GDNES3 - The war of the worlds
Hello everybody and welcome to the third one of the Giovanni’s Drunk Never Ending Stories series.
It is the year 2178 and the world as we know it today has changed radically, as one of the greatest desires of humanity was reached: colonize the red planet, colonize Mars.
But let’s start from the beginning, from 2003 the Korean crisis had grown and grown, until in the late 2032 the catastrophe happened a North Korean nuclear warhead of 5 megatons exploded in Seoul, causing great devastation and death, the city was levelled and of the over 10 million people inhabiting the city only a few survived, the world condemned this, including the great North Korean ally: China.
Quickly the United States declared war on North Korea, to support and defend it’s allies, and with diplomatic (and some military) backing from just about any nation in the world they’ve invaded the peninsula, in order to stop the Northern Korean madness.
But things did not go as planned, when with great surprise China decided to intervene on behalf of the North, transforming the Korean war into a huge battle between the two strongest states in the planet. Surprisingly enough no nukes were launched from either side, and after 7 years of fighting, in which the world awaited with shock and horror the outcome of this war, thanks to their superior technology and tactics the United States came out as a victor. But at what price? Thousands and thousand of brave American soldiers were dead, the various bombing strikes from the Chinese destroyed many factories, and the US economy was in shamble.
With help from the EU and a strong India (which with the war managed to become a new economic powerhouse) the US could rebuild itself, but it could never claim back the position of number 1 in the world.
After the great defeat the People’s Republic of China was dissolved, Tibet and Manchuria claimed their independence and a civil war between the Imperialist and the Nationalist (backed by Taiwan) was fought on Chinese soil for another 10 years, ending with victory of the Imperialists, which recreated the Empire (making it a constitutional monarchy), the new emperor renamed himself Huang Di, in honour of his great ancient predecessor.
In the meanwhile the European Union which now consisted of all the European states including Turkey and Russia, have started to centralize transforming herself from an economical treaty to a real Confederation of States. A little later Australia joined the union as well, that was later renamed to Austro-European Union (AEU).
But not everything is good for them, as Chinese communist refugees who escaped from China after the proclamation of the Empire, and who established themselves into Siberia and later on in Moscow, managed to take the power in Russia. A civil war started in the newly born state, and once again a new war was bleeding the planet. In the end the Russians managed to win back their independence, and a new Communist threat was now menacing the world.
India helped the AEU in their rebuilding, and after a while the two powers signed an alliance, to counter the great Russian threat. The world fell into a new Cold War.
In North America things were not going better, because of the European wars the American market fell again, and a second civil war was thought in the US, this time it was the East against West, New York against California, Washington DC against Phoenix (the elected capital of the rebels). The east was supported by Mexico, which hoped to move the border a little north of the Rio Grande, while the west was supported by Canada, in exchange, in case of victory, the west agreed to sell them Alaska.
Europe (supporter of the Union) was busy in Russia, while India decided to remain neutral. In the end the rebels won, giving birth to the “Western American Federation” (WAF).
Good news are coming instead from the Middle East, were Israelis and Palestinians finally find a way to live side by side without hurting each other, in the next years Israel managed to win the friendship of their Arab neighbours, a friendship that brought welfare to both sides, as Israel finally found the peace it needed, while the Arabs could modernize their states and societies with Israel’s help.
In South America: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay tried to emulate the EU by creating a series of economic treaties: called the “La Paz Pact”, the pact managed to bring wealth to the countries and soon Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and Colombia joined as well, while Suriname and Guyana have recently applied for membership.
Only Brazil, who was asked by the members to join in the pact, seems to not be interested, searching instead for profitable treaties with the USA, Europe, Canada and India.
Indian scientist managed to finally discover a way to create a sort of atmosphere on Mars, the project started with great secrecy, and a first little Indian base was placed on Mars in order to improve this first discovery, and to create a stable atmosphere in the red planet. Without other nations noticing it the Indians quickly established themselves on the Martian soil, and after many years of work a new formula was discovered, a formula that could give mars an atmosphere, that could create clouds, and therefore rain, and therefore seas and river
In late 2130 the planet was ready for colonization, the changes did not go unnoticed this time, and a race between the major world countries began, in order to claim most of the pie. Also other nations (such as Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, Israel, Pakistan and even Ethiopia) established a few settlements on the (no longer) red planet.
But Earth was far away, and earthling control over Mars was hard, it took only 34 years that a Chinese colony rebelled from its mother countries, giving birth to the powerful Republic of Akassou, soon other colonies followed, and soon the Cold War arrived there as well, as the new nations tried to find a form of government for themselves.
It is now up to you to continue this story.
Well, I don’t think there is any need for them as most of us already now NES’s rules but... :
- All players must pick a nation and write stories/diplomacy about it and interact with the other players
- This is a story-game the purpose is to have fun, and write interesting stories, so you must also accept defeat every so often.
- Much like most new NESes I will moderate all battles and do the diplomacy for all the Non-Player Countries
- Updates will be every Tuesday and Friday (at evening GMT)
- NO NUKES OR SUPERWEAPONS ALLOWED, I will judge if something is a super weapon or not, and will have final word on it (This is not democracy!
EDIT: Changed Thursday with Tuesday, as I intended Tuesday the first time and... kind of mixed up the names (sorry bad knowledge of English)
Hello everybody and welcome to the third one of the Giovanni’s Drunk Never Ending Stories series.
