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Big Huge War Thread I
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OOC: Right, over ICQ I've heard that people want alternate histories... so how about this: you can have them, but nothing previous to 1939 (World War II) and nothing Earth-shattering (like "no World War II" or something idiotic like that). The alternate history can only involve your claims, of course. Now, the alternate history can only unite your lands. You can't, however, make say Uganda a world power or anything like that. If you really, really, really can't explain your unity within a date from 1939 to present-day, just say so and myself, JT3, or Bearcat will help you out or let you go previous to 1939.
In 1945, the Empire of the Rising Sun, the Empire of Japan, was crushed. The growing imperailist empire had finally crumbled to the allies by the use of two atomic bombs sent down by the Pacific Republic. The Pacific Republic, and the United States of America, held troops within Japan. A refendurum was held at that time. Japan lost all of her imperial territories to the allies, and Manchuria and othe Chinese occupied lands were given back to China. However, Japan was allowed to keep one of her lands, which was the southern half of the Korean peninsula. Japan became independent soon after the war, and it became an economic power of the world, focusing on business rather than war and militaristic views.
When it was time to let the Philippines become independent from all powers, the Philippines saw it as a great oppertunity. However, once the Philippines became independent, over fifteen different political parties battled over office. Not capable to have a stable, democratic election, the Philippines erupted into a civil war situation. Guerillas were rampant and controlling the islands. A UN vote was held to send peacekeepers in. The Pacific Republic did so, with little accomplished. Another UN vote was held as to whether the Philippines should be an independent nation while it cannot become stable. The decision was to hand over the Philippines to the most stable, democratic nation in the region, which was of course Japan. Japan took control, and having the Diet not recognize that the Philippines was a warzone (thus, the "no-war" close didn't fit in), Japan stationed her Self-Defense Force along with UN peacekeeping forces from the Pacific Republic and the United States of America, and by 1975, the Philippines had been stabilized (and thus is presently how the Philippines is presently IRL).
[This message has been edited by PolarisGL (edited April 23, 2001).]
To: People's Republic of China
From: Japan
Japan would like to give word to China that many Asian lands are threatened. Stability is a jewel in Asia, and we cannot let that jewel disappear. Although our democratic views conflict with your communist views, we see it fit to look over those views and work together to "stabilize" the whole of Asia. Are you with us?
To: Australia, Indonesia, & Russia
From: Japan
Japan would like to address Australia, Indonesia, and Russia with the same message we sent to China. Will you as well help us bring the Asian jewel together?
Alt hist: Pretty simple, after the ww2, luxembourg and belgium merged with the french for protection and prosperity as it was in ruins and they didn't want to be an easy target for a third time.
GDP:$1.373 trillion + $1 billion + $2.6 billion + $18 million + $243.4 billion + $14.7 billion
Order of business;
Michel Bonaparte joins the rightist forces
Michel Bonaparte a man who is connected very well with the business barons and moguls of France and also with the military has joined the rightists force as an independent. The popular descendant of Jerome Bonaparte has long mulled to go into politics until recently when rumors circulated that if he would join many rightists would leave their parties to help him form his own political entity. Michel has vowed that he would fight to win the presidency as soon as he has enough support.
President Jaques Chirac in corrupt scandal
Yes it is apparent that our president has been receiving many favors during his reign as leader of our great nation.
After WWII, the military dictatorship perpetrated itself in power. With the implementation of quinquenial plans, the industrialisation of Argentina began and the country prospered with the new industrial base that Argentina began to have.
Eventually, the government could no longer fund the army and much was sent home. Political instability in the early 70s and a border problem with Chile began a rapid attrition of relation and Chile declared was in 1971. After a three year war, Argentina had successfully occupied Chile.
Meanwhile, through the victory in war the government regained the popular support that had been lost, allowing it to preserve power through the 70s and 80s. But instability came after recession and power began to crumble. The army became distrustful of its own leaders and a movement within the army began. The Conflagradores, heroes of the Chilean war, began to plot. Their aim was to take power and perpetuate themselves in it.
In Chile, a puppet goverment had been installed and it ruled with an iron fist. Conscription of Chileans became commonplace and slowly Chile and Argentina began to merge to form the Great Southern Republic. When the Conflagradores took power through a non-violent coup in 1991, all seemed lost. But the board was formed of new officers. Chile was granted it's 'independece' in 1993 and has since been an Argentine protectorate. Happy with the government in Chile (they were seen as liberators) the people Chile seemed content at the gains. But recession hit Argentian again and here she stands...
