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The Frontier Refugee Camp

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  • The definative list of saved files- now with added spam

    Numbers in brackets are in addition to the first page. Whole number in brackets means no first page.
    58(-2,-3) World Map
    199(-2) Us DoD
    302(-2) German MoD
    667 Encyclopaedia
    767(-2) Finnish news thread
    (771-3) Argentine News thread (covers up to backup)
    783 Links
    (838-2) British Arms
    (857-2) Saudi MoD
    (946-3) Russian Arms
    1024 Malaysian news
    1050(-3) Polish news
    (1091-2) Saudi News
    1110 biodiesel
    (1123-2,-3,-4,-5) Korean News
    1173(-3) FT
    1178 Argentine surplus
    1185 Australian news
    1192(-2) Uruguay invasion/liberation
    (1197-2) peace in China
    1214 French News
    1217(-2) British News
    1225 Canadian news
    1226 EU: Fuel prices
    1228(-3) ICJ: Liancourt rocks
    1230 World tour announced
    (1231-2.-3) World cup
    1233 Event: Virus in Scandinavia
    1234(-2) Event: Anthrax in Atlanta
    1235 Event: Yemeni smuggler
    1238 Event: Seoul Explosion
    1239 Islamic defence initiative
    1240(-2) Tibet Treaty
    1241(-2) Americans occupy Liancourt
    1242 Event: Montevideo Tanker
    1243(-2) Event: Tsunamis
    1244 Restoration of Madagascan Monarchy

    From the OOC (titles are summaries, not the cryptic originals)
    (1204-3) Naval reform register1246 Blackhand- Away
    1253 Rich- Dotw: My Antidrug
    1256 Spitfire- Prod
    1258 Slacker- Taking Ukraine
    1262 DJ- Away
    1272 Erwin- Moderate Uruguay
    1274 Middy- back soon
    1277 EC- Power supply broken/replaced
    1279(-2) Wally- I’m back
    1283(-2) What’s happened to surplus stuff
    1284 Richie- Have to take a leave
    1285 Spartan- Taking Mexico/No you can’t/helping run Israel
    1286 Spitfire- Away ‘til Tuesday (He sure missed a lot)
    1287 DV- Away ‘til Monday
    1288 Szabla- What’s the deal with Russia
    1289 Discussion- future of the fighter
    1290 bcr3- I’m back

    From the OT
    (267-6,-7) The Quotomatic

    From AoI
    384(-4) Austria Hungary news
    (418-3) German arms
    422 American arms
    446(-2) Moderation thread
    (458-3) German news
    474 Swedish news
    476 Burma campaign
    478(-3) Harrogate conference
    479 1888 budgets
    481(-2) Japanese news
    482 DJ- away
    483 British news
    486 Danish news

    Nap- I’ve left some of these blank- they’re the ones you’ve got and I haven’t. If you could say what they are I’d be grateful.

    Note: Although I have the threads, I don’t have the actual post. That means fancy formatting can’t be copied. Is there any way of extracting it and putting it in a copy of the post? If not, does anyone have a copy of the encyclopaedia other than the page itself?
    "The free market is ugly and stupid, like going to the mall; the unfree market is just as ugly and just as stupid, except there is nothing in the mall and if you don't go there they shoot you." - P.J. O'Rourke


    • I have already saved all my Temporary Internet Files from The Frontier into a permanent one.
      An error in my history made it save almost everything for a long while, but i have nothing post 19 August IIRC. Maybe later.

      Anyway, i'll check. Most stuff is from AoI, though.
      Indifference is Bliss


      • That's great HSFB- I've got almost everything since Aug. 19 anyway.

        I've updated the list at the top now, so it's more comprehensive. From now on I'll keep that up to date, as it's conveniently at the top of a page, and easy to access.
        "The free market is ugly and stupid, like going to the mall; the unfree market is just as ugly and just as stupid, except there is nothing in the mall and if you don't go there they shoot you." - P.J. O'Rourke


        • for some reason....

          My computer has saved a bunch of threads from the twenty fifth of June but that is just about it. As Coug backed the forum up after that there isn't much point in me giving you these files. I never erased my cache so I really don't understand why I didn't have more recent files... oh well....

          When is the new server going to be up Coug?
          If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


          • EC I love you!

            *kicks Wayne*

            Not that way!


            • Our roaming CWP has returned to us, but he seems to be unable to post at Apolyton due to modem troubles, so I have taken it upon myself to post this for him:

              My God! I expected to see posting and happiness when I got back, and instead I see an elephant and some idiodic banner ads. Jesus Christ.

              EC, Napoleon, and everyone else who saved threads, thank you. You've saved dozens of hours of work and probably DotW3 itself. *applause*

              Coug, could you give us an update on just what in God's name is going on over there? Any estimated time for the forum to be back up?


              • Well, unless DotW restarts I won't be coming back. I don't have any of my newsposts saved and I don't have the time nor the will to redo everything.....

                I've also become involved in other things. Oh well, looks like half the forum has left anyways....


                • A forum or no forum:

                  You will be back.


                  • Is this just DoTW or will you be leaving entierely? We need you in BNG!


                    • CWP?

                      No problem. Just tell me what to do with it all.
                      Almighty and Resident God
                      The more you know the more you realize you dont know. - Shep


                      • No News is *Bad* News

                        Still no word from Coug, I know as much as you all do. As a matter for consideration, Apostle has offered to temporarily host us on his GNigma forums until our old site manages to lurch awake. Based on what EC et al have cropped together from their caches, I think it's clear that we'll be moving forward.

                        Thoughts on a temporary residence?EDIT: Sean, Taz/Jingles and Spitfire have all voiced support.


                        • When I spoke with him earlier, Coug said that he was waiting for Easyspace to set things up. From there things wouldn't take long to restore.

                          I am not going to participate in a "temporary residence" forum at GNigma.


                          • I then vote for continuing on Apostle's forum and forming an anti-American alliance while Scott doesn't participate. I call New Enland and Callifornia!!!

                            heh...seriously though....I don't really care either way as usual...
                            Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                            • Scott has a point. If the Frontier's going to be back in a day or two anyhow, moving to a temporary home will cause a helluva mess, and DotW3 will probably fail in the ensuring chaos. I say we hold together for a day or two more, and go back to the Frontier. But if it isn't u by say, Friday, then a new home we may be forced to find anyhow.
                              *grumbles about work*


                              • I must agree. Coug promised it would be up by Sunday tops. A temporary home would be of no real use.