It is the year 2178 and the world as we know it today has changed radically, as one of the greatest desires of humanity was reached: colonize the red planet, colonize Mars.
But let’s start from the beginning, from 2003 the Korean crisis had grown and grown, until in the late 2032 the catastrophe happened a North Korean nuclear warhead of 5 megatons exploded in Seoul, causing great devastation and death, the city was levelled and of the over 10 million people inhabiting the city only a few survived, the world condemned this, including the great North Korean ally: China.
Quickly the United States declared war on North Korea, to support and defend it’s allies, and with diplomatic (and some military) backing from just about any nation in the world they’ve invaded the peninsula, in order to stop the Northern Korean madness.
But things did not go as planned, when with great surprise China decided to intervene on behalf of the North, transforming the Korean war into a huge battle between the two strongest states in the planet. Surprisingly enough no nukes were launched from either side, and after 7 years of fighting, in which the world awaited with shock and horror the outcome of this war, thanks to their superior technology and tactics the United States came out as a victor. But at what price? Thousands and thousand of brave American soldiers were dead, the various bombing strikes from the Chinese destroyed many factories, and the US economy was in shamble.
With help from the EU and a strong India (which with the war managed to become a new economic powerhouse) the US could rebuild itself, but it could never claim back the position of number 1 in the world.
After the great defeat the People’s Republic of China was dissolved, Tibet and Manchuria claimed their independence and a civil war between the Imperialist and the Nationalist (backed by Taiwan) was fought on Chinese soil for another 10 years, ending with victory of the Imperialists, which recreated the Empire (making it a constitutional monarchy), the new emperor renamed himself Huang Di, in honour of his great ancient predecessor.
In the meanwhile the European Union which now consisted of all the European states including Turkey and Russia, have started to centralize transforming herself from an economical treaty to a real Confederation of States. A little later Australia joined the union as well, that was later renamed to Austro-European Union (AEU).
But not everything is good for them, as Chinese communist refugees who escaped from China after the proclamation of the Empire, and who established themselves into Siberia and later on in Moscow, managed to take the power in Russia. A civil war started in the newly born state, and once again a new war was bleeding the planet. In the end the Russians managed to win back their independence, and a new Communist threat was now menacing the world.
India helped the AEU in their rebuilding, and after a while the two powers signed an alliance, to counter the great Russian threat. The world fell into a new Cold War.
In North America things were not going better, because of the European wars the American market fell again, and a second civil war was thought in the US, this time it was the East against West, New York against California, Washington DC against Phoenix (the elected capital of the rebels). The east was supported by Mexico, which hoped to move the border a little north of the Rio Grande, while the west was supported by Canada, in exchange, in case of victory, the west agreed to sell them Alaska.
Europe (supporter of the Union) was busy in Russia, while India decided to remain neutral. In the end the rebels won, giving birth to the “Western American Federation” (WAF).
Good news are coming instead from the Middle East, were Israelis and Palestinians finally find a way to live side by side without hurting each other, in the next years Israel managed to win the friendship of their Arab neighbours, a friendship that brought welfare to both sides, as Israel finally found the peace it needed, while the Arabs could modernize their states and societies with Israel’s help.
In South America: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay tried to emulate the EU by creating a series of economic treaties: called the “La Paz Pact”, the pact managed to bring wealth to the countries and soon Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and Colombia joined as well, while Suriname and Guyana have recently applied for membership.
Only Brazil, who was asked by the members to join in the pact, seems to not be interested, searching instead for profitable treaties with the USA, Europe, Canada and India.
Indian scientist managed to finally discover a way to create a sort of atmosphere on Mars, the project started with great secrecy, and a first little Indian base was placed on Mars in order to improve this first discovery, and to create a stable atmosphere in the red planet. Without other nations noticing it the Indians quickly established themselves on the Martian soil, and after many years of work a new formula was discovered, a formula that could give mars an atmosphere, that could create clouds, and therefore rain, and therefore seas and river
In late 2130 the planet was ready for colonization, the changes did not go unnoticed this time, and a race between the major world countries began, in order to claim most of the pie. Also other nations (such as Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, Israel, Pakistan and even Ethiopia) established a few settlements on the (no longer) red planet.
But Earth was far away, and earthling control over Mars was hard, it took only 34 years that a Chinese colony rebelled from its mother countries, giving birth to the powerful Republic of Akassou, soon other colonies followed, and soon the Cold War arrived there as well, as the new nations tried to find a form of government for themselves.
It is now up to you to continue this story.
Well, I don’t think there is any need for them as most of us already now NES’s rules but... :
- All players must pick a nation and write stories/diplomacy about it and interact with the other players
- This is a story-game the purpose is to have fun, and write interesting stories, so you must also accept defeat every so often.
- Much like most new NESes I will moderate all battles and do the diplomacy for all the Non-Player Countries
- Updates will be every Tuesday and Friday (at evening GMT)
- NO NUKES OR SUPERWEAPONS ALLOWED, I will judge if something is a super weapon or not, and will have final word on it (This is not democracy!

EDIT: Changed Thursday with Tuesday, as I intended Tuesday the first time and... kind of mixed up the names (sorry bad knowledge of English)
