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Big Huge War Thread I

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  • #16
    OOC: Richard, that's great. You can be the United States most certainly.


    To: Germany
    From: Japan

    Japan wishes to gain a sort of stability alliance with Germany. While Japan stabilizes Asia, Germany could stabilize the horrible European nations and the African dictatorships.
    Please Visit:

    And contribute if you can!


    • #17
      To: Japan
      From: Germany

      Germany is interested in hearing the Japanese out, and would be willing to meet with them at their leisure.


      • #18
        The great and glorious People's Republic of China shall entertain the offer of the Japanese diplomats.


        • #19
          OOC: Look at all the newbies around here....
          I am also going to claim Newfoundland as a autonomous self governing state.

          Alternate History of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

          The United Kingdom and her Empire stood alone against the Nazi menace, alone and outgunned she fought on despite the odds. Using the leadership and wisdom of the great Winston Churchill as a shield against the despair Britain won the battle of Britain and remained free of Nazi Tyrrany. The same could not be said of the state of Ireland, which despite its neutrality increasingly was being pulled into the Nazi sphere of influence. However the regime dared not do anything that might upset the British as it knew any help from Germany would not and could not come in any great quantities.

          With a German victory against Russia all but assured the Irish government felt secure enough that it would defy Great Britain and so in August 1941 the Irish Republic declared war on the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland bringing itself on the side of the Axis. The Irish plan was simple, drive the British out of Northern Ireland and repel any attempt to get back on the Island. The Irish achieved initial success but with the help of the newly arrived American and Pacifican troops the Irish were defeated and forced to be completely integrated into the United Kingdom. Even to this day the Irish resent their defeat and loss of nationhood at the hands of the British. Since the surrender of Irish forces at Cork in April 1942 British troops have been permanently stationed there.

          Despite the distraction of the Irish attack the allies prevail as Germany is assualted from all sides and capitulates to the victorious allies on May 7, 1945. Following the end of the war Britain is nearly bankrupt she can no longer afford her vast empire and so she begin's to lose it, over the course of the next thirty years the British Empire, once spanning a quarter of the Earth is reduced to a few islands and outposts. Despite her financial woes Britain participates in the partition and eventual re-unification of Germany, she also helps quell communist rebellions in Greece and Denmark.

          For the next thirty two years the British population elects successive socialist governments who turn the United Kingdom into a bloated Welfare state that can not sustain itself. They create an unsustainable social welfare net that was sucking very life from the British nation, state payed for healthcare, education from grade one to university and a massively generous welfare system and pension plan were going to bankrupt the state. Seeing that the British people were prefectly content to allow the Nation to slide into crushing debt and poverty, King Charles who took over after his mother was killed by an assassin's bullet took over the Nation deposing another Socialist government and restoring the powers of the monarchy.

          Charles made sweeping changes to the Nation, he has vastly scaled back the social welfare system that was crushing the nation under massibe debt and begun a solid plan to pay back the debt. He also increased the size of the military which had been ignored by successive socialist governments. Britain now sits as one of the leading Industrial powers and as a lesson to those who indulge in excessive socialist practice. Charles sweeping changes have brought about a revilitzation of the British Nation and a new nationalist fervor that the nation hasn't seen since the First World War. London is one of the world financial and social capitals and the rest of the country isn't far behind. Britain has retained the majority of it island outposts as well as Newfoundland which is an autonomous self governing state who's foreign affairs and defence is handled by the King in Britain.


          The News from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

          Military increases orders of Eurofighters

          Sighting the increased need for a next generation fighter-interceptor the Ministry of Defence has ordered that the number of Eurofighter's be increased from 296 to 412. This world is a hostile place and in it there are hostile nations willing to do whatever is necessary to take what they want which others have, the United Kingdom will defend itself from nations like that. The King was jovial about the news saying he has seen the Eurofighter in action and finds it a most remarkable piece of engineering. He went on to say that a strong United Kingdom would be impossible without a strong military and that the Eurofighter would play an important role in the United Kingdom's future defence needs. So far only Sixty of the next generation aircraft have been delivered to the Royal Air Force. The Eurofighter is to replace the aging Tornado and Jaguar aircraft currently in use by the RAF.

