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The World 1999 XXII - The Second Rebirth

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  • To Canada:
    We are welcome to all offers you may wish to put forth. As it stands our current alliance and free trade deals are plenty.

    To Mexico:
    Your repeated attempts at a valid and working Democratic system have been recognized in Washington, we salute your continued attempts at democracy, yet we warn you, any slip back into Dictatorship will result in massive American intervention.
    If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


    • Slav Confederate was rebuilding their army and started to produce T-80 Black Eagle Tanks. We produced almost 400 this tanks. The President stopped the privatization, and collapse of many military facilities. The POlish factories are still producing very good rifles, the modern version of Kalasznikov rifle, and in Ukraine the factories are producing the Tanks, and advanced MiG-29. The army have to be rebuilded and strenghten. In economy goverment support private investors and started the great program of decommunization of Country, specially Ukraine. Poland is almost decommunized and their economy boost like in past years. Polish specialist help Ukraine to strengh their economy. And Police and Army fights with Ukrainian Mafia effectivly, because the President of Slav Confederate made the decision, which gives very high power to Police, so they can work on the line of law, without consequntions.

      Slav Confederate Goverment expelled almost 1000 German Nationalist from territory of Opole, where Germans have influenced the local Councils. The Germans Population in Poland is less then 1% but they are very dangerous, because their activity is anti-Polish, and they try to take back the West Lands to Germany.
      Slav Confederate will not be discussing in this matter with Germany.

      In Slav Confederate many politicians declares that Chech territories which belongs to Germany, should be Slav. Many Slav Generals want even to attack Germany, which would dissolve this situation and use the military advantage in it, and concentration of Slav Army near Germany territory. But Slav Confederate President is against the military operation, and wants to dissolve it in peacefull way.
      "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


      • Slav Goverment wants to ask The Baltic States Leader for strategic military alliance. It will be the Central European Alliance, which will be securing the stability and security of Central Europe.
        "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


        • OOC: Scott's resting so to I'll post a qucik caretaking post for him.


          The German government condemns the Slavic action. Deporting citizens that live within your borders just because of their ethnicity is no better than the Nazis you say you despise.


          • Ben-Yonaton has announced his new plan for the city of Hebron, which calls for the city to be partitioned into a Palestinian area, and a much smaller Israeli area. The Israeli area will be merged with the nearby settlement of Kiryat Arba which is not currently inside the boundaries of Hebron. A map has been prepared of the new boundaries of the city:

            The white areas are those already under Palestinian rule.
            The green areas are those being transferred from Israeli to Palestinian rule.
            The red areas are those which will form Israeli Hebron. The yellow lines are new roads being contructed in Israeli Hebron.
            The establishment of a Hebrew government and the implementation of its plans - this is the sole way of rescuing our people, salvaging our existence and our honor. We will follow this path, for there is no other. We will fight! Every Jew in our homeland will fight!


            • To USA: The main things on our agenda are that Mexico reforms into a democratic nation, and if they do return to a dictatorship, we will gladly aid you in intervention however we can. Second, we wish to seek your support in a condemnation of the Slavs treatment of their minority groups so that a second holocaust does not occur in Europe nor anywhere else. Thirdly, we wish to continue our longstanding alliance and trade agreements and we hope to see peace reign supreme between our nations forever!
              We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!


              • I am going to take Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and UAE, Qatar.

                (Yeah I am back, I quit one forum because it was very unrealistic and closed down. So I have time to post)

                Our Country maintains a strong sense of a Republic, we are for peace and do not wish to be attacked in any way and will not attack unless provoked in some manner. Our Country will maintain a large Military to fight Terrorism and maintain defenses for our own sake. We have plans to improve the literacy rate in Egypt to at least 75% in 6 months to improve our economy.

                National Name: Arab Federation
                Captial: Cairo, Egypt
                Government Form: Federal Republic
                Economy: GDP--$442.8 Billion
                Per Captia: $6,600 (Average)
                Growth: +1.4% (Next Year: 4%) - Reforms may increase this number by at least 3%-6%.

                Army: 656,600
                Navy: 62,500
                AirForce: 86,800 (Mostly Equppied with F-16s, MiGs-29s and other Advanced AirCraft from the US, Russia and other nations purchased in this decade)
                National Guard: 73,300
                Uses: 7% of the GDP
                Budget: $32.6 Billion Dollars

                AF Reaction to Argentine Coup:
                "Well, all I can say it was brutal and was not necessary at all. Because a militant government will not do anything for a struggling economy that could do better with an better democracy. Memen or De La Rue were not corrupt, and we think a military government would be highly unpopular among nations near Argentina or Argentines themself" - AF President in Press Conference

                To Slav Confederation:
                Stop all Racial Acts towards Germans or other minorities or we will have to talk with other nations... on a possible solution.

                To Argentine Dictator:
                Restore Democracy soon or face devasting consquences to your economy....

                To Mexico: We highly support all forms of democracy... we will assist you with your economy although we might not very much since we have to tackle our own.

                [This message has been edited by Giancarlo (edited June 21, 2000).]
                For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


                • Mr. Koffed saw the first battalion of special forces to come into the briefing room. The people sat down and Mr. Koffed brief them on the situation.

                  Mr. Koffed: "These are dangerous times. There is a terrorist organization trying to bomb industry. The worst part is that the terrorist organization would not claim responsiblity. We have to also prepare for the fact that the terrorist organization might have the capablity of building a nuclear weapon. Before you get some training in this area aomething came to me. This was that the terrorists could bomb a nuclear power plant and be as effective as the terrorists planted a nuclear device. So your first job is to look for supicious persons around the nuclear power plants. After you do this your training will begin. Dismissed.


                  • DateLine
                    AF Troops Storm Rebel Vinicity
                    On a peaceful afternoon, sudden aircraft consisting of mostly F-16s flew over a town five miles north of Sudan coming close to this terrorist camp that consist mostly of Guerillas that want to help Sudan invade a Southern part of Egypt, since our Army is well equppied and started to strike at strategic locations in these areas. Nearly 10,000 Troops attacked these positions wiping nearly all rebels.... more to come.

                    Nuclear Power Programme
                    A new programme has been into affect now, a new script was written and all new power plants investments or projects will be nuclear or clean power such as hydroelectric, solar, natural gas and wind.
                    For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


                    • OOC:Gian your claim is huge, you should cut it down to either Egypt and Sudan or Saudi Arabia and some Gulf states.
                      The establishment of a Hebrew government and the implementation of its plans - this is the sole way of rescuing our people, salvaging our existence and our honor. We will follow this path, for there is no other. We will fight! Every Jew in our homeland will fight!


                      • The Slav Confederate will not do anything to support German Nationalism. We say NAZI ideology "NO", and we will be cleaning our country from German Nazi Group with Hitler resentiments. All countries which support Germany after 60 year from the greatest war, which Germany started will be named - supporter of NAZI.

                        "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


                        • OOC:
                          Gian's claim is too big. He should tone it down. That claim has too many important nations lumped together.

                          The German government demands that the German minority in the Slavic Confederate be treated with full equality and not be persecuted. Such a policy is only fair, given that the Polish minority in Germany is not persecuted and is given full equality with all other German citizens.

                          Until the Slavic Confederate comes to its senses, the German govenrment will hold in effect a full economic embargo and naval blockade of the Slavic Confederate.


                          • The Slav Confederate Leader President Luk Castle has announced the emergency state in Slav Army.

                            The Goverment of SC demands to stop naval blockade from German Fleet, because it is attacking in our National Trade lines which we have with another Nations. We accept the embargo from Germany, but we do not accept the German action which attacks our International Relationships with other nations.

                            Slav Confederate doesnt want to use their military advantage and attack Germany, because we are very peacefully orientated but we will use our forces if you dont stop the international blockade of our country

                            The Normal Germans People, who dont attack Polish Country are treated well, and will be treated well, but we will not accept the German NAZIs.

                            And Poles in Germany.
                            As you know (OOC:And I think you dont know, because you are not in Germany) The Polish Minority (over 1 million people) in German Law are not the Official Minority!!!!
                            They are National Group, which is formally designed for 1000 peoples national groups.

                            In Poland, as you know The German are fully right Minority, and they have the representation in parliament, because they dont need to gain a minimum of 5% of votes, which normal Polish Party must have to be in parliament...

                            So dont say that we are bad treat German Peoples. We did overtreat them and now We are trying to equal them to normal hard working Polish People
                            [This message has been edited by Luk (edited June 21, 2000).]
                            "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


                            • OOC: There are nearly three million Turks in Germany I would think they would be the official minority.

                              The third fleet has made a sudden appearance in the Baltic.

                              To Slav Confederation
                              Any mistreatment of minorities will be met with a full declaration of war by the United States.
                              [This message has been edited by Bolo (edited June 21, 2000).]
                              If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


                              • OOC: By expelling them? Sure.


                                BRAZILIAN SPECIALISTS MAKE SUPRISE RAID

                                LETICIA - Today in a suprise raid, Brazilian counter-terrorist agents raided the holdings of a Colombian drug lord named Ramon Calderon. Calderon, a member of the Colombian, Cali drug cartel had been running illegal operations along the Brazilian-Colombian border. The CounterTerrorist Detachment (CTD) taskfroce led by Alejandro Noronha, stormed Calderon's plantation capturing him and several cohorts. CTG also seized Calderon's plantation and found some very interesting computer files containing information on more of Cali's operations in South America. This is a breakthrough in the war on drugs and Cali is not expected to recover easily.

                                BRAZIL CONDEMNS SLAV CONFEDERATION

                                BRASILIA - Today in a speech before the Congresso Nacional, President Faria condemned the Slavic Confederation for her treatment of German miniorities. It is suspected in Brazil that Slavic president Castle is personally anti-German and has ordered these expulsions based on personal discrimination and racism.

                                BRAZILIAN ARMY BEGINS WORK ON NEW TANK

                                SAO PAULO - The Brazilian Army unfurled new plans today, for a tank that would rival even the best European, American, or Israeli made tank. The Wulfgar* is still in the developmental stages, however it is expected to be a rival to the likes of the Leopard II, the M1A2 Abrams, or the Merkava. Military research expert Gustavo Cruz made the comment

                                The Wulfgar should the pride of the military world. She will finally put South American militaries on the map.

