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SNESA3: World War 3

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  • ooc

    use this map

    damnit, i dunno what the hell to put it as. download it if you can please. If you can't, The DSC is just British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan (sp?) , most of manitoba and a the lower half of northern Canada.


    • Just save it as a jpg file instead.

      Britain sends her SAS, 10 motorised infantry divisions, 5 armoured divisions, five carrier battlegroups, 5 F-14 squadrons, 10 F-15 squadrons and 5 B-52 squadrons to aid her democratic ally in Canada.

      Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


      • ooc: thanks chris, ill try
        Attached Files


        • To Germany around a ton of nukes

          Arabia is very angry because of you provocing us to attack india then turning around and unalling so we send tactical missiles to u all over and troops in canada to aid the rebels in retaking their country.
          We send remaining troops to aid Britain in attacking Normady.

          To India
          We would like peace and for u to aid us, britain and canadien rebels to take germany and stop this evil man Hitler2.

          To Britain
          We send half of our troops to use at your disposol.

          To all other nations
          We ask you to all ally to aid in destroying germany.
          we ask you to join the anti-Hitler pact and then after if you wish do what you where doing before

          this is the map and where i NUKED
          Attached Files




            • Israel is oppalled at the fact that Germany has still been using concentration capmps. Plus the fact that Germany has stolen my govermnet of China. I fully denouce Germany and my allaince with them.

              To Allied Nations: I know I deserve no mercy. How ever if I did I wouldn't be asking for it. Please I beg you to forgive me and my people. The only reason I allied with Germany was because they said they weren't using concentration camps. Again I fully denouce my allaince with them and beg for my old Allaince with the Allies.

              To India: I fully apologize for my words against your nation. I am sending 200,000 tons of grain and fruit to your nation regardless if you accept my apology.

              Due to my nation breaking its alliance with germany my old statistics are reinstated, however I will be keeping my Black Elite Guard and Hells Hand Air Corp.

              New airdefense corp with new high explosive SAMs
              Time left until completion= 2 months/ 2 days
              65,000 Apacolypse Tanks [going to black elite guard]
              Time= 5 months/ 5 days
              20,000 Covert Black Ops Secret Service Agents [going to elite guard]
              Time 2 months/ 2days
              250,000 Challenger Tanks acting as artillery [going to black elite guard]
              Time= 5 months / 5 days
              200,000 F-76 [going to Hells Hand]
              Time= 4 months/ 4 days
              5,000,000 troops [ going to regular army]
              Time= 4 months/ 4 days
              200,000 Death Lions [going to regular army]
              4 months/ 4 days
              130,000 Apacolypse Tanks [going to regular army]
              Time= 10 months/ 10 days
              500,000 Challenger Tanks [going to regular army]
              10months/ 10 days
              400,000 F-76
              Time= 8 months/ 8 days

              A tank mirroring the Mammoth Tanks of China
              Supersonic Jet Fighter
              Supersonic Bomber
              Time left until completion= 1months/ 1days
              Vaccine to biological/chemical weapons
              Time left until completion= 2months/ 2days

              Armed Forces

              Black Elite Guard
              100,000 Death Lions Tanks
              65,000 Apacolypse Tanks [once production complete]
              20,000 Covert Black Ops Secret Service Agents [once production complete]
              2,000,000 million troops [very effective]
              250,000 challenger tanks acting as artillery [once production complete]

              Hells Hand
              200,000 F-76 fighters [ once production complete]
              100,000 B-62 bombers [once production and research complete]

              Medium Army [very effective]
              5,000,000 troops [ once production complete]
              200,000 Death Lions tanks [ once production complete]
              130,000 Apacolypse Tanks [ once production complete]
              500,000 challenger tanks acting as artillery [ once production complete]

              Small Navy

              5 Aircraft carriers [2 nuclear powered]
              30 battleships
              50 destroyers
              25 submarines [15 nuclear powered]

              Medium Airforce

              400,000 F-76 fighters [ once production complete]
              200,000 B- 62 bombers [ once production and research complete]


              • To China
                We ask you to join the Anti-hitler2 pact and aid in destroying him.


                • "They nuked us!?" shouted the Dictator of Canada " what the hell were they thinking? Since when do they even have nukes?"

                  600 Bandit Bombers and 1000 Northern f-111 fighters begin bombardement of the Arab Empire. These bombers and fighters were perticularily devastating because of the quick response time; they were already stationed in Germany. 6 battle ships along the coast of Germany advance and begin bombardement, they deploy hovercrafts with highly effective, (German) trained Canadian soldiers. The tactics used againts India are helpless. The suicide bombers were dead before they knew they were being attacked. This attack wouldn't of been possible if the Germans had not severely softened them up earlier. Northern part of the Arabian Empire captured.

                  A waiting commandes from Hitler before I move further south.

                  THIS IS NOT CODED

                  All Arab men are captured are tortured, then set to work in Canadian concentration camps building fortresses in The Arabian Empire. Also, alot of men who were captured, begged for the health of thier wives and kids; and the men were then promised that their family would remain unharmed if they would fight bravely for they German Empire. They agreed. Women and children who were captured, were left unharmed and sent to an undisclosed place in Germany.

                  Now, unless more support comes for the DSC, they will have no chance of rebelling as they are facing the normal canadian army plus a hell of a lot of angry, well armed, and determined Arab soldiers who beleive they are fighting for thier families.

                  (( I do beleive that my attack on Arab Empire was realistic even though they put up a fight vs. India. If you think about it, it would be a lot easier to attack suicede bombers than defend against them. Also, they would have been very week from my air and naval bombardement.))


