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FroNES II - Imperialists Unite!

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  • FroNES II - Imperialists Unite!

    NESing, old school style.

    It's 1904. Europe controls 50% of the world. Germany and Italy, angered at their lack of global influence, contemplate their rivals' downfalls. Europe stands, waiting, and the clichés come tumbling out: The gunpowder has been placed, needing a spark to ignite; The rocket is armed, needing a mere push of a button to launch.

    Who fires the bullet? You decide:

    Rules and Regulations:

    + 1 RL day = 6 months
    + Keep it real (Remember, Europe is on a knife-edge. The most simple act over-conscription can plunge your empire into the abyss of revolution. Be warned.)
    + Each day, 4 empires shall have events outside of their control happen. These could be good (e.g. patriotic feeling means more soldiers) or bad (e.g. the media slants your name and your rule suffers). The more realistic you are, the more chance you have of better events
    + With Role Playing, the sky's the limit. Keep it real though
    + NPC nations shall be controlled by myself.

  • #2
    Britain (orange)
    Army: Medium
    Navy: Large
    Air Force: None
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Monarchy
    Economy: World Leading

    France (pink)
    Army: Medium
    Navy: Medium
    Air Force: None
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Republic
    Economy: Booming

    Germany (blue)
    Ruler: foolish_icarus
    Army: Large
    Navy: Medium
    Air Force: None
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Constitutional Monarchy
    Economy: Prosperous

    Russia (brown)
    Ruler: Frozzy
    Army: Huge
    Navy: Small
    Air Force: None
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Monarchy
    Economy: Depression

    Italy (green)
    Army: Large
    Navy: Large
    Air Force: None
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Constitutional Monarchy
    Economy: Growing

    Austria-Hungary (yellow)
    Ruler: Sheep
    Army: Large
    Navy: Medium
    Air Force: None
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Constitutional Dual Monarchy
    Economy: Recession

    Ottoman Empire (light blue)
    Army: Large
    Navy: Medium
    Air Force: None
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Federal Monarchy
    Economy: Growing

    United States of America (navy blue)
    Ruler: Jack_www
    Army: Large
    Navy: Medium
    Air Force: None
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Repubblic
    Economy: Prosperous

    Brazil (dark green)
    Army: Huge
    Navy: Medium
    Air Force: None
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Repubblic
    Economy: Growing

    Argentina (light purple)
    Army: Large
    Navy: Medium
    Air Force: None
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Repubblic
    Economy: Recession

    Mexico (black)
    Army: Large
    Navy: Tiny
    Air Force: None
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Revolution
    Economy: Imploded

    China (purple)
    Ruler: Methril
    Army: Medium
    Navy: Medium
    Air Force: None
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Repubblic
    Economy: Stable

    Japan (red)
    Ruler: Giovanni Wine
    Army: Huge
    Navy: Huge
    Air Force: None
    Space Fleet: N/A
    Government: Constitutional Monarchy
    Economy: Prosperous


    • #3
      Die Mappe:
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


        • #5
          I'll just be slipping into the throne of Russia


          • #6
            United States please.
            Donate to the American Red Cross.
            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


            • #7
              Russia: January 1904

              Russia Military

              Invade Afghanistan with 1/2 of the Tsar's army. March into Kabul and tie down resistance.

              Russia Diplomacy

              To United States
              From Russia

              The Russian Empire wishes to sign a trade agreement with the United States.

              Russian R & D
              Upgrade economy to Recession ~ 1 year (pending trade pact with US)
              Upgrade Army to Very Large: ~ 3 years (pending victory in Afghanistan)
              Research improved artillery ~ 2 years


              • #8
                Uhmm.. looks a bit like GDNES2... lol

                I'm going for Japan this time

                "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                The trick is the doing something else."
                — Leonardo da Vinci
                "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                • #9
                  you want a good large sized map of the world in 1900? just edit it to 1904... ?


                  • #10
                    You can easily edit this GIF with windows paint
                    Thats IF you want to delete all lines...

                    I guss methril is right, you like your tiny ugly maps......


                    • #11
                      China (purple)
                      Army: Medium
                      Navy: Medium
                      Air Force: None
                      Space Fleet: N/A
                      Government: Repubblic
                      Economy: Stable

                      im not sure how different the style is, but i looks as if im going to like it

                      Imperial Chinese Diplomacy

                      To: Japan
                      From: Imperial Empire of China

                      We request trade and a possible allignment with your nation. But of course we require your acceptance Also, we could work hand in hand in any project (military or non-military) you think would benefit us.

                      To: Imperial Russia
                      From: Imperial China

                      Will you accept a long and forever lasting NAP? Surely you'll never have the need to attack us....

                      To: Empire of Great Britain
                      From: Imperial China

                      May we discuss the length of the lease you have on Hong Kong?

                      Imperial Chinese Military Plans

                      1/3 of the Imperial Army is to march into Bhutan. They have no army, but keep them garrisoned incase those sheep farmers and monks get any crazy ideas

                      Imperial Chinese Projects

                      Ugrade economy from stable to Growing ~ 1 year (if Japan agrees to trade)
                      Increase army size from medium to Large ~ 3 years
                      Begin researching better steel dreadnaughts and the ships of that age ~ 3 years


                      • #12
                        If you use erez's map i will join
                        Thank you sir, may I have another.


                        • #13
                          well, If he want, I'll edit my map to be without many lines, but I'm sure he can do it to!


                          • #14
                            United States of America

                            To Russia:
                            We would love to trade with you and all of Europe. We will send diplomates to work out the details of the trade agreement.

                            To Europe:
                            Be warned that the United States will still enforce the Monrow Doctrine, meaning that we will not stand for the futher spread of European Colonies into the AMericas
                            Other then that we would like to trade with you as long as you respect this.

                            Begin Traing of US millitary. Form a new unite for the US Army, Light Recon Calvary. There job will be to report of eneimy movements before they can see were their army is. They will be trained in stealth and hinding in any enviroment.

                            Also get the US army ready for battle. Start war games designed to give troops the feel of real combat.

                            (Secret Projects)
                            Send spies into Mexico, there mission to gather as much intelligence on the Mexican Millitary. Their bases, security, troop strength, and training docutrine. ALso get plans that detail the defense of Mexico if they were ever to come under attack.

                            Start leaking things into News Media that make it look like Mexico wants to take back the South Western United States.

                            Anther Project is recreach, this is designed to create a auto matic combat rifle that infantry men can carry into battle. Expect length of project is 10 years.
                            Donate to the American Red Cross.
                            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                            • #15
                              erez87: If you are willing to edit the map yourself, I shall link to it in my main page The one at the moment shall be used as a small one for updates.

                              Giovanni Wine: It was my inspiration, though I have edited the map a bit, changed the rules slightly and changed the Nation stats.