          Vickers submits plans for Challenger III

          Vickers Defence Corperation has announced it plans to design and produce a new generation Main Battle tank using advanced armours and computers to make the Tank the most formidable yet. The new tank will use an advanced formula to make improved Chobham armour as well as sport a new 125 mm main gun, the gun will fire the controversial depleted Uranium munitions as well as conventional rounds. The Computers which are rumored to be advanced digital self learning systems will be built BAE systems. The tank which has yet to be even designed will be among the most expensive ever built and so the British Army will only be ordering enough to satisfy its minimum armour needs relying on the cheaper Challenger II for the next twenty years.

          New Carrier begin's construction at Barrow-in-Furnace

          The newest Royal Navy Carrier began construction this month as apart of His Majesty's Naval revitalisation program. The new Carrier which will displace over 40,000 tonnes will be the largest warship yet built for the Royal Navy. Reportedly the Carrier will be capable of embarking an air group of 40 aircraft. The carrier will be twice the size of the Invincible class and accommodate twice as many aircraft. The crew will be about 700, only 15 more than the Invincible, indicating the high level of automation being integrated into the ship's systems. This ship designated the HMS Indefatigable is expected to take three years to build, a second ship the HMS Implacable will be laid down in one year, and a third and final ship, the HMS Intrepid will be laid down a year after that.
          [This message has been edited by Bolo (edited April 24, 2001).]
          If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


          • #20
            Asahi Shimbun - Second Edition News

            Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori resigns office; Yohei Kawaguchi made Prime Minister
            TOKYO - In a move that was excpeted by the press, Japan, and the world, Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, after months of pressure and protests, has officially resigned as the Prime Minister of Japan. To take his place, Yohei Kawaguchi, a former general in the Self-Defense Forces, has become Prime Minister with the Diet's approval. *secret* Yohei Kawaguchi is a puppet Prime Minister of the military, and he knows it and he likes it. The Diet also knows, and is very pleased at the election of the Prime Minister, as they have become under influence of General Saito Toshusugu, the Dir. Gen. of the Defense Agency, as well. *end secret* The new Prime MInister Yohei Kawaguchi has paraded through Tokyo and the old imperial capitol of Kyoto with Emperor Akihito. This is a great day for Japan. All of the old projects by Yoshiro Mori are continuing, but at a faster pace.

            Development of the Lionclaw I multi-role fighter begins
            TOKYO - The Japanese Ministry of Self-Defense has released the specifications for the new fighter, to end development in a few months to a years time.
            Length: 63.8 ft
            Height: 18.5 ft
            Wing Span: 39,5 ft
            Propulsion: 2 JASCDMR Electric I-118-ACG-199 Engines, 35,000 thrust per engine, with afterburning
            Weight: 46,000 lb max
            Max speed: 2.5
            Also includes: Fly-by-wire (electric jet), thrust vectoring, variable geometry wings, rear facing radar set, coolie hat, pivoting wingtip hardpoints, IR detector, supercruise.
            This new fighter is to be an excellent fighter in the Japanese Air Force. It will produce quickly once development is complete.

            Development of the Indigo I tactical bomber begins
            TOKYO - The Japanese Ministry of Self-Defense has now released the specifications for the new tactical bomber that Japan is to develop in about a year or a year and a few months.
            Primary Function: Long-range, multi-role, heavy tactical bomber
            Power Plant: Four engines, 35,000 thrust per engine, engines with afterburner
            Length: 146 feet (44.5 meters)
            Wingspan: 137 feet (41.8 meters) extended forward, 79 feet (24.1 meters)swept aft
            Height: 34 feet (10.4 meters)
            Weight: Empty, approximately 190,000 pounds (86,183 kilograms)
            Maximum Takeoff Weight: 477,000 pounds ((216,634 kilograms)
            Speed: 900-plus mph (Mach 1.2 at sea level)
            Range: Intercontinental, unrefueled
            Ceiling: More than 30,000 feet (9,144 meters)
            Crew: Four (aircraft commander, pilot, offensive systems officer and defensive systems officer)
            Armament: Up to 84 Mark 82 conventional 500-pound bombs, or 30 CBU-87/89/97, or 24 JDAMS. Also can be reconfigured to carry a wide range of nuclear weapons.
            Also includes: Variable geometry wings and be fly-by-wire.

