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The Frontier Refugee Camp

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  • Well- just to warn you I'l be away from Thrusday to Sunday afternoon, so it looks like I won't be back at the time of the resurrection. I'll forward the files to Wally (Coug's address is at, and I don't want to try it)
    "The free market is ugly and stupid, like going to the mall; the unfree market is just as ugly and just as stupid, except there is nothing in the mall and if you don't go there they shoot you." - P.J. O'Rourke


    • Ticking away the moments that make up the dull day...

      A fitting subject, no?

      Still waiting for Coug to pop up again. Apostle has again made an offer to host us, either permenantly or temporarily, with the usual array of glitzy benefits and bonuses he can offer us on his boards, the foremost of which being "our boards are up and functional."

      How much longer will we be waiting?


      • Until hell freezes over.


        • A lot of what DoTW is and was is still with Coug - the Encyclopaedia for example. Anything we could kick up at another forum would inevitably be re-building DoTW from ground up - we can't even use the salvaged threads, because they are *Frontier* threads.

          Not that I wanted to have an opinion about the move. Just a fact.

          But, to ease the pain, how about trying to re-cap what has been happening lately, to make some use of this time at least? (Which can be done here as well as anywhere else.) For example, I would really like to know if Russia/West relations are again near freezing point because of that Kazakhstan nuke debacle (Russia hasn't had a player since then, so the situation is unclear to say the least). We could also debate what was destroyed by that tsunami in the end. Or something at least, so as to not completely lose touch...


          • I dislike the Gnigma forums myself, but if the rest of the forum feels it is best to go there until whenever Coug gets the Frontier back up (which may not be soon), than I'll go along with that decision.


            • I have the last two of the three naval reform threads (EC was kind enough to send them to me), but I need to know what happened on the first page as well. I am going to do the state of the navies thing this weekend if I have enough information.

              To that end, I would appreciate it immensely if those of you who made naval changes would be good enough to contact me either by posting your naval stuff here, emailing me at, or ICQing me.


              • Never shall we be corrupted by the taint of Gnignma!

                I know I shall never participate in a DotW production there, they tried to best us but instead they now try to buy us in our weakest moment! Never!

                Oh and I deliberately mispelled their accursed name.


                • Phew.... you guys are alive.... I thought you started some set of ne forum and never bothered to tell me.
                  *grumbles about work*


                  • I'm here toooooooo
                    But I kick that ball, and I pray it goes straight,
                    If it does, then Coach says, "Good job number eight."
                    He doesn't even no my name is Andre Kristacovitchlalinski, Jr.
                    But that's the life I live...Lonesome Kicker


                    • I am, too.... And Good Lord I'm bored....

                      If Coug doesn't get the forums up by Sunday drastic action may have to be taken.
                      "When you tell people where to go, but not where to get there, you'll be amazed at the results."
                      - General George S. Patton


                      • Thank god for Madden 2002

                        If it weren't fro my Niners I would be just as bored as the rest of you... though it does depress me when I open up internet explorer and see that stupid easyspace ad. I had quite a few plans and was hoping to get them done before school once again begins on the fourth.... anyway I don't want to move to Gnigma or space battles or here, the Frontier is DotW and DotW is the Frontier. There can be no other place for DotW then at the Frontier and I will not go anywhere else besides I think we all owe Coug a little loyalty and patience for all that he has done for us.

                        *Realizes that he has posted more at Apolyton in this one thread than he has in the past six months*

                        Though I think I speak for everyone when I say.
                        Come on Coug I want to get out of this god forsaken place as soon as is possible.
                        If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


                        • Here here!


                          • My's kinda in limbo right good ships, except the 3 visbys, no real capital ships, still looking to purchase surplus *hint hint* *wink wink*, ordered 2 rotterdams, my navy as of now kinda sucks, only patrol stuff and the visbys. so since there aren't any ships, my personell have been training more.
                            Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                            • oh, so if anyone's thinking of it (ie: Germany) now would be a good time to invade Poland...
                              Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                              • JT3, you're SpitFire, right?
                                *grumbles about work*