LOS ANGELES (Pacific Republic) -- The 2001 Pacifican Presidential elections have been finalised and candidates announced. After months of waiting the nations parties have choosen the top politicians to run for a heated campaign season. For the Democratic party will be Senator Bill McCain, well known for his campaigning in Arizona and across Pacifica. For the Republican Party they have choosen less known Congressman Sonny Bono ( he ain't dead!). And in the far off corner we have the Liberals who have picked California Governor R.D. Caruso who seems to have an underground cult following amongst the people. The elections are expected to be heated and this years turn-out for the Liberials is expected to be at an all time high.
The candidates will hold a public debate in Sacramento on Thursday where they will toss around ideas, reforms and insults in the general Pacifican style. Caruso and the Liberals are pusshing for more Democratic reforms and an advancement in the Pacifican armed forces and technology base. The Republicans are promising tax cuts (as usual) while the Democracts also propose the same but deem the Republicans have twisted it into an evil masquerade. Many do not speculate why the Liberals are gaining more respect amongst the Pacificans as the Republicans and Democrats focus more on insulting eachother than instituting necessecary reforms. A transcript from the debates will be posted in the upcoming issues of the Los Angeles Times.
Asahi Shimbun - Edition I News Articles
The Diet initiates expanding the Self-Defense Force
TOKYO - The Diet along with Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori and Saito Toshusugu, the Dir. Gen. of the Defense Agency have released a plan that will begin the expanding of the Self-Defense Force. With the recent proclaimation of Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori to begin to cut down on Asian instability, more defense projects and expansion is needed to keep tabs on things. Currently, a total of 150,000 new men will be trained for the Self-Defense Force. In addition, the Air Force and the Navy will be expanding largely by new developments. Secret development of a new fighter and bomber have begun. Production of several defense factories has begun by General Saito Toshusugu. Production of 1,000 Type-90 main battle tanks has begun as well, and the secret development of an armored personnel carrier and infantry fighting vehicle along with amphibious equipment. Stability will be restored in Asia through defense and defense only.
Work on new ports and military bases begins
MANILA - The Diet has now released plans which have begun the construction of several ports in the Philippines and on Japanese islands such as Okinawa and mainland islands. Coastal ports have also begun construction on the South Korean coast. Military bases are being established with the ports to hold troops from Japan. The ports will hold domestic and military ships, while the bases of course only military personnel. These ports and military bases will serve as breaking off points for the stability of Asia. Thousands of troops, ships, and planes will be set up in each base along with extensive defenses.
[This message has been edited by PolarisGL (edited April 23, 2001).]
I may join, tentatively, as South Africa, wherein I would also claim Nambia and Angola, along with current-day Botswanna."These men are extremely well-disciplined, and they have a history of engaging in such activities that will serve us well. They will appear spontaneous and ideologically motivated. These men carry their own cover and will not be tracable to us."
- G. Gordon Liddy on his special teams prior to Watergate
OOC: Also where Spartan has already claimed South Africa...
Following the successful conclusion of the First World War, South Africa was extended a considerable independance from both the financiers and politicians in London. Having been instrumental to the British war effort below the equator, Pretoria saw her territories expand to include Namibia, a colonial possession she would retain even after the Second World War, whence South Africa had become an even more vital contributor to the stability of the British empire.
Following the victory achieved in 1945, the United South Africa party requested the extension of British loans and other fiscal provisions which led to rapid expansion of roads and railines throughout the nation, allowing the development of a modern infrastructure on which further industry could later be founded. The pro-Afrikaner Nationalist party gained a victory in 1948, although protest from London quickly shored up any fears previously held by Jan C. Smuts' supporters, who promptly returned him to office following an "interim election" overseen by the British, upon whom Smuts had depended for aid.
European interests remained tied to South Africa throughout the 1950s, as British and French corporations heavily invested in Pretorea's vast deposits of strategic minerals. The discovery of limited quantities of patroleum off of Cape Town in 1954 further boosted the South African economy, thus allowing the expansion of budgets for education reform and a number of lucrative commercial endeavors.
South Africa entered the information age in 1962, when for the second time, British monies allowed the maintnence of communication and transport routes, establishing a system of highway and rail networks seen nowhere else on the continent. American joined the wide array of European companies already established in the country in 1969.
The South African Defense Industry was established in 1974 as a modern firm whose efforts were centered upon the construction of a domestic armaments corporate - an endeavor which proved tremendously successful well into the 1990s. Several potent designs were incorporated into the Defense Forces, including the vaunted Olifant II, Rooikat AFV, and Rooivak PAH. The South African airforce expanded to include the Cheetah Impala MkII, and the French Mirage 2000 by 1999.