            New military purchases
            TOKYO - The Ministry of Self-Defense has gone through with a Diet-approved military purchase run:[*]100 F-2A/B[*]200 F-15[*]200 F-4 Kai[*]200 Mitsubishi F-1 anti-ship planes[*]1,000 Type-90 main battle tanks[*]An amphibious transport ship per regiment ('Ohsumi', 'Atumi', 'Miura' class landing ships, and 'Yura', '1-Go' class landing utilities ships)[*]3 'Murasame' class destroyers[*]3 'Yamagumo' class destroyers[*]3 'Hatsuyuki' class destroyers[*]3 'Haruna' class destroyers[*]2 'Oyashio' class submarines[*]2 'Harushio' class submarines[*]2 'Yuushio' class submarines[*]150,000 troops

            Health spending has also gone down 2%, and the defense percentage has gone from 1% to 3%.
            Please Visit:

            And contribute if you can!


            • #21
              To: United Kingdom
              From: Japan

              We repeat our proposal to Germany to the United Kingdom. While we stabilize Asia, we ask that the United Kingdom stabilize the "slums" of Europe and Africa so that our cooperation may be greatly improved. No longer should the horrible nations of Asia and Africa be imprisoned.
              Please Visit:

              And contribute if you can!


              • #22
                In the nineties, serious ethnical wars erupted in Indonesia. President Suharto wa stoo busy filling his pockets to interfere, and finally, the wars made his position not maintainable. In April 1995 he took a plane and fled the country. In the ensuing Anarchy, general Deling Retalko managed to play his cards right. He had many of the other generals assassinated, executed or swear loyalty to him, and brutally supressed all conflicts in the area. He proclaimed himself President of the Socialist Nation of Indonesia, closed all churches, mosques and Boedhist temples, and nationaized all the farms. The few remains of free press were accused of instigation to ethnic cleansing, and closed down. The west convicted these actions, but didn't act because they were afraid more for more ethnic conflicts. In April 1999, a treaty was made between Indonesia and Malasia, where Malasya accepteted the authority of Indonesia, and became a protectorate. Since his rise to poweer, Retalko has strived to improve relations with China.

                From: Indonesia
                To: Japan

                We welcome stability in Asia, but wish to wait for our allies the Chinese before we make any fixed agreements.
                Fire and ice and death awaiting. But he was steel, he was steel.


                • #23
                  OOC: Rand, like I said, the alternate histories can only explain unities between claims. All the ethnic tension in Indonesia still exists, as do the hurt relations with China or any other Asian nation for that matter.
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                  And contribute if you can!


                  • #24
                    October 18, 2002:

                    The scene outside the Venezuelan Senate bulding in Caracas had been getting ugler since the early afternoon. The mob was one of the well-organized sort, like the ones that had disrupted the past three World Trade Organization Conferences. And by all outward appearances, their beliefs were the same. The signs and placards protested the trade with America and Europe.

                    One young man with a megaphone climbed up onto the freshly overturned police squad car. He turned toward the Senate and started yelling in Spanish. His speech was ininterrupted aside from the occasional roar of assent from the crowd. He had that special charisma of mob leaders, and the people instantly trusted him as their spokesman.

                    Although he appeared to be a disgruntled and impoverished student, he was in fact a Major in the Cuban Special Forces.

                    Inside the senate building, the leaders of Venezuela listened to the noise outside as they recieved situation reports from staffers. After some time, a prominent senator rose to speak. Although no reliable transcripts were ever found by historians, his speech was later reported to go something like this:

                    "The mob outside demands that we sever trade relationships with those countries that have a history of imperialism and oppression. They protest the globalization and the influence of foreign corporations.

