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SNESA3: World War 3

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  • ((PEACE!? Never!! Muahahahaa))

    To India: I'll talk to Hitler2 about this, though I doubt he'll accept. I know one thing for sure, I don't approve of peace with a pathetic country such as yours.


    • Secret to Space: It was out of character, that's what (()) means
      First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
      Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


      • No peace with India untll russia is destroyed
        First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
        Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


        • To India: We will not discuss peace at this point in time


          • OOC: I think that I will drop out of this as well, I don't have enough time to devote to this and everything goes too fast. As a parting gift, Russia nukes the capitals of every Axis state.


            • Mr. Judson rose to his feet in front of a standing ovation.

              "Men of arms, we are not fighting for glory, we are not fighting for greed, we are fighting for the lives of our children and gandchildren. This is a chance to prove to the world that we can, if given the right chance, take control of our own matters and rise above the expectations of our enemies and foes alike." the soldiers cheer, Mr.Judson can't help but continue " this is the defining moment in the history of our nation.

              He walked off the podium, he had done his job, and he was happy.

              " Sir, that sure was an awful lot of B.S." chuckled Hassim Jebadra, the Arab forieg minister.

              "Oh well, if it helps, it will all be worth it. I'm going to go take a rest now, tell our generals that the attack will begin on India immediatly. "

              Generals plan an attack straight though India to Russia to have revenge on there insense nuclear tatics.
              ALL troops are shipped to the islands of ceylon and advanced rather easily through the first 5 or 6 cities not saying without caseulties The arabian armeys suffered many speech after speech sending more and more troops pretty much geneside, hoping to take this weak pathetic country and if fail there are 3 f-14 fighter jets armed with tatical nuclear missiles. Now shipping 3 millions well armed troops though Pakistane Straight to the Indian Capital to rally and comence a full invasion from all sides and with the aid of The Arabian Empires Allies.


              Sufered: 10 million caseulties the arabian empire armey shinks. Now wanting to maintain the taken territory and finish the constrution of bases and bunkers.


              • ooc : are we going to get a updated map??


                • Well I guess my spies were more succesful than planned

                  "OOC: I think that I will drop out of this as well, I don't have enough time to devote to this and everything goes too fast. As a parting gift, Russia nukes the capitals of every Axis state."

                  I don't think this should count as he did it after he stated he was going to leave. What do you think?


                  • Well I hope everyone can agree to this...
                    Switzerlands leader has been killed!! Austrailian rebels assumed guilty. ((I'm now the leader of Austrailia, Switzerland and it's SS now belongs to Germany. Due to the slight time which Aussy was a German state it retains all German Techs. Also NZ becomes part of Aussy.

                    **Troop Movement**
                    Austrailian Navy returns to port. SAS immeadiatly begin overseeing the construction of fortresses in Austrailia and New Zealand.
                    To India: We'll do anything to support you, as long as it isn't war just yet

                    To England (also coded): Sir we have been succesful in deposing the Swiss head of state and reclaiming all of Aussy land ((the new official name for Austrailia and surrounding islands)). We await your orders.

                    Attached Files


                    • ooc : i sort of attacked India...


                      • ooc :
                        who light blue


                        • India has to defend it's self first, and thier army is much more advanced than yours which means you'll probably make very little progress. China is light blue, it's currently under Germany's control until the ruler returns


                          • The new Aussy government

                            Aussy Land

                            Army: 5,500,000 Infantry 250 Challenger II tanks 250 Panzer MkII tanks 2500 old challengers
                            Navy: 5 cruisers 36 destroyers 59 frigates 6 carriers 12 battleships 30 submarines
                            Airforce: 4 outdated WWII fighter wings 10 F-15 wings 5 F-14 wings
                            Nukes: 11 ICBMs
                            Special forces: 1 Spy , 6,000 SAS
                            Armed Forces effectiveness: medium

                            5,000 SAS= 3 months/days
                            500 Panzer MkII= 6 months/days
                            2 new carriers 6 months/days
                            1,250 F-15= 7 months/days
                            500 B-52s= 7months/days
                            7 New industrial sites= 9 months/days
                            rearming all infantry personal with up to date weapons= 8 months/days
                            updating frigates/destroyers/cruisers to carry missles= 9 months/days

                            500,000 Infantry every month
                            2 new destroyers every month
                            1 new cruiser every month/day
                            1 battleship every month

                            Airforce:large (wold be huge but no bombers)


                            • I updated the map, how do you post maps?
                              First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                              Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                              • I already did it Met.