Nambia became a point of concern in 1979, when modernization reforms were passed to develop "South West Africa", generally focusing on Walvis Bay and Windhoek. Uranium and precious metals were mined throughout the 1980s.
Angola was siezed by the South Africans in 1975, following the collapse of the Portugese government. Preotrea's commitment to erradicate the Marxist MPLA was so efficient as to warrant the end of Cuban aid - despite a decisive defeat at Keetmanshoop during September of that year while fighting Soviet-backed guerillas. The United States and Britain did not protest this blatant display of South African hegemony despite the outcry of Moscow and Havana.
Botswana became an addition to South Africa in 1966, when the South Africans again moved in following a colonial withdrawal - this time of the British. The colony of Bechuanaland was established by 1969 despite frequent uprising by the local populance. A drive for development in 1976 was partially thawarted by domestic turmoil within the territory, and that region remains grossly under-developed as compared to the remainder of South African territories. A considerable amount is spent to pacify "subversive" - especially Marxist - activities within the region each year."These men are extremely well-disciplined, and they have a history of engaging in such activities that will serve us well. They will appear spontaneous and ideologically motivated. These men carry their own cover and will not be tracable to us."
- G. Gordon Liddy on his special teams prior to Watergate
Okay, then, I'll go for the Scandinavian Union - that of Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark."These men are extremely well-disciplined, and they have a history of engaging in such activities that will serve us well. They will appear spontaneous and ideologically motivated. These men carry their own cover and will not be tracable to us."
- G. Gordon Liddy on his special teams prior to Watergate
The nations of Scandinavia coalesced during the later part of the 1940s, alligning themselves with the West in order to counter-balance the threat of Soviet resurgence. As relations with the Moscovite government quickly deterriorated, those with Britain, France, and America rapidly strengthened, culminating in a series of comprehensive defense treaties in 1954. At the time, the nations of Scandinavia had formed only a lose voting bloc within the United Nations, and had neglected to formally allign in any definitive fashion. Finland and Denmark consistently turned away Washington's efforts to develop military bases within their territories, although Norway conscented, with Sweden as a moderately receptive second. British expansion of Scandinavian industry - following a massive drive for investment - in 1958 seemed to set sufficient example for Finland, who immediately approved rearmament via Americna sources, though also opted to begin efforts towards the establishment of defense industries heralded by both Saab and Bofors, domestic Scandinavian corporates.
Denmark, Norway, and Sweden alligned in 1962 after eight days of progressive talks. Finland conscented to become a signatory of the alliance one year later, nearly to the day. British investment continued until 1974, when investment capital began to run low. American bussiness interests quickly revived the Scandinavian economies, however, generally in return for favorable trade agreements as reguarded strategic minerals, many of which were held in thrall by the Soviets or their Marxist allies throughout the world. Denmark and Norway purchased large portions of the North Sea's oil-rich territories in 1979, supported in part by the French.
Bofors became a multi-national venture by 1984, the same year in which transportation and communication perrogatives went into effect, unifying the region with a series of high-speed ferries, trans-national autobahns, extensive telephone networks, and a single, unified airline. Education perrogatives failed in 1986, but were accepted in 1992, whereupon they were begun immediately. British and American bussinesses helped to bring cutting edge communications to both Norway and Sweden in 1996, whereupon both nations quickly established domestic industries encorporating the new technologies. Saab expanded its operations from Sweden to Norway in 1998.
By 2000, the Scandinavian government has begun to capitalize on the abundance of oil and strategic commodities within its borders, focusing heavily on strategic minerals still to be mined. A number of military exports have also become popular among the nations of the second-world, including the Saab 'Spike', a fighter whose rough equivilant could be considered the Mirage 2000 or British Tornado. Sweden began production of the Mumakil, a domestically-produced tank on par with the T-80 in 2001, with some aid furnished by the Israelis and British. Despite the concessions made for trade and arms sales, however, the Scandinavian bloc remains firmly isolationist, and bears friendship with only a small number of larger nations whose interests suit their own."These men are extremely well-disciplined, and they have a history of engaging in such activities that will serve us well. They will appear spontaneous and ideologically motivated. These men carry their own cover and will not be tracable to us."
- G. Gordon Liddy on his special teams prior to Watergate
OOC: I'm claiming a bit more. This alternate history is quite probable; I am simply assuming that the USA had different and more reasonable diplomats in the 1950's.
