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GDNES3 - The war of the worlds

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  • Orders:
    NBE troops are order to stand down and await futher developements

    To: India Alliance
    The offer stills stand if you agree to share your knowledge with us. If you had not started this foolish war, we could have had a great alliance. Why did you do this? We could have helped one anther.
    Donate to the American Red Cross.
    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


    • To the NBE:
      From the Indian Alliance:

      Have all Indians begin to dance, in hopes that the Universe won't die.
      Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
      Long live teh paranoia smiley!


      • 11 pages, and Im lazy. can anyone sum up the current situation into one post. (Im considering playing)


        • Originally posted by Space05us
          11 pages, and Im lazy. can anyone sum up the current situation into one post. (Im considering playing)
          The current situation is:
          - in India an Alien government replaced the former one and implanted ID Chips into the people, however the Indians are rebelling and the Alien government is collapsing,
          Most Indian refugees escaped into China and the Alien government bombed Tibet in the hope of getting them.
          This caused a war between China and India, and later many other nations DOWed India as well.
          In the meanwhile India was at war with Pakistan, and prior to the Alien gov't they were destroying the Pakistani, however now Pakistan forces are retaking the occupied territories. (India consists of India and Bangladesh BTW)

          - In the WAF a sort of Fascist Regime was instaured, and it is working with the US in the hope of good cooperation between the two states.

          - China managed to get its economy running and managed to reach a peaceful union with Tibet, and is very close to obteining one with Manchuria as well.
          In the meanwhile China also created an Asian Confederation with its allies which consists of a Free Trade Zone and a big Military Alliance.

          - Brazil joined the La Paz Pact.

          - the AEU started Moon colonization, and other nations soon followed, the AEU also started an Antarctica colonization.

          - Russia is getting better while improving its vast territories in Siberia and liberalizing its economy.

          - the NBE is leading a Martian Independentist Movement which seeks to liberate Mars from Earth dependence, Akassou (Non Player Country) is instead working in order to reach even more friendly relations with Earth.(Akassou is one of the best Martian Countries, so if you want a good nation you might want to pick them)

          - Canada (NPC as well) managed to get the US into its alliance, although it is not interested in space colonization as of yet (Canada is probably the best Non Player Country available if you want to have a strong nation)

          And that should be about it.

          There have been some other wars around (i.e. WAF vs India/Russia) but this ended quickly thanks to Chinese Diplomatic intervention


          EDIT: I almost forgot. The Cold War ended fairly quickly and actually now Russia and the AEU are allied together (the CDA Communist Democratic Alliance). Before India was overthrown by Aliens it was the one who pushed for this union.
          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
          The trick is the doing something else."
          — Leonardo da Vinci
          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


          • Does that count as sort of a preliminary update, an appetizer to the main update?
            Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
            Long live teh paranoia smiley!


            • Originally posted by Comrade Tassadar
              Does that count as sort of a preliminary update, an appetizer to the main update?
              Sort of...

              The update shall start in about 1 hour (I just got home.. so give me a few time to do my stuff and eat )

              "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
              The trick is the doing something else."
              — Leonardo da Vinci
              "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
              "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


              • ooc:
                Giovanni Wine can you read my pm about my orders for NBE before you do the update. Thanks.
                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                • Update started

                  "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                  The trick is the doing something else."
                  — Leonardo da Vinci
                  "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                  "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                  • January 2180

                    To: La Paz Pact
                    From: Panama

                    We thank you for offering us membership into the La Paz Pact, and we kindly accept it.
                    We will immediatly begin to work in order to improve our economy, in order to stay in the terms of the pact.

                    To: Russia
                    From: Canada

                    It might have seemed strange some 10-15 years ago, but now Canada and Russia shall be allied against the alien government and the Indian menace.

                    To: Russia
                    From: Other Former SU nations

                    we will gladly partecipate in such a parade

                    To: Russia
                    From: Kazakhistan

                    Aren't you running too fast? we want to know first that our autonomy within the Russian state will be respected.
                    And that out laws shall still have priority over the Russian ones, in matter of social aspects.

                    To: Brazil
                    From: La Paz Pact Members

                    Argentina: We should strike against India to liberate its people.
                    Venezuela: There is already the whole world against them, they should be enough.
                    Colombia: But if we are part of the winning coalitian we will get to be around when it will be reconstruction time.
                    Argentina: Plus the old Indian government was friend of the La Paz Pact, if we do not act in order to help them in their time of needs, they will consider us an enemy.
                    Peru:I'm not going to send brave Peruvian soldiers against those stupid aliens
                    Chile: But you were willing to send them against us some centuries ago.
                    Peru: Ah... please, just shut up
                    Chile: We won't shut up... and we will send our men to help our Indian Brothers
                    Bolivia (moderator): Gentlemen... gentlemen, please quiet, let's just vote on the issue.

