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GDNES3 - The war of the worlds

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  • To the New Boston Empire:
    Ha! India has so many things to deal with, we did not even get to you.
    However, your lack of patience (and the resulting embargo) against us has shown us what little you think of us and our Asian brothers in general. So, we will reciporicate and put an embargo on you, as well as an Earth-to-Mars trade blockcade against you. Any ships entering the designated blockcade will be given a chance to surrender their cargo and return to their home country. Refusal means the ship will be boarded by Indian forces, the crew captured, the ship destroyed, and the crew returned to their country of residence.
    This will be lifted when you lower your economic sanctions against all Asian countries (not counting the middle east).
    (SECRET) And if my Asian allies request it...You will be bombed, destroyed, and your nation split up amongst the various Asian nations.

    To China (Secret):
    Hmmm...Alright! Then let's introduce a new currency, the People's Rupee! INPR, or CPR! And a close analysis indicates we already have very similar laws, except when it comes to intergalatic warfare (For example, India allows the use of chemical and biological warfare), however...This can be negotiated.
    Your infrastructure is not up to Indian quality. May I propose sending engineers to your nation to rebuild your buildings? These engineers will have been born in China, and will build them in Chinese architecture.

    (In response to OOC: But the value of money has increased by quite a bit. Many nations are now poor, and $10Mil will seem like QUITE a bit. Plus, I don't know my monetary reserves (GOD! ) so I can't spend too much...)
    Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
    Long live teh paranoia smiley!


    • Second Empire of China

      To India
      Greetings, sisters and brothers of India!
      Of course we´ll be glad to welcome your engineers! No need for them to be born in China, they should just speak Mandarin or at least accept Chinese translaters to work with them! Since we currently have around 1.6 billion buildings in our country, it would be quite a task to rebuild them all
      Anyway, we´d be glad to introduce the project New Chongquing! That´s a 4.5 million metropolis in the southwest of our empire, situated on a rocky peninsula in the shores of the Jangtsekiang. The city was founded around 1000bc, so it´s layout is quite old and most of the buildings and roads as well as the supply systems are somewhat outdated...
      We´d love to test your engineering skills and methods on this rather tricky ground first, and then decide about further projects...

      As for the currency, keep in mind that the introduction of new currency systems take a long time of planning, numbercrunching and marketing campaigns. We also need to ask our people first, since the days of a totalitary regime are gone now...

      (still secret)
      The situation on Mars is somehow threatening. Both of us have pretty big colonies up there, and we cannot allow some newcomer without history nore culture to just destroy what our old civilizations have build...
      Despite these worries, the Empire of China wants to follow a codex of peace. Never again shall Chinese troops start a military conflict. However, should the NBE do the first step, there would be nothing wrong about intervening... :conspiracy:

      Just keep in mind that your counter-embargo shouldn´t hurt those who are not involved... ok?
      Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
      Let me eat your yummy brain!
      "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


      • To China (Secret):
        Alright, 20,000 engineers are now going to Chongquing to rebuild it to glory!
        Hmm...Your troops need not start a conflict. Indian troops would
        And...Sigh, I guess we do have to ask our people. Let's just unite and sort out the mess later
        And our counter-embargo won't be shooting ships for no reason, so don't worry about that.

        Create a poll about a one currency between China and India.
        Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
        Long live teh paranoia smiley!


        • To the New Boston Empire
          Soften your tone. You cannot simply demand investions. China has a free market system, so whoever wanted to take his money to the NBE, wouldn´t be hindered. Now it´s on you to make it profitable or at least interesting. Come up with productive ideas and suggestions, not threats and demands.

          The Empire of China, the stone pact and the whole Asian confederation won´t let you act at your own will in foreign territory, may it be on moon, earth - or Mars. Be warned, should you set foot on foreign territory or act hostile in any way, the old earth´s nations will answer. Just a friendly warning ...
          Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
          Let me eat your yummy brain!
          "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


          • Re: GDNES3 - The war of the worlds

            Originally posted by Giovanni Wine
            GDNES3 - The war of the worlds
            - Updates will be every Tuesday and Friday (at evening GMT)
            *caugh caugh*
            Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
            Let me eat your yummy brain!
            "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


            • Re: Re: GDNES3 - The war of the worlds

              Originally posted by Micha

              *caugh caugh*

              Sorry for the little delay... yerstuday I got caught in a lot of "to do" things that when I got home I was too tired to do even think about doing an update...