IC: Aaron Lopez walked around the grounds of the Presidential Palace, deep in thought. He had inherited a great responsibility from his beloved predecessor, Fidel Castro. Castro and the USA had worked together to ensure peace and prosperity in the region. It was now his duty to maintain the order and stabillity that the Caribbean had become known for.
When Castro had overthrown the corrupt Batista regime, the Americans had welcomed him. While some factions had tried to censure him on suspicion of communism, more rational heads had prevailed. These diplomats of the
USA had realized that the new revolutionary was a potential ally. Castro himself was practically begging for diplomatic recognition from his neighbor country, and an alliance was soon formed.
The USSR had tried to ally themselves with other Carribean nations to set up spy networks and missile bases, but the Cubans had prevented this. A series of puppet wars had erupted between Cuba and other nations. The Cubans had won every one of these petty wars, aided by large amounts of supplies smuggled from the United States by the CIA. Eventually Cuba had gained direct control of Jamacia, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and a large section of the Bahamas. These wars stopped when the Soviets perfected ICBM's and so had no need for potential IRBM bases.
The cuban economy remained healthy, with a substantial amount of trade with the States and a small amount of corruption, at least compared to the Batista years. In 1976 the first truly democratic elections were held, and Castro won, as he had continued to do until his death. Aaron had been somewhat suspicious of this, but a search of archives and diaries had shown no trace of foul play. Castro's Democratic Socialism and astute foreign policy remained popular.
In recent years, many of the remaining European colony islands had started asking for independence. After seeing the example set by Cuba, they wanted local control and autonomy. Many factions in these islands wanted to ally with Cuba. Aaron was only now beginning to unravel the deatils of Castro's meddling with their internal affairs. Many of these 'revolutionaries' were in fact Castro stooges, but there was a growing popular demand for a Carribbean Alliance.
Aaron Lopez had inherited the control of the respected regional power known as Cuba. Only time would tell how he managed this responsibility.
Current Diplomatic Standing:
United States: Firm alliance
Argentina: Uneasiness. Each country wants to exert more influence in Central America
European Powers: Suspicion due to the restlessness of Carribbean territories. Cuba thinks of them as imperialists and the Europeans suspect foul play.
Others: No special status
[This message has been edited by Richard Bruns (edited April 23, 2001).]
OOC: My slightly extended alternate history is approved.
In 1919 the German Empire was in ruins. Her defeat at the hands of the Allied Powers was complete. Among the terms of surrender Germany was completely stripped of all her overseas colonies and most of western Poland. However with help from American President Woodrow Wilson, Germany was able to hold on to East Prussia, and the German Corridor including Stettin, and Danzig. However Kaiser Wilhelm II was unable to keep order and was forced to flee to the Netherlands in the face of Communist and Socialist revolts across the Empire. In Berlin, troops of the Kaiserliche Armee entered the city to supress a Communist revolt there. A republic was declared on August 11, 1919. The new National Assembly convened in Weimar from August 13 to September 1, drawing up a new constitution for the newly dubbed "Weimar Republic". By Article 213 of the Versailles Peace Treaty Germany and her allies were solely blamed for the Allied losses during the war and the sum of reperations was set at 132 billion gold marks. An impossible sum for Germany to pay.
In 1921 the German economy collapsed fed by the French demands on Germany for reperations and French seizure of German coal and other industrial products. However in 1922, President Ebert was able to stabilize the flagging economy and actually put it back on track to success.This was aided by the joining of Austria into the Weimar Republic. Austria had first requested unification with Germany in 1919, however it was denied. The new unification of these two nations of German brothers was cause for much celebration. In 1925, former German Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg was elected as President of the Republic.
In 1929 the world economy came crashing down on the head of the fledgling German economy. Unable to both pay reperations and maintain it's industries the German economy collapsed. The mass devaluation of the Mark and continued seizure of vital resources by the French drove the German nation deep into depression and the German people deep into poverty. The formerly unknown National Socialist German Worker's Party (NDSAP) represented by it's fiery orator, Adolf Hitler, a German veteran of World War I soared to popularity. In 1933 Hitler was appointed Chancellor by President Von Hindenburg. Hitler began to slowly consolidate power, soon taking over fully after Hindenburg's death in 1934.
In 1936 the German military reoccupied the Rhineland. Germany's military also began a massive buildup under the new "Nazi" government. In 1938 Hitler demanded that the Czechoslovakia cede the Sudetenland, which had a large majority German population. Eager to avoid war Britain and France signed away the Sudetenland to Germany at the 1938 Munich Conference. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain declaring it "peace in our time". However in 1939 Hitler moved to take the rest of Czechoslovakia. The world watched.
