France (Kropotkin)
(F mao->nao) bounced
(F eng->nth) bounced
(A bel S A bur->ruh) support cut
F pic S A bel H
(A bur->ruh) bounced
(A par->bur) fails
(A pie->tyr) fails
Germany (Mao, who has been the first to send in his moves this time, well done!)
(F NAO-MAO) bounced
(F Nth-Lon) self-bounced
(A Lon-Eng) void, an army cannot move to sea
(A Hol-Bel) fails
(A Ruh S Hol-Bel) support cut
(A Mun-Bur) fails
A Tyr hold
Austria (Monk)
A Apu S Ven
F Ven S Tri
F Ion > Aeg
(A Bul > Rum) bounced
A Vie > Bud
A Tri S (Vie > Bud)
A Ser S (Vie > Bud)
A Rum > Ukr
A Gal S (Rum > Ukr)
Russia (Lordstone)
A Boh S A Bud-Vie
(A Bud-Vie) dislodged, destroyed
(A Ukr-Gal) dislodged, retreat to War, Mos, OTB
(A Sev-Rum) bounced
F Nwy S A Swe
A Swe S F Nwy
(A Ank-Con) fails
(F Bla-Ank) fails
Turkey (Gibster)
(F Con S Smy) cut
F Smy S Con
England (Du Chateau), who is still with us, yeahh!!
F Lvp H
retreats due next thursday, March 9th. Please post them here.
Fall moves due Friday, March 17th, midnight GMT, when I am back from Cuba. There will be no reminder from me, since I will be away.
(F mao->nao) bounced
(F eng->nth) bounced
(A bel S A bur->ruh) support cut
F pic S A bel H
(A bur->ruh) bounced
(A par->bur) fails
(A pie->tyr) fails
Germany (Mao, who has been the first to send in his moves this time, well done!)

(F NAO-MAO) bounced
(F Nth-Lon) self-bounced
(A Lon-Eng) void, an army cannot move to sea
(A Hol-Bel) fails
(A Ruh S Hol-Bel) support cut
(A Mun-Bur) fails
A Tyr hold
Austria (Monk)
A Apu S Ven
F Ven S Tri
F Ion > Aeg
(A Bul > Rum) bounced
A Vie > Bud
A Tri S (Vie > Bud)
A Ser S (Vie > Bud)
A Rum > Ukr
A Gal S (Rum > Ukr)
Russia (Lordstone)
A Boh S A Bud-Vie
(A Bud-Vie) dislodged, destroyed
(A Ukr-Gal) dislodged, retreat to War, Mos, OTB
(A Sev-Rum) bounced
F Nwy S A Swe
A Swe S F Nwy
(A Ank-Con) fails
(F Bla-Ank) fails
Turkey (Gibster)
(F Con S Smy) cut
F Smy S Con
England (Du Chateau), who is still with us, yeahh!!

F Lvp H
retreats due next thursday, March 9th. Please post them here.
Fall moves due Friday, March 17th, midnight GMT, when I am back from Cuba. There will be no reminder from me, since I will be away.