a MPP, to continue close ties between Canberra and Moscow.

                      We have started a unilateral trade embargo on British goods. We would officialy like to remind Britian that it was Australian troops that defended Singapore and the old British Empire in the East. We now wish to see imperialism put to an end in our region. We ask all our allies to join this and put pressure on the decadant and unequal system in Britain.

                      Australian Amry to Large: finnished
                      Australian Navy to Large: 1 year
                      Austro-Japanese Nuclear Program: 3yrs
                      any other projects I have mentioned less 2 years from last mention
                      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                      • #71
                        General Pancho Villa halts Operation Cubano. Orders transports in the Yucatan Channel to return to Mexican shores.

                        Labels this invasion force as the Aztecas. He orders them to stand down and remain in Cancun, Mexico. There they will be on alert and ready to move in on a moments notice.

                        Gen. Pancho Villa orders the MIA to begin operations in Havanna, Cuba as well as other areas in the small country.
                        Gen. Pancho Villa also orders his first special ops units who he names 'Los Gatos Negroes' or the Black Cats into Cuba (covertly)to train communist forces.

                        General Pancho Villa signs off on the creation of more financial programs to help the economy as well as educational programs to ensure all children recieve an education. He also increases trade with Brazil.

                        Because of the power ripped away from the mafia and the government being uncorrupt as well as the leadership capability of Pancho Villa, the Mexican nation is becoming very successful, this nation has made the most progress it has ever made in Mexican history.

                        TO EC: We must inform you that if its wrong for us to send military aid to Cuba then it is also wrong for you to intervene militarily in Spanish affairs. We condemn any military actions you partake in the Spanish civil war.
                        Also, if you send any sort of military forces into Cuba we will be obligated to liberate the Cuban island from the European invaders, with necessary measures.

                        To USSR: We will heed your advise and will halt Operation Cubano.

                        1st major Russian aid arrives.

                        Navy Upgrade from small to medium: 4 years
                        Air force from small to medium: 6years

                        Industry ACT: 9 years
                        Santa Anna-class Battleship: 6 years, because of Russian help. 3 battleships estimated to being built 4 years after the first, hopefully.


                        Economy: weak but gaining strength
                        Army: Large
                        Navy: small
                        Air force: small


                        • #72
                          OOC: We really need someone to control America. As it is, it's a little ridiculous, with the communist bloc versus the neutral Europeans, and no capitalist voice, in what is really a Cold War scenario.

                          To Mexico: Britain thanks you for ending your operation in Cuba.

                          To Australia: Once again, Britain will not be cowed. Not to mention that an Australian embargo will have little effect on our economy. We fail to see how your mention of Australian troops defending Singapore is relevant, seeing as you have recently been threatening to invade there. Any movement of Australian/Japanese troops to within a 100km radius of Singapore or Hong Kong will meet the full force of the British military.

                          To the EC: We request assistance with Australia, as we have recently been embargoed. We request that the nations of the EC support us, and support a joint embargo against Australia.


                          • #73
                            To Britain: We would like to inform you that all waters around Singapore are now closed to your forces as the Soverign and territorial waters around the island are mine. Any movements of troops or naval equipment into my waters will be considered an act of war. We also pay no heed to your threats against Australian movements in the region. We would like to remind you that what we do in our own waters and land is our own buisness. The imperialist grasp Britain has held for so long will falter in the face of Australian resistance.
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • #74
                              To France:
                              We will not support an invasion of Spain, as you do not seem to do the same for other nations. When someone wants to establish a communist government you are opposed, but when someone wants to put in a government that is a mere pond of your nation you are in favor. We do not think your corrupt from of government would be best for Spain.
                              Donate to the American Red Cross.
                              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                              • #75
                                Australia offically supports the Russian veto on action against Spain.
                                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.