                    Should the LPP intervene on behalf of the Indian Government in Exile?
                    Yay: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Equador, Guyana, Paraguay, Uruguay
                    Nay: Bolivia, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela

                    Bolivia: So it's decided, with a majority of 7-4 the La Paz Pact will intervene in favor of the Indian government in exile, against the usurper Alien gov't.

                    To: China
                    From: Asian Confederation Members

                    We will intervene in your defense.

                    To: China
                    From: United Korea, Japan

                    We shall help you in your war against the Indian Illegitimate Government.

                    To: Indian Government in Exile
                    From: Pakistan

                    I hope you will accept peace with us at pre-war border and conditions, plus the creation of a free Kashmir state by merging both our pieces of Kashmir in order to prevent further conflicts between our two states.

                    In exchange we shall help you against the Indian Alliance.


                    Newspaper and Update will follow in the next post
                    "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                    The trick is the doing something else."
                    — Leonardo da Vinci
                    "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                    "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                    • The Newspaper
                      January 2180

                      WAR!!!!, ONCE AGAIN
                      The Indian crisis quickly became a real India vs The World War.
                      The bombing of the Holy City of Lhasa by the Indian authorities have forced the Empire of China, and its allies, into war against India. The Chinese Empire forces were soon joined by the forces of most, if not all CDA members, together with also the help of the La Paz Pact and Canada.

                      The Pakistan army also managed to liberate almost all of its nation from the Indian Occupation, only little pieces of Kashmir still remains under the control of the Indian Alliance, where the Indian Alliance troops are under the fire of the local Kashmir Military, which stated its alliegence with the Republic of India.

                      In Mars a coalition composed by Diamoutene, Flores, Diamante and the NBE, lead by the latter have taken the initiative by invadin the Indian colonies on Mars.

                      Although, oddly enough, the Indian population there started a real guerilla warfare against both, the Indian Alliance troops and the Coalition. In what has bacome a strange and very bloody 3 vs 3 war.

                      Indian Missiles hit Ghengdu, Zigong, Guiyang
                      Those three cities were heavily hit by the Indian Missile Bombing, the Chinese Military managed to greatly reduce the Civilian Casuality, however the Industrial areas of those cities could not have been saved given the too high amount of missiles falling.
                      Oddly enough the City of Kunming, which host the famous Asian University was spared.
                      Indian bombing runs also hit the Indian-Tibet border, but the Chinese Air Force with the help from the rest of the Anti-India coalition managed to obtein air superiority, with the effect of shooting down many Indian Bombers and therefore stopping the bombing.

                      Allies On the move
                      With China, Russia and Brazil on the head, the Allies managed to hit many government facilities and infiltrate, bombing runs against gov't installations happen daily, doing much damage to the Alien Gov't. However the bombing have also caused much casualities on the civilians, despite all the efforts done in order to prevent them.
                      The Allies managed to secure many of the Rebelling Indian Cities, by placing several regiment on their defense.
                      All this combined with the general civilian uprising is doing much damage to the Indian Alliance.

                      A most horrible and not needed death
                      When you walf through the streets of Delhi it won't ve hard for you to see someone you are talking to, suddenly dying. The Aliens have showed no mercy and using their ID Chips are exterminating most of the dissenters. Luckily enough somebody managed to have his ID Chip removed, someone else never had one implanted.
                      It is still unclear but the numbers of people dead because of this is very near to 5 Millions.
                      Dying like this, because someone from another world have pushed a button, is something noone, not even the Aliens, deserve.

                      Alien software found on computers
                      This is a discovery done by a team of Brazilian scientist that discovered an Alien Software running around in the internet and replicating himself rapidly.
                      The Scientist have come up with a software to remove it and have immediatly launched it on the new, in the hope it won't be too late to remove it.

                      Brazilian Scientist makes great advances on the Sun Probe: El Sol
                      El Sol, this shall be the name of the Sun Probe Brazil is working on, the Brazilian scientist have finally managed to find how to build it and using what materials, technicians are now working night and day in order to construct it, it is extimated it should be ready in about half an year.

                      Panama joins the La Paz Pact
                      The Panamese people approved the entrance of Panama into the LPP by a very small margin 51% against 49%.
                      Panama should receive its voting rights and 5 seats in the LPP Senate in the next 6 months.