                    Many of us share their feelings. But being intelligent and pragmatic people, we knew that the only choices were trade or poverty. Thus we were forced to trade with Western nations in order to raise our standard of living."

                    He paused and scanned the assembly.

                    "But those days are past. We are now neighbors with a strong and independent nation that has never oppressed us or any other country. They have defended themselves and this region from both Soviet and Capitalist domination. I move that we listen to our gut feelings, and our constitutency.

                    I have drafted a bill that would sever all trade relationships with the oppressive corporations. In place of that lost trade, we will deal entirely with the People's Republic of Cuba. You can look at the figures I have compiled; our economy can still remain healthy after we place this embargo.

                    In addition to a close economic alliance, I believe that we would benefit greatly from a similarly close political alliance. The Cubans have shown that they can remain independent of outside exploitation, and we may need their help in the coming years."

                    A few days later, the bill passed and became law. All assets of foreign corporations in Venezuela were seized, and all trade stopped. Venezuela's oil and natural resources were all sent to Cuba. It was not known at the time, but a good deal of the siezed corporate assets also found their way to Cuba. A much smaller but still quite signifigant amount of money was similarly sent from the Cuban treasury to a certain Venezuelan senator, but that would only be uncovered by historians after the Great War had ended. At the time, nobody suspected any Cuban influence, although it is not clear how thw Cubans managed to avoid censure after Venezuela allied with them.

                    The formation of tha Great Carribbean Co-Prosperity Sphere had begun (although nobody called it that at the time).

                    OOC: I'll wait a while to see if anybody else caims the USA. I'm having fun creating the sparks that lead to conflicts.


                    • #25
                      Asahi Shimbun - Edition III News Articles

                      Diet approves Prime Minister Yohei Kawaguchi's Stability Ammendment
                      TOKYO - Prime Minister Yohei Kawaguchi's widely praised idea for a new consitutional ammendment has been approved by the Diet, and has been responded to with cheers of glory from the Japanese people. The constitution has been ammended to include a clause stating that Japan will be a power in Asia that will restore stability to Asia at all costs with her allies and friends. This ammendment has also caused the Diet to approve the motion of removing the "no-war" clause from Japan's constitution. This has been done in case someone attacks the sovereign nation of Japan, mainly the unstable nations of Asia. Japan will now work with her allies and friends to stabilize Asia at all costs.

                      Short News
                      TOKYO - The Ministry of Self-Defense has issued the development of a new aircraft carrier.
                      TOKYO - Japan has sent officials to Southeast Asia for an unknown reason.
                      Please Visit:

                      And contribute if you can!


                      • #26
                        King announces construction of new Destroyers and Frigates

                        The King has announced further initiatives in his Naval expansion program, in it Kingdom shipyards will be busy for years to come. The first of the new initiatives deals with new surface warfare ships, the Daring Class Type 45 Air Defence Destroyer code named "Horizon" as well as the contruction of ten new Type 23 Duke Class Frigates. These new ships will be the backbone of the Royal Navy surface fleet for years to come.

                        More Astute's ordered

                        The Royal Navy originally ordered five Astute Class SSNs. That order has been doubled to ten of the very capable high tech nuclear attack submarines. This is also apart of the King's Naval revitalisation and upgrade program as the existing submarine force will be retired from active service and placed in the reserve in case a conflict arises where they may be needed. The Astute one of the quietest Submarines in the world is capable of firing 36 Harpoon, Spearfish, and Tomahawk missiles.
                        [This message has been edited by Bolo (edited April 25, 2001).]
                        If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


                        • #27
                          FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG

                          New Report Suggests Reichswehr Inadequate
                          BERLIN - A new report issued by the Ministry of Defense, the result of a long and thorough investigation into the capacity, role, efficiency, and effectiveness of the Reichswehr to perform it's required service, has suggested that the German military was inadequately equipped to face the challenges currently enveloping the globe. The report was delivered to Reichstag President Wolfgang Thierse early this morning in a report totalling almost 4,00 pages. According to the report the Reichswehr is capable of defending the German Empire from any direct threat, however is incapable of performing efficient, effective, and modern peacekeeping operation, joint-alliance operations, and protection actions. The report's conclusion has stated that the German military is in need of more funding, better technology, and more flexibility in achieving it's missions and objectives.

