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The World 1999 XXII - The Second Rebirth

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  • #91
    OOC: Disclaimer, this is a story not real

    IC: Mr. Koffed was in his disorderly office looking at his papers. The office was cluddered with papers, reports and video tapes. There were various photographs push into a bulletin board. Newspaper stewned across the floor. Files that are misplaced filled the file cabinet. Even his secartary would not try to organize his office.

    Mr. Koffed was looking at a report when a employee rushed in out of breath holding what look to be a bomb.

    Employee: "We have found this bomb in the building."

    Mr. Koffed: "We now know what the terrorist bombs look like."

    Employee: "Also the president wants to see you."

    Mr. Koffed: "What for?"

    Employee: "Haven't you heard that an aircraft plant in Seattle got bombed and a major train station in Chicago was also bombed. No terrorist organization is claiming responiblity."

    Mr. Koffed: "That makes it hard to figure out where they will attack next. Get me a ticket to Washington DC."


    • #92
      Oval Office
      "Get that Koffed guy here I want to talk to him about this renewed terrorist threat."
      The President ordered his national security advisor.
      "Yes sir."
      If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


      • #93
        The Government of Canada wishes to thank Germany for not allowing the Imperialist Atlanteans to expand across the Atlantic into our spheres of influence.

        To USA: We wish to meet to discuss a joint military and economic alliance possible also including Mexico. This is in an effort to protect ourselves from Atlantean aggression as well as to protect our interests worldwide. We eagerly await your response.

        To Germany: We wish to enter a partnership with your nation in military and economic fields. This will be sort of an informal alliance where we will help each other out and yet have no strings attached. And thank you for not parting with Greenland. We are disgusted by those vulgar Atlanteans and their self righteous dogma.
        We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!


        • #94
          OOC:I will take Israel...

          As Barak's coalition finally fell, due to Shas' demands for more funding for their schools and growing anger at Barak's willingness to make concessions, it suddenly seemed that both Labor and Likud would fail. A charismatic young man who had immigrated from the USA, Yuri Ben-Yonaton, had gained support from many Israelis. Ben-Yonaton promised to end Post-Zionism's dominance in schools, to stop making needless concessions to the Arabs, and to bring an end to terrorism in Israel.

          The Labor Party, too eager to make concessions, and the Likud Party, to stubborn to negotiate at all, both fell to the reborn General Zionist Party. The General Zionists also managed to get 48 out of 120 seats in the Knesset, and quickly formed a coalition with Shas, who got 13 seats, the Third Way Party, with 4 seats, and Yisrael BaAliyah, with 7 seats. The government coalition holds a majority of 72 seats out 120.

          Ben-Yonaton has stated the following as the goals of his administration
          -A peace that is fair for both the Jews and Arabs
          -No unreasonable concessions granted to the Arabs
          -A strengthening of the Israeli nation
          -An end to government-sponsored Post-Zionist thought.

          Ben-Yonaton has announced that he beleives the biggest threat facing Israel today is Post-Zionism. "Zionism is what has always united the Yishuv, and has given us faith in the future. As long as we have faith in our nation, in our right to HaEretz Yisrael, we can never be conquered. But if Post-Zionism is allowed to spread, Israel's days are numbered.

          Ben-Yonaton's first act was to have school textbooks replaced with those that speak of historical truths. The former textbooks presented only the Arab view, the new ones will provide not the Arab or the Jewish view but the historical one. The next books will serve to educate students, instead of brainwashing them into becoming enemies of Zionism.
          The establishment of a Hebrew government and the implementation of its plans - this is the sole way of rescuing our people, salvaging our existence and our honor. We will follow this path, for there is no other. We will fight! Every Jew in our homeland will fight!


          • #95
            OOC: I don't know if Scott is going to post here much anymore so could I take Germany?


            • #96
              Mr. Koffed entered the oval office not sure what to expect. The president was asking various amounts of questions which Mr. Koffed tried answer. Mr. Koffed knew that the terrorists were not the normal get on the media terrorists, because no group claimed responsiblity. He also told about that these terrorists were much smarter. These terrorists were attacking industry. When the president asked for advice, Mr. Koffed said, "We need to get up an anti-terrorist unit that knows the ins and outs of secret terrorism, but that is going to take time. In the meanwhile my team will try to keep on predicting where these terrorists will strike next." Then Mr. Koffed sat down and answer more questions.


              • #97
                The President looked across at Mr. Coffed as he finished answering the last question the President spoke.
                "All right I'm convinced. I'll give you all the funding you need, I want these terrorists caught and your organization seems the best way to do it. You can choose from the best we can offer, Seals, Rangers, FBI SWAT, DEA, CIA. Start it up and get those terrorists, the United States will make available all its assets to help you in your crusade."

                To Canada
                That would be exceptable.
                If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


                • #98
                  OOC: Bearcat, Scott's on vacation to Germany
                  Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                  • #99
                    OOC: I thought he wnet to Florida. Anyway he's back, but he hasn't posted here in the longest time so I was just wondering if I could take Germany.


                    • OOC: I thought he wnet to Florida. Anyway he's back, but he hasn't posted here in the longest time so I was just wondering if I could take Germany.


                      • OOC:
                        I am back. I still have many threads to read through, so give me a chance to catch up. I will stay on as Germany for the time being.


                        • The Canadian Prime Minister Scott Rossi arrived in Washington today to meet with the President to discuss matters of North American Defense, Trade and Foreign Policy in regards to our interests.

                          Furthermore, Canadian CF-18 Fighters have entered service fresh from the factory. Increased military funding has resulted in a massive military buildup. Work continues on the new naval vessels and they should be completed within the year.

                          To Atlantis: We warn you to cease your expansionist policies and remain close to home. We do not take lightly to imperialistic nations.

                          To USA: We begin the talks on your terms first. Let us know what you want us to do to continue our longstanding alliance, and then we will respond!
                          We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!


                          • In recent months, the economy of the United Baltic States, led by their beloved Prime Minister Arydas Sabonis, has made tremendous advances. The influx of high-tech companies into the UBS, especially into the area around Vilnius, has caused that area to become known as the Silicon Valley of Eastern Europe. The good performance of the UBS economy is expected to result in a much larger budget for parliament to work with. Two months ago parliament voted for the construction of a Baltic Stock Exchange in Vilnius to accomadate all the new companies in the UBS.

                            The UBS military has been strengthening as well do to a continuing influx of volunteers joining the army, air force, and navy. The military's industrial production has also increased to to the construction of numerous new factories and docks. The newest UBS ship, the battleship U.B.S. Indefatigable, was christened two days ago. It is currently en route to join the UBS 1st Fleet in the northern Atlantic.

                            The UBS Foreign Minister announced today that it would be sending a representative to an upcoming conference in Warsaw. The Minister also expressed a wish for diplomatic relations with Germany, Russia, China, Canada, and the USA. In a surprise foreign relations announcement yesterday, Prime Minister Sabonis said that the UBS strongly disapproved of the Atlantean expansionism.

                            -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert
                            AKA GeoDude

                            My E-Mail:

                            Come to my forum: Cool History


                            • Canada accepts the diplomatic offer from the UBS and we would like to meet your leaders in Ottawa for a discussion about an alliance and trade pact.
                              We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!


                              • OOC: What about BRAZIL!!??