In August 1939 Hitler demanded that Poland cede a strip of territory containing former German land and which was populated by a German minority. However the Polish government refused, knowing that her sovereignty was guaranteed by Britain and France. On September 1, 1939 the German Army stormed across the Polish border in a new style called blitzkrieg or "lightning war". Within about two months the Polish government had collapsed and World War II had begun.
By 1945 Germany was once again in ruins. She had once again suffered deafeat and the hands of foreign powers. The Allies met in destroyed Berlin to discuss the future of Germany. Britain, the United States, Pacifica, and France were in favor of uniting the zones into a peaceful unified Germany that "would never again wage war on the European continent". After much weedling and discussion the Soviets agreed to this proposal. Germany was once again reunified.
In 1947, a referendum was proposed that would restore the monarchy in Germany. The German people were heavily embittered after another defeat at the hands of Britain and the United States and eagerly approved the referendum. Crown Prince Ruprecht von Hohenzollern was installed as "Kaiser of all the Germanies". In 1949, Konrad Adenauer of the Free Conservative Party was elected as Reichskanzler or "Imperial Chancellor". Adenauer was instrumental in bringing Germany out of the post war depression.
In 1955 the USSR began to rearm it's eastern satellites causing Germany to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and break it's neutral role. In 1971 Kaiser Ruprecht died, and his son inherited the throne taking the title Kaiser Wilhelm III, King of Prussia, and Emperor of Germany. By 1991 the Cold War was effectively over and peace reigned in Europe once more. Kaiser Wilhelm III died in 1995 and was succeeded by his son, who took the title Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm V.
Status of German Political Parties:
Conservative Party (Konservatives Partei) - The Conservatives are a right-of-center party with nationalist leanings. The Conservatives were originally the party of landed Prussian aristocracy and the Junkers. In fact the Conservatives still draw alot of votes from the the Prussian länder. The Conservatives have begun to mainstream themselves in recent years and have been discussing the possibility of a coalition with the Free Conservatives off and on.
Party Leader: Friedrich von Stennendorf
Party Symbol: KP
Free Conservative Party (Freieskonservatives Partei) - The Free Conservatives are the more mainstream right-of-center party in Germany. The Free Conservatives are avid supporters of the German monarchy and free market economy. The Free Conservatives still receive most of the votes from industrial Germany. However the Free Conservatives have also fought to make themselves seem just as much a "People's Party" as the Social Democrats.
Party Leader: Laurenz Meyer
Party Symbol: FKP
Center Party (Zentrum Partei) - The Center Party is the Roman Catholic party of Germany. The Center Party is center-right with conservative tendencies. The Center Party receives most of it's support from Bavaria, the Rhineland, and Catholic enclaves in Baden-Würrtemberg and the Prussian länder.
Party Leader: Edmund Stoiber
Party Symbol: ZP
Protestant Party of Germany (Evangelische Partei Deutschlands) - The Protestant Party is the equivalent of the Center Party only with slightly more liberal tendencies and it's support comes from Northern Germany instead of the south.
Party Leader: Angela Merkel
Party Symbol: EPD
Social Democratic Party of Germany (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands) - The Social Democratic Party of Germany has long since evolved from the fledgling Marxist party that earned the emnity of Bismarck. The SPD is currently in power under it's leader Chancellor Gerhard Schröder in a coalition with the Greens. The SPD is the other "People's Party" in Germany. And is center-left on the spectrum.
Party Leader: Gerhard Schröder
Party Symbol: SPD
Liberal Party (Liberale Partei) - The Liberal Party is left-of-center on the spectrum. It was once the National Liberal Party but dropped the National in 1960. The Liberals are avid free-market liberals and form several governing coalitions with the FKP and SPD in several länder.
Party Leader: Guido Westerwelle
Party Symbol: LP
Progressive Party (Fortschrittliche Partei) - The Progressive Party is the most extreme left party in Germany. The Progressive Party is the former Communist Socialist Unity Party, however renamed itself in 1991 after Communism collapsed in eastern Europe. The Progressives are supported mainly by young disestablishmentarians and students.
Party Leader: Gabi Zimmer
Party Symbol: FP
The Greens (Die Grünen) - The Greens are a socialist and enviromentalist leftist party that emerged in the 60s. The Greens are currently involved in the ruling Red-Green Coalition with the SPD. The Greens are renowned for their impeccable record regarding consumer safety and draw alot of youth votes.
Party Leader: Gunda Röstel
Party Symbol: Grünen
[This message has been edited by Bearcat (edited April 24, 2001).]