                      - The Russian Air Force is now Large
                      - Chinese Space Fleet is now Medium
                      - Chinese and Indian economy are sinking because of the war

                      "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                      The trick is the doing something else."
                      — Leonardo da Vinci
                      "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                      "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                      • Here is a map of the various fronts

                        Light Green = Indian Repubblic or Territories occupied by the Russia-China-Brazil-LPP-Canada-InsertNationHere-Coalition.
                        Sand = Indian Alliance
                        Dark Blue = Territories occupied by the NBE
                        Light Blue = Territories occupied bu Diamante
                        Pink = Territories occupied by Flores
                        Attached Files
                        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                        The trick is the doing something else."
                        — Leonardo da Vinci
                        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                        • AEU to allies :

                          We are sorry we are tardy in helping you, internal matters have prevented us from moving as quickly as would have liked. To try to make up for our lateness we will expend whatever effort we can to help.

                          to forces and people still under alien control:

                          It is understandable that you have been deceived, and we are sorry about the cruel deaths you have had to sustain at the hands of your opressors as well as the accidental deaths that unfortunately happened despite the best efforts of the anti Indian-alliance Coalition. We implore you not to be intimidated by the aliens' brutal tactics, rise up against them, as nearly the entire world is behind you.

                          to CDA members with colonies on Mars (SECRET) :

                          If you allow the agressors who are attacking the Indian territory to gain momentum, they likely will not stop.

                          Military Orders:
                          Use any available forces in the area to begin landing in India. Send naval groups from Australian bases and land troops, aiding other nation's forces and the Indian Republic forces. Use Air Force squadrons and space-based installations to maintain coalition air superiority.

                          Send troops on Mars to help the Indian Republic forces in their territories. (SECRET: Support Indian leaders and units that want their colononies to become independant and will favor the AEU)
                          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                          • To Pakistan:
                            From Republic of India:

                            If you continue your denouncement of terrorism, we will agree to these things.

                            To the World:
                            From: All of India:
                            For many years in our nations histotry we have been opressed, however we refuse such opression again!!!
                            ALL of India is now rising up against this menace!!!

                            To the World:
                            From: All of Indian Mars:
                            These Martians never took a great foothold in Martia India. They simply went for Earth after gaining their "Freedom".
                            The military has already surrendered to the Republic of India, and we are now in the frontier of freedom.
                            However, despite our wishes, some nations are attempting to invade us. The Indian people will not be enslaved AGAIN, no matter by Tassadar or by aliens or by foreign governments.
                            We are INDIANS, not New Bostonians, or Diamante people, or Floesians. These people are NOT welcome in our territory and we are going to resist them to our LAST BREATH!
                            However, the spacefleet may not be enought to stop the onslaught of these aggressors. Therefore we ask that all nations mobilize their spacefleets! India wishes to be independant of ALL foreign influences, and so we ask that these spacefleets ATTACK the armies and spaceships of this Axis of Evil that has decided to attempt to divide our nation once again!
                            *Indian Flag begins to wave, and the anthem is played*

                            To the World:
                            From the Indian Alliance:
                            (13-0, Approved Message)
                            You force us into this course of action.

                            Dehli Deli

                            Resistence Call - Free India!
                            We must not allow the Martians to occupy India! Martians of ANY origin!
                            Let us make India ONE again! FREE INDIA!

                            National Anthem for Fallen Comrades

                            Jana gana mana adhi naayaka jaya he
                            Bhaarata bhaagya vidhaata

                            Punjab Sindh Gujarat Maraatha,
                            Draavid Utkala Bangaa

                            Vindhya Himachala Yamuna Ganga,
                            Uchhala jaladhi taranga.

                            Tava shubh naame jaage
                            Tava shubh aashish maage

                            Gahe tava jaya-gaatha
                            Jana-gana-mangala dayaka jaya he

                            Bharat bhagya vidhata

                            Jaya he Jaya he Jaya he
                            Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya he.

                            Have Indian Republic spacefleet begin attacking "Axis of Evil" spacefleets and armies.
                            Begin actively resisting all foreign influences in Martia India.
                            (Indian Alliance) Attempt to activate all killswitches.
                            (Indian Alliance) Begin missile strikes against any aggressor nation with civilians!!!
                            Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                            Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                            • AEU uses available defense systems from Army, Navy, Air Force, and Space Fleet to defend against missile bombardments.
                              Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                              • To: Khazikistan(sp?)
                                From: Russia

                                Ok, in all social matters your laws will outrule ours. And you are also allowed to change governments. However you will need to follow our military orders and all upgrades.

                                To: Mars Nations Invading Indian Colony
                                From: Russia

                                Please stop your invasion of the Indian colony. If you procede make sure that you cede all territory to Russia and Russia will give it back to India. India wants it that way.

                                Start parade in Moscow. Put major security in the event.
                                Increase Army (4 turns)
                                Increase Space Army (4 turns)
                                Improve Eastern Russia's terrain (5 turns)
                                Send a voluntary army to India to capture Indian territory

