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staznes Apolyton II: The Current World

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  • To HRE, US, & IPU:
    *secret*Indeed your observations are proving to be accurate. Egypt suggest that our nations officially sign a mutual defence pact.*secret*
    You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


    • To: HRE, US, Egypt
      From: IPU

      *secret*We agree, a mutual defense pact would be the best course of action.*secret*

      Continue running of counter-intelligence operations to capture rival spies
      Send 150,000 men and 1/4 of Air Force to help Egyptians
      Rest of Military in homeland
      Increase naval technology
      Join NANESIA starting now in the Stories and Diplomacy Forum!
      Prime Minister Calvin Williams of Britain in SHNESA
      Prime Minister Yasser Arafat of Palestine in stAZNES2 (Apolyton)


      • To the Potential Members of the Alliance:

        *Secret* We would agree to do such a thing. Though your pope would pose a problem.....*/Secret*
        Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
        Long live teh paranoia smiley!


        • To US, IPU, Egypt: *secret* Indeed a defensive pact would be a good idea. The Empire is willing to sign one with its honorable friends.

          To US: *secret* Don't worry. As long as I let the Pope have free reign over the spiritual decisions and most of the domestic affairs in Papal Italy, he probably won't be too much of a bother to you.

          To US, IPU, Egypt (again): *Secret* I suggest that we begin developing a joint plan of action against the Prague Pact and the Asian Alliance in case of war via PM. We'll all send our suggestions to each other and discuss them. (EDIT: Check your PM boxes for my message. It's been sent.)


          • Orders:

            Begin moving 90 percent of troops from Palestine to Southern India.
            Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
            Long live teh paranoia smiley!


            • To "GOD": I'm assuming we're ready for an update, since there hasn't been much activity lately.


              • My orders are usual
                Start building using the tech.
                Build thos promised school, and hispitas abe everything I can to help countries that want!
                Me pay, they mostly control.
                Continue industrilizing everywhere that want...


                • update tomorrow


                  • To Nations of World:
                    We know that many are worried with Chinese involvedment in India. We are trying to keep peace in the region and we free the futher use of nuclear weapons will threaten the Republic of China. We will allow India to be independent, but dissarmed of all of their nuclear weapons. We must stop this war before it detroys all of Asia. We erge all nations of world to send troops to India to stop this blood shed and follow the lead of China.
                    Donate to the American Red Cross.
                    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                    • methril, please clear out your pm box
                      Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                      • To allies: *secret* Plan revision; check PM boxes.


                        • Originally posted by Jack_www
                          To Nations of World:
                          We know that many are worried with Chinese involvedment in India. We are trying to keep peace in the region and we free the futher use of nuclear weapons will threaten the Republic of China. We will allow India to be independent, but dissarmed of all of their nuclear weapons. We must stop this war before it detroys all of Asia. We erge all nations of world to send troops to India to stop this blood shed and follow the lead of China.
                          The United States clearly sees through this plan. Already, troops have occupied southern India and the US demands that China leave.
                          There is no racial tension between India and the US, however there is much tension between India and China. LEAVE NOW.
                          Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                          Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                          • To China: Though we will not try to tell you in the manner of our, um, less tactful ally, we urge the nations of China and Iran to remove their forces from India and Pakistan and allow a peaceful mediation to hostilities.

                            To India and Pakistan: Would you be willing to accept the Empire's offer to act as a "go-between" for peaceful negotiations between your two countries?


                            • azale u said u would do update tommorow, but tommorows gone
                              To Britain
                              from Japan : If you do decide to be reasonable, could your soldiers in Japan please help me catch all these dammed mutant clones running around in Tokyo?
                              alternate history nes


                              • To HRE and United States:
                                Yes and when we leave the blood shed will conitnue and more nuclear weapons will be used. No will not leave untill this war has ended and India and Pakistan's nuclear weapons have been disarmed. In fact if the United States and HRE are so concerned about the actions that China has taken we urge both nations to help stop this war by sending peacekeeping troops. You can even have your own observers amoung our troops to ensure that China is not up to something.
                                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.

