Ok. The fields of the Balkans were once again coated in blood as two armies--Austrian and Turkish--were annihilated this year. In other news, the last neutral land, Holland, was finally conquered by the Lion's roar, while Russia initiated a blitzkrieg attack on Germany. Italy and France continued to strategically position their units, readying for their first major conflict.
Austria (Midshipman) (1 disband)
A Alb-Ser (fail)
F Gre S A Alb-Ser (invalid)
F Tri S A Alb-Ser (invalid)
A Tyr-Vie
A Bud-Rum (fail; dislodged; destroyed)
England (Ruffhaus) (1 build)
A Edi-Hol
F Nth C A Edi-Hol
F Hel S A Edi-Hol
F Nwy S F Nth
France (Napoleon) (no change)
A Spa H
A Mar H
A Bel S (English) A Edi-Hol
A Bur-Mun (fail)
Germany (SnowFire) (no change)
A Ruh-Hol (fail)
A Mun S A Ruh-Hol (broken)
F Den-Nth (fail)
F Ska S F Den-Nth
Italy (Defiant) (no change)
F Ion S F Apu-Adr
F Apu-Adr
A Pie-Tyr
A Ven S A Pie-Tyr
Russia (Victor Galis) (1 build)
F Swe (ec) H
A Liv-Pru
A War-Sil
A Gal S F Rum-Bud
F Rum-Bud
A Sev-Rum
Turkey (WarVoid) (1 build)
F Bla S A Ser
A Con-Bul
A Ser H
F Aeg C A Con-Bul
Map: http://www.geocities.com/lordstone1/...reas/f1902.gif
Since we only have 3 builds to turn in, I'm giving you all 36 hours to do it. W1903 builds due Wednesday February 7, 2001
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by LordStone1 (edited February 06, 2001).]</font>
Austria (Midshipman) (1 disband)
A Alb-Ser (fail)
F Gre S A Alb-Ser (invalid)
F Tri S A Alb-Ser (invalid)
A Tyr-Vie
A Bud-Rum (fail; dislodged; destroyed)
England (Ruffhaus) (1 build)
A Edi-Hol
F Nth C A Edi-Hol
F Hel S A Edi-Hol
F Nwy S F Nth
France (Napoleon) (no change)
A Spa H
A Mar H
A Bel S (English) A Edi-Hol
A Bur-Mun (fail)
Germany (SnowFire) (no change)
A Ruh-Hol (fail)
A Mun S A Ruh-Hol (broken)
F Den-Nth (fail)
F Ska S F Den-Nth
Italy (Defiant) (no change)
F Ion S F Apu-Adr
F Apu-Adr
A Pie-Tyr
A Ven S A Pie-Tyr
Russia (Victor Galis) (1 build)
F Swe (ec) H
A Liv-Pru
A War-Sil
A Gal S F Rum-Bud
F Rum-Bud
A Sev-Rum
Turkey (WarVoid) (1 build)
F Bla S A Ser
A Con-Bul
A Ser H
F Aeg C A Con-Bul
Map: http://www.geocities.com/lordstone1/...reas/f1902.gif
Since we only have 3 builds to turn in, I'm giving you all 36 hours to do it. W1903 builds due Wednesday February 7, 2001
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by LordStone1 (edited February 06, 2001).]</font>