                          The report also states that Germany is at a serious disadvantage in it's lack of a carrier to ferry German troops and influence across the globe. And since Germany is a major peacekeeping power this puts Germany at a definate disadvanatge. Currently European nations with carriers such as France, Britain, and Italy are able to perform peacekeeping operations and conduct exercises with allies. The report proposes building at least 3 carriers for duty with the Deutsche Marine (German Navy).

                          The report also includes suggestions, such as:
                          • More funds in Research & Development.
                          • Raising the defense budget.
                          • Development of a navalized aircraft for any future carriers built.
                          • Development of a bomber for strict use in the Luftwaffe.
                          • An increased purchase in the Eurocopter Tiger helicopter.
                          • Better training for German soldiers.
                          • A new plan regarding conscription.
                          • Better cruise missile systems capable of land, sea, or air launch.
                          • Large transport aircraft for transporting German and allied troops on peacekeeping or exercise operations.
                          • Development of a German Marine Corps.
                          • Upgrade the Marder 1A3.
                          • Upgrade all current Leopard 2 Main Battle Tanks to the A6 model.

                          And the list goes on. The 2002 Defense Budget is currently being considered by the Reichstag Defense and Armed Forces Committee, and it is likely that the defense budget for FY2002 will be raised. The bill will be voted on the by the Reichstag as soon as it leaves the committee.

                          OOC: Thanks to Scott, for whom I've borrowed most of this post from.

                          Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm Gives Annual Easter Address
                          POTSDAM - Seine Kaiserliche Hoheit (His Imperial Majesty) Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm V has given his annual Easter address to the people of Germany from the Imperial Residence in Potsdam. The Easter Address along with the Kaiser's Christmas Address is one of the many ways that the Kaiser strives to maintain good relations with the German people. This year SKH touched on the issues of hunger, poverty, and illiteracy in underdeveloped nations. He urged the German people to not turn their backs on their fellow man and help out when at all possible. The Kaiser also encouraged the people to choose energy saving and earth friendly modes of transportation and home appliances. This of course was welcomed by the Greens. As in following years, the Kaiser's address received very high ratings and was broadcast on all public channels.

                          [This message has been edited by Bearcat (edited April 25, 2001).]


                          • #28
                            A Public Announcement, To All Governments: Cuba is alarmed at this recent trend toward military buildups. We see frightening parallels to the time before World War 1. The cold war is over, and aside from the occasional UN peacekeeping mission, there is not and should not be any reason for the use of military force. As we begin a new century, we should learn to put the horrors of war behind us and concentrate on peaceful solutions toward the world's problems. War is not the answer.

                            To the people of the world, somewhat more surreptitiously: In the name of a peaceful world, we ask that you question the actions of your governments. Your blood and sweat is being used to make these weapons of war. You have the right, as free citizens, to demand accountability from your leaders. Are they truly meant to make the world a better place, or are they simply designed to line teh pockets of the greedy Capitalists in your country? Do not sit idly by as your governments chart this course of war. You do not want to die in some foreign battlefield simply to enrich some CEO in your country. Demand that your governments halt these dangerous actions of a more barbaric time.


                            • #29
                              OOC: Richard, the point of this forum is to be unrealistic, have military buildups, and question the old governments.
                              Please Visit:

                              And contribute if you can!


                              • #30
                                King announces Iceland to become British Protecterate

                                Several days ago the British Sixth Marine Regiment in cooperation with the Illustrious Carrier Group siezed the Island of Iceland telling the Islands government that it would now be under British control. The Island of Iceland an extremely strategic island in the North Atlantic will be host to an entire regiment of British fighters as well as a Naval base. The island will eb defended by the Second Royal Marine division. There was no resistence as the Iceland armed forces has sworn total loyalty to the King and the United Kingdom.
                                If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail

