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The Age of Imperialism

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  • #16
    Argentinian president has announced that the port of Buenos Aires is open to all Immigrants!
    After a successful campaign against the Araucanos, Gral Roca has announced that there is free land in Argentina for immigrants to claim!

    New Coal mines open in Rio Turbio!
    Output will almost double budget!
    Come and get your coal! We sell it at half the price Germany does!

    And Argentina has about 100,000 battle ready veteran cavalry armed with Remington Rifles from the Campaña del Desierto commanded by Julio Argentino Roca.

    OOC: I'll post more on Monday!


    • #17
      And by the way:
      The Argentine food market is open. We can negotiate exports of frozen meat to feed your poor!

      20,000 Troops cross the River Plate and overrun Montevideo and Colonia del Sacramento!
      Yesterday, Gral Roca issued the invasion of Uruguay.
      They seceded from us 75 years ago and we plan to take them back!
      Meanwhile, reports say that the decimated remnants of the Uruguayan Armed forces has taken to the hills around both cities.
      Meanwhile, the cities are being fortified with artillery.


      • #18
        Several months later

        Moscow Star

        Election Results

        Truly today is a momentous day in the new Russian Democratic Union, with the very first election results coming in. The parties all brand new are listed as the following:
        Monarchist Party
        Social Conservative Party
        Social Democratic Party
        Socialist Party
        Communist Party
        These were the only five parties to register before the election and Interem President Bolo was quite pleased at the how many decided to register. It had taken quite a bit of money to reach the farthest out area's of Russia. Interem President Bolo was quoted as saying. "I'm looking forward to when the Trans-Siberian railroad will be completed and that way it will be much easier to communicate with the Eastern portions of the Union." The words of the interem President are correct the completion of the railroad will make Eastern Russia a much more accessible area.
        Russia's system of democratic government is similar to the British in that it is a Constitutional Monarchy with two houses a Duma and a Senate, there will be no House of Lords. The Czarina's power will be limited to what the Queen of England can do, she is a symbol of the past, and her power will also be just that, symbolic.
        The results are coming in:

        Duma Results

        Monarchist Party: 11%
        Social Democratic Party: 44%
        Social Conservatives: 31%
        Socialists: 10%
        Communists: 4%

        It looks like the Social Democrats will form a majority as they captured the majority of the seats in the Duma.

        Senate Results

        Monarchist Party: 4%
        Social Democratic Party: 51%
        Social Conservatives: 34%
        Socialists: 9%
        Communists: 2%

        So President Bolo's Social Democratic party has emerged victorious and he will be the First President of the Russian Democratic Union.
        [This message has been edited by Bolo (edited April 19, 2000).]
        If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


        • #19
          I'll be the ottoman empire.


          • #20
            Immigration Freedom Act Passed!

            Today, the United States passed the Immigration Freedom Act, which terminated all reestrictions on immigrants coming to the United States. Though many are worried this may work as to sever to the racial purity of the US, President James Dragon, who signed the bill yesterday, claimed that by allowing free immigration to the United States, it will only strengthen the US as a whole, building up the economy and providing potential soldiers for wartime.


            • #21

              The nation of Sweden is in mourning today. King Oscar II has been stricken to his bed with a mysterious disease that our doctors cannot seem to find a cure for. Although he is still healthy the doctors believe that soon he will be wasting away to bare bone. Sweden has asked all other nations to mourn for the ill monarch who is most certainly on his death bed.

              OOC - Scott, Norway was ceded to Sweden after the Napoleonic Wars and stayed with Sweden until 1905. So please make Norway Swedish.


              • #22
       on page2!!
                [This message has been edited by gscott23x3 (edited April 23, 2000).]
                We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!


                • #23
                  Actually, Napoleon III gets kicked out of France in 1871, when he loses the Franco-Prussian War and is captured by Prussian soldiers while trying to commit suicide to avoid the dishonor of defeat.


                  • #24
                    Berlin, February 5, 1885:
                    Today the Reichstag voted on the annual Army Bill, which would have increased Army funding, total Army size, and would have lengthened the period of conscription. Unfortunately, the Reichstag did not pass the new Army Bill. No response has been received yet from the Office of the Chancellor though it is doubtful that the Iron Chancellor was pleased by this development.

                    In other news, the Foreign Office has issued a statement saying that the German Empire will be considering giving aid to the Boer Republics. The exact nature of the aid that is being considered has not been released.

                    Berlin, February 17, 1885:
                    Chancellor Bismarck has dissolved the Reichstag and has ordered new elections. A statement released by the Chancellor's office read:


                    Never have I seen such treason in the Reichstag before. I hope never to see it again. Any Reichstag deputy who would vote against an Army Bill now, when France is again threatening and may gain a hostile government is almost certainly an enemy of the Empire. I call on all true Germans, all true loyal Germans, to do the right thing and to elect Reichstag deputies who will place the good of the German Empire ahead of their petty and shortsighted political goals and ambitions.