              Anyway... I am updating NOW

              "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
              The trick is the doing something else."
              — Leonardo da Vinci
              "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
              "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


              • Originally posted by Comrade Tassadar

                So, we will reciporicate and put an embargo on you, as well as an Earth-to-Mars trade blockcade against you. Any ships entering the designated blockcade will be given a chance to surrender their cargo and return to their home country. Refusal means the ship will be boarded by Indian forces, the crew captured, the ship destroyed, and the crew returned to their country of residence.

                AEU to India :

                We VERY much hope that you are not preventing trade from other countries.
                Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                • To AEU:
                  We cannot allow the New Boston Empire to grow stronger. I am sorry, but your ships (SECRET: Unless we DONT DETECT THEM, HINT HINT) may not cross the trade blockade.
                  Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                  Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                  • January 2179


                    To: India
                    From: Sri Lanka

                    For as much as we would like to have closer relations with our Indian brothers, we must decline your offer of annexation. May you walk in peace.

                    To: India
                    From: Mongolia, Korea

                    Possible reunification of our countries with China? We don't quite understand as we were never contacted by the Chinese on such an issue.

                    To: India
                    From: Nepal

                    We don't think that joining with India would be the best solution for us, we shall remain independent for the time being. However we wish to keep friendly relations with the Indian people.

                    To: AEU
                    From: Japan, Malaysia, Ethiopia


                    To: India
                    From: La Paz Pact

                    We will try to ask Panama into our alliance.

                    To: China
                    From: Tibet

                    It is agreed than... may the New Chinese Empire be as prosperous as the first one.

                    To: New Boston Empire
                    From: Diamoutene, Flores, Diamante, Capo, Larr, Tura, New Mascate, Uruk

                    We are fully behind you, it is time for Mars to be free from Earth corruption. Similar embargoes will be taken against India as well.

                    To: New Boston Empire
                    From: Akassou, Delopoi, Cavasini

                    What are you doing?, are you trying to start an interplanetary war? you should stop this silly embargo and embrace our brothers on Earth.

                    To: New Boston Empire
                    From: Canada
                    Unlike other earth nations we care for Mars, maybe because we are the only ones without a colony there...
                    Our companies have been encouraged by big subsidies to invest into the New Boston Empire.
                    Although we wish to start an alliance between our states as well.(/secret)

                    To: India
                    From: GOD!

                    don't know my monetary reserves (GOD! )
                    Is this the way you pray your God? Your nation may be destroyed by a huge meteor if I wished to, so be wise

                    To say the truth I don't know much about economics to be able to draw some economic figures of the various states.

                    Let's just say that 1 INR is roughly equal to what is now 1$ or 1 € (your choice wich one) so also the expenditures are pretty much the same.


                    The Newspaper
                    January 2179

                    Indian Economy suffering?
                    According to the latest release of the Economist, the Indian economy have been suffering a rather big decline of 3.4%. Always according to the Economist the decline is to be blamed in the Market saturation caused by the lost of the U.S. Markets... and to a smaller degree by the lost of some of the Martian markets as well.
                    Many products are remaining unsold in the Indian factories.

                    On the other end it seems that the AEU, The La Paz Pact, and most of all China, all had a very big economic growth. Russia as well have grown, but apparently the investors do not like much the tight regulation imposed by the Russian government.

                    In North America Canada seems to be grabbing the new markets left out by India, but it is unable to do it alone.

                    The U.S. have managed to get through the embargo in a pretty decent position, while the WAF economy, due to some bad managing, seems to be falling down even more.

                    Brazilian Moon Colony finally functional
                    With a second rocket and some more training the Brazilian managed to finally complete their own Moon base.
                    Other nations have installed new bases as well, such as Japan and Ethiopia (which however relied much on AEU help), while Malaysian colonists seems to be flooding into the AEU base, which is now much more than just a "base".
                    A colonization attempt by Israel, with the help of the MHGA members failed miserably when the rocket crushed into the Moon. It seems that Israel had the same problem as Brazil.
                    The Chinese Colony have been heavily expanded as well, and is second only to the AEU one.

                    Brazil enter the La Paz Pact
                    With the Brazilian entrance in the La Paz Pact South America discovers itself as a new Economical power.
                    Some of the more optimistic believes that sooner or later all of South America will follow the same pattern of the AEU.

                    Tibet and China merge into one
                    Great celebrations in China, both Lhasa and Beijing celebrated today the reunification of Tibet into China.

                    Indians refuse common currency
                    The Indian people refused the idea of sharing their currency (and their wealth) with China, the referendum was rejected with 78% NO and 22% YES, roughly about 62% of the Indian population with voting rights attended the votations.


