To UN:
We request your approval on behalf of the European Community in sending military and humanitarian aids in Spain, in order for Spain to be able to rise as a strong Democratic state.
To EC:
We are about to send half of our airforce and army to Spain, and 1/3 of our Navy.
Although because of internal disagreements we can not do anything without UN approval.
We only managed to send some financial aids to the Democratic factions there.
Italian Economic Status:
The Italian Economy is poor but raising very fast, thanks to the help from the UN and her allies.
The strongest industry are:
Aereospace industry, covering for 38% of GNP
main factories are: FIAT, Alena, ISA and Alitalia
Car industry, covering for 30% of GNP
main factories are: FIAT, Lancia, Alfa Romeo, Innocenti, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Maserati
Naval Canteer, covering for 15% of GNP, all factories here are national factories.
House building, covering for 8% of GNP, this industry is mande up of big numbers of medium-size industries.
Agricolture, covering for 7% of GNO, especially in Southern Italy and the islands.
Other minor industries, covering for 2%
What Italy need is:
Steel, Petrol, there is also a raising demand for Electricity, as new industries are opening in very short time, and the city and population are booming.
Italian Projects.
Massive Rebuilding: 7 years
Name: Italian Repubblic
Government: Constitutional Democracy (based on French and US ones)
President of the Repubblic: Enrico de Nicola (no political party)
President of the Cabinet: Luigi Einaudi (Christian Democrats)
Economy: weak but quickly improving
Army: Small
Navy: Small
Air Force: Medium
Member of: UN, EC
Alliances: France, Britain
NAP: Australia
We request your approval on behalf of the European Community in sending military and humanitarian aids in Spain, in order for Spain to be able to rise as a strong Democratic state.
To EC:
We are about to send half of our airforce and army to Spain, and 1/3 of our Navy.
Although because of internal disagreements we can not do anything without UN approval.
We only managed to send some financial aids to the Democratic factions there.
Italian Economic Status:
The Italian Economy is poor but raising very fast, thanks to the help from the UN and her allies.
The strongest industry are:
Aereospace industry, covering for 38% of GNP
main factories are: FIAT, Alena, ISA and Alitalia
Car industry, covering for 30% of GNP
main factories are: FIAT, Lancia, Alfa Romeo, Innocenti, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Maserati
Naval Canteer, covering for 15% of GNP, all factories here are national factories.
House building, covering for 8% of GNP, this industry is mande up of big numbers of medium-size industries.
Agricolture, covering for 7% of GNO, especially in Southern Italy and the islands.
Other minor industries, covering for 2%
What Italy need is:
Steel, Petrol, there is also a raising demand for Electricity, as new industries are opening in very short time, and the city and population are booming.
Italian Projects.
Massive Rebuilding: 7 years
Name: Italian Repubblic
Government: Constitutional Democracy (based on French and US ones)
President of the Repubblic: Enrico de Nicola (no political party)
President of the Cabinet: Luigi Einaudi (Christian Democrats)
Economy: weak but quickly improving
Army: Small
Navy: Small
Air Force: Medium
Member of: UN, EC
Alliances: France, Britain
NAP: Australia