To the New Boston Empire:
Ha! India has so many things to deal with, we did not even get to you.
However, your lack of patience (and the resulting embargo) against us has shown us what little you think of us and our Asian brothers in general. So, we will reciporicate and put an embargo on you, as well as an Earth-to-Mars trade blockcade against you. Any ships entering the designated blockcade will be given a chance to surrender their cargo and return to their home country. Refusal means the ship will be boarded by Indian forces, the crew captured, the ship destroyed, and the crew returned to their country of residence.
This will be lifted when you lower your economic sanctions against all Asian countries (not counting the middle east).
(SECRET) And if my Asian allies request it...You will be bombed, destroyed, and your nation split up amongst the various Asian nations.
To China (Secret):
Hmmm...Alright! Then let's introduce a new currency, the People's Rupee! INPR, or CPR! And a close analysis indicates we already have very similar laws, except when it comes to intergalatic warfare (For example, India allows the use of chemical and biological warfare), however...This can be negotiated.
Your infrastructure is not up to Indian quality. May I propose sending engineers to your nation to rebuild your buildings? These engineers will have been born in China, and will build them in Chinese architecture.
(In response to OOC: But the value of money has increased by quite a bit. Many nations are now poor, and $10Mil will seem like QUITE a bit. Plus, I don't know my monetary reserves (GOD!
) so I can't spend too much...
Ha! India has so many things to deal with, we did not even get to you.
However, your lack of patience (and the resulting embargo) against us has shown us what little you think of us and our Asian brothers in general. So, we will reciporicate and put an embargo on you, as well as an Earth-to-Mars trade blockcade against you. Any ships entering the designated blockcade will be given a chance to surrender their cargo and return to their home country. Refusal means the ship will be boarded by Indian forces, the crew captured, the ship destroyed, and the crew returned to their country of residence.
This will be lifted when you lower your economic sanctions against all Asian countries (not counting the middle east).
(SECRET) And if my Asian allies request it...You will be bombed, destroyed, and your nation split up amongst the various Asian nations.
To China (Secret):
Hmmm...Alright! Then let's introduce a new currency, the People's Rupee! INPR, or CPR! And a close analysis indicates we already have very similar laws, except when it comes to intergalatic warfare (For example, India allows the use of chemical and biological warfare), however...This can be negotiated.
Your infrastructure is not up to Indian quality. May I propose sending engineers to your nation to rebuild your buildings? These engineers will have been born in China, and will build them in Chinese architecture.
(In response to OOC: But the value of money has increased by quite a bit. Many nations are now poor, and $10Mil will seem like QUITE a bit. Plus, I don't know my monetary reserves (GOD!