                    Othe things that happened (not covered in the Newspaper)

                    - The Russian armies quickly marched through the entire old Martian colony of Pakistan, however they suffered heavy casualities due to the total war instaured by the Gulastanian.

                    - In Artarctica, the old Australian, British and Norwegian bases have been completely renewed, using various techniques similar to the ones used in space exploration the AEU managed to make those cold frozen land abitable. However it seems that immigration to those bases is very small, as not many people seems attracted by the small oppotunity Antarctica may give.

                    - Brazil is developing a space probe to send at the sun, however the project have been slowed down due to the moon colony one. The Probe should be launched on the next months

                    - Fish Industry farms have been opened all around China using Emperor's own funding...

                    "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                    The trick is the doing something else."
                    — Leonardo da Vinci
                    "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                    "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                    • OOC

                      Good work, Giovanni! (Map update? you could just update the map on your homepage)

                      Will post tomorrow
                      Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                      Let me eat your yummy brain!
                      "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                      • To Mod: Did my moon colony attempt work? Also howe did my elections go?
                        Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                        Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                        President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                        • AEU to India (SECRET) :

                          So long as none of our our vessels are interdicted.

                          No taxation at all on any individuals or businesses in AEU Antarctica for the next 6 years. Further exploration for resource fields in Antartica to be brought under AEU claim and developed.
                          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                          • Russian Diplomacy

                            To: NBE
                            From: Russia

                            We are interested in trading with you and don't want to start an embargo against you. Any ideas?

                            To: WAF
                            From: Russia

                            We really meant no harm against you is there any way we can make it up?

                            To: Russian people
                            From: Russia

                            We have very good news for you. We have abolished our state-contolled economt and we now let you decide for yourselves.

                            To: Former Soviet Union Countries
                            From: Russia

                            We apologize for how cruel we treated you and Russia feels that it would be in both our interests to come together once again. We do not want to push anything on you and please tell Russia what you think.

                            Ruler: Nuclear Master
                            Capital: Nucleargrad
                            Government: Communism
                            Army: Huge
                            Navy: Medium(4 turns upgrade)
                            Air Force: Medium (3 turns upgrade)
                            Space Fleet: Large
                            Economy: Prosperous(3 turns upgrade)

                            Start improving terrain in Eastern Russia


                            • To Russia
                              From WAF

                              If you make this up to us you can satr by trading with our nation and help end the Indian blockade on our nation.
                              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                              • To AEU:
                                How about this...You may trade low-level with New Boston Empire, however until the standoff between all of Asia and NBE is resolved I cannot allow anything more than this.

                                From: India Star Online Corperation
                                To: AEU

                                We wish to begin research in Antarctica


                                Dehli Deli - Translations provided by American Linguists Association (ALA,

                                Strange Metal Deposists Found on Mars - India Asks for Assistance

                                Strange metal deposits have been found on the Indian colony of Mars.
                                "These are very interesting. They are comprised of things we have never seen before. We wish for help." Said Bharat Negoutchou.
                                So send help, and get money.

                                Indian Moon Colony Set Up - Hotels Open! (Paid for by the Luna Vacation Corperation)
                                Wanna go for a lunar vacation? It's possible now, as the Indian Moon Colony is finally up in business!
                                Enjoy the scenic view of Earth as you swim with your friends and family in our SonicJoy(TM) swimming pools, while your children go into the Children Weightlessness Room and play their favorites games in near-zero gravity!
                                Then you can go to the large GAMING hall, where you can play anything from chess to pool to The Sims and it's 1,024 expansion packs for free (A 51,200 rupee value!)!
                                Afterwards you can have dinner in our Aqua-Area, where the scenery of the beautiful moon is accompanied by more down-to-earth aquatic creatures. A treat indeed!
                                For a special time, you can get a 2 week VIP vacation for INR:1200. This includes all traveling expenses. And, if you use any major airline card, you can get 15 percent off right there.
                                We also offer many other services including Astronomy Education and products. Get the "Luna VIP Card" and you can save an additional 15 percent on all Luna purchases! The card now sells for only INR:100.
                                *Full Informational Packet will be included in the next issue of the Dehli Deli, Indias FINEST News Source!*

                                Death to the New Boston Empire - Editorial
                                They suck. Death to them.

                                Economy Collapsing OMFG!!!! - Editorial
                                OMFG THE ECONONY (sic) IS COLLAPSING WE NEED TO OVERTHROW THE GOVNWERMNET!!! (sic)
                                Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                                Long live teh paranoia smiley!