                  • OOC: TBB the Swiss leader was assassinated by Aussy rebels so Switzerland goes back to the Germans. Met the troops in Aussy land are all former English who never wanted the Germans there to begin with so none of them are under your control. If Russias last move to nuke all capitals still stands than OUCH!!
                    **ALL CODED**
                    To DSC: I regret to inform you that all of our naval transports are away at the moment, and it could be months before we can send you any help. again we apologise for this as it wasn't planned.

                    To Arabs: Our troops who will soon be in India will be sent straight to the front.

                    To English: Glad you're with us! May I suggest you attempt to take Switzerland, the forces there are loyal to Germany but the people want thier Republic back and will do anything for it.

                    To Israel: Hmmm... not sure what to say other than we are with you all the way.

                    To India: May we suggest that you send a lot of your troops to the Chinese boarder?
                    To Germany: dude.... you're goin' down!


                    • OOC: I hereby relenquish control of Aussy land to Britain. this nes is beginning to bore me


                      • ((Thursters nukes don't grow on trees how did you get so many I thought you had like two?))

                        **Classified expect to allies**

                        The Indian troops continue through Arabia, but peacefully. They move towards the German/Arabian border. They plan to start to taking the former Russian land now owned by the Germans. Some Arabs have joined the Indian ranks as they move, out of fear of the Germans. At night Indians train the Arab men how to fight with the more advanced Indian weapons. The 1,000 trained men will join the Arab army at the war front. The rest of the fighters have caught up with the troops the numbers are now at.

                        2,000,000 Indian Infantry
                        1,000 Arabian Infantry
                        500 Indian Tanks
                        500 Fighters
                        250 Bombers

                        50 spies are now in Russia trying to raise the Russians into revolt. ((Your choice if they do Mett))

                        On the Indian Defensive 500 Fighters fly around scouting for any bombers.

                        The Indian Navy stops bombarding the Arabs and starts moving towards the German cites above Egypt. They will start to bombard upon arrival.

                        They number at 7 Carriers (filled with Infantry) 40 battleships, 80 destroyers, 160 frigates, and 100 submarines.


                        To Alliance against Hilter2: I forgive you for not listening to us back when we said what the Germans would do. We just hope you will show him no mercy.

                        To Arabia: Sorry for border towns bombard you had just attacked and we were retaliating. We are now producing new Indian automatics for you to use. We have trained 1,000 of your men to teach others to use them and not fight suicidal. We hope you can become a more civil nation and not train your troops to kill themselves.

                        To Israel: We accept your apology.


                        • To India: I sincerely thank you.

                          To Allies: I didn't expect the Germans to go psychotic. This new Hitler is worse than the last one!


                          • Production
                            New airdefense corp with new high explosive SAMs
                            Time left until completion= 1 months/ 1 days
                            65,000 Apacolypse Tanks [going to black elite guard]
                            Time= 4 months/ 4 days
                            20,000 Covert Black Ops Secret Service Agents [going to elite guard]
                            Time 1 months/ 1days
                            250,000 Challenger Tanks acting as artillery [going to black elite guard]
                            Time= 4 months / 4 days
                            200,000 F-76 [going to Hells Hand]
                            Time= 3 months/ 3 days
                            5,000,000 troops [ going to regular army]
                            Time= 3 months/ 3 days
                            200,000 Death Lions [going to regular army]
                            3 months/ 3 days
                            130,000 Apacolypse Tanks [going to regular army]
                            Time= 9 months/ 9 days
                            500,000 Challenger Tanks [going to regular army]
                            9 months/ 9 days
                            400,000 F-76 [going to regular airforce]
                            Time= 7 months/ 7 days

                            Supersonic Bomber
                            Vaccine to biological/chemical weapons
                            Time left until completion= 1months/ 1days

                            Armed Forces

                            Black Elite Guard
                            100,000 Death Lions Tanks
                            65,000 Apacolypse Tanks [once production complete]
                            20,000 Covert Black Ops Secret Service Agents [once production complete]
                            2,000,000 million troops [very effective]
                            250,000 challenger tanks acting as artillery [once production complete]

                            Hells Hand
                            200,000 F-76 fighters [ once production complete]
                            100,000 B-62 bombers [once production and research complete]

                            Medium Army [very effective]
                            5,000,000 troops [ once production complete]
                            200,000 Death Lions tanks [ once production complete]
                            130,000 Apacolypse Tanks [ once production complete]
                            500,000 challenger tanks acting as artillery [ once production complete]

                            Small Navy

                            5 Aircraft carriers [2 nuclear powered]
                            30 battleships
                            50 destroyers
                            25 submarines [15 nuclear powered]

                            Medium Airforce

                            400,000 F-76 fighters [ once production complete]
                            200,000 B- 62 bombers [ once production and complete]

                            OOC: Updated post of production and research


                            • To all, have fun with your nuclear winter, 2 caused a ten degree decrease in average temperatures world wide, with these nuclear attacks, come winter our world is destroyed. I leave control to my one Governor who didn't believe propaganda footage, in reality only one concentration camp is even still standing, and it serves as a reminder to the horrors of war. ::hitler 2 takes a gun to his head and fires::

                              ((OOC: In Philly now, when I get back to WI I'm starting a NES, so get ready))
                              First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                              Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                              • Arabian
                                Sends all troops to Germany now fully trained by India add the anti-Hitler2 pact conquers all soon germans troops fall after Hitler2 comitted suicide.