                    Berlin, February 25, 1885:
                    The Reichstag campaign is in full swing. At the present time, it appears that the supporters of Bismarck will be triumphant.

                    Berlin, February 27, 1885:
                    The Naval Secretary has ordered the construction of a squadron of six armored cruisers.

                    Dispatches from the Foreign Office:

                    To Japan:
                    We cannot commit ourselves at the present time to so worthy an endeavor.

                    To the Boer Republics:
                    We will be able to aid you, in exchange for certain guarantees.

                    To Britain:
                    We propose an alliance between our two empires.


                    • #25
                      Oops double post!!
                      [This message has been edited by gscott23x3 (edited April 20, 2000).]
                      We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!


                      • #26
                        Japan News 1884

                        Emperor Sukoto Hirohito has been placed on the throne in a grand ceremony in Tokyo. After most of the Imperial family was killed in a terrible fire, he was the next available heir. His first act as Emperor was the Better Japan Doctrine, among other things, it includes:

                        - The massive industrialization of our nation to catch up with the western powers and the United States.

                        - The expansion of our navy to match England and the USA's Pacific Fleets.

                        - The expansion of our army to 250,000 men, both to defend the Home Islands and also to police and protect any colonial holdings we may acquire.

                        - The creation of colonial dominions to bring the impoverished peoples of Asia under Japanese care and guidance.

                        To All: We offer you our hand in friendship and we seek alliances with any willing to join us as brothers in arms!

                        To Orange Republics: We support your efforts at gaining land along the coast...we know how important it is to have ports and a navy in this day and age. We would be willing to assist you in any way neccessary should you need it!

                        To Russia: We are interested in you as a valued ally and close neighbor. We also see that your far east is sparsely populated and developed and we express our interest in purchasing the Kamchatka peninsula from you for whatever price you deem worthy not to exceed 20 million dollars.

                        To Germany: We are interested in you as a valued ally albeit a distant neighbor. Perhaps through cooperation in our upcoming years, we may be able to provide you with some Pacific holdings to rival the French and British...please contact us on this matter!!

                        To USA: We wish to purchase naval vessels and industrial technicians from you at top price...our industry is struggling to meet up with yours and we need all the help we can get in this time of struggle!
                        [This message has been edited by gscott23x3 (edited April 23, 2000).]
                        We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!


                        • #27
                          Mod Stuff:
                          I was hoping that I would not have to step in so soon. First off, please ask me before claiming a nation outside of Europe that is not already listed on the map. Argentina would be an example.

                          Hodad can keep Argentina, but he is on probation. I ask only that he be realistic. Coal production does not double in a single post and invasions should take a while. Of course, it would always help if Hodad wrote out nice battle posts for his current war...

                          Gscott, 2.5 million men is too much for about anyone. Especially Japan. Russia can field nearly this many, but they cannot arm or equip them. You should be able to get Black Dragon to sell you those monitors and ironclads if you want them. Talk to him about it.

                          Spartan, please take your time with the Zulus. They were more than a match for the British regular army in this period. You will win any war, but it will not be easy.

                          Bill3000, please be realistic. Until you have proven that you can be realistic, you are on probation. I know that you can be realistic if you at least try. If you have a question, ask me about it first (that is good advice for everyone).

                          Yes, JT3, Austria-Hungary is a monarchy right now.

                          I am going home Thursday afternoon. All of my books which contain data and numbers for this period are at home. I will be on ICQ and will be posting from home, so nothing will change. I hope to have those numbers for you soon.


                          • #28
                            OOC:all right, let's say I have at least part of the coast though
                            IC:TO Germany
                            What guarantees would you require?
                            The establishment of a Hebrew government and the implementation of its plans - this is the sole way of rescuing our people, salvaging our existence and our honor. We will follow this path, for there is no other. We will fight! Every Jew in our homeland will fight!


                            • #29
                              KING'S CONDITION WORSENS

                              In another unfortunate turn for the worse King Oscar's health has taken a rapid downturn. Doctor's here in Sweden are mystified as to the cause or even what the disease is. However they dony expect the King to live through the rest of the week.


                              • #30
                                OOC: D'oh, I was just going to offer Scott an alliance!

                                To: Germany
                                From: Britain

                                We would appreciate very much an alliance between our great nations. May we live forever.

                                To: Boer Republics
                                From: Britain

                                We have had misunderstandings in the past, now we ask that we both let bygones be bygones and become friends.


                                Troops from S. Africa today are ready to make an advance inland...
                                [This message has been edited by Mao (edited April 20, 2000).]
                                Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!

