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staznes Apolyton II: The Current World

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  • If it's not too late, I'll join as Russia if emu doesn't turn back up. I'll just keep the template given on page 1, since I have no idea how to make my own.

    Anyway, can I go ahead and post diplomacy and orders if he doesn't come back?

    Otherwise, I'll take a different nation.


    • Now i know you're dreaming. the EU has never agreed on anything!
      That's because they never got the Pope to sort things out before

      1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
      That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
      Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
      Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


      • Originally posted by Jamski
        In response to Iran's call, the European Union is persuaded by the Pope to act together in all affairs (under the Pope's guidance) thus eliminating 15 NPCs in seconds.

        Pope "Its a dangerous world, and we'd better stick together and worship god"
        France "But who can lead us? Not the stinking British!"
        Germany "We should be in charge"
        Belgium "No way"
        Holland "We don't think Belgium should be allowed to decide"
        Italy "European what?"
        Danemark "Whatever, but we want to point out that we are not Germans, neither are we Norwegians"
        Britain "Let's take the Pope as our leader"
        Spain "Sure" *dreams of the inquisition's return*
        Greece "But he's Catholic"
        Everyone "So what? Are you some kind of bigot?"
        Ireland "What's wrong with Catholics"
        Ireland again "What's good about Catholics"
        Greece "Ok then... but we shall remain Orthodox"
        Everyone "YAY! We love the Pope"
        Pope "Thank you my children. May GOD bless our united european endeavour"


        *Please note that Iran doesn't actually support this, as humorous as it would be to watch.
        Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


        • After many days of failed updates, the United States officially recognizes this world as dead.
          Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
          Long live teh paranoia smiley!


          • quiet you, here it is

            March, 2002

            North America

            Cuban soldiers crush the Haiti rebels in the main cities, killing over 30,000 citizens as well in the violence. The groups, headed by the large Hatian Liberation Front, are now taking to the deep jungles.

            Cuban equipment, long outdated, has been upgraded partially by a deal between Cuba and Mexico. Although the Mexican equipment isnt much better.....

            Mexico has agreed to peace with the Latin Coalition formed against them. El Salvador was granted to Mexico, as well has half of Honduras.

            America is in dissaray! Shortly after the threat of a nuke attack was pointed at Israel, they launched a ICBM at New York. In seconds, over 20,000,000 people perished, with many many more dying of radiation. The waters of the East Coast have been somwhat contaminated.

            D.C nuked! With China slugging it out in Asia, they decide D.C is a better target than Tokyo. President Tassador wasnt present, but hundreds else were. The nuke also affected Baltimore greatly.

            Due to the attacks, the US economy has plummeted to 10.

            South America

            Northern Columbian rebels have been destroyed, in large part due to Brazilian and Venezualan intervention.


            While several nations denounce the US attacks on China, several more send troops to support them. Because of this, France has threatened Spain and Italy with military action if they do not cease thier shipments (pro US: Britain, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Ukraine, Greece, Poland) (anti US: Germany, France, The Netherlands)

            Italy reunited, sort of. Seeing that the dual republic wasnt working, diplomats worked an agreement to reunite Italy.

            Greek-Turkish war continues. The Greeks have secured Cyprus and are striking at Turkish bases within Turkey. The GRAF and TAF are battling over the skies near Bulgaria while Turkey invades northern Greece. Over 2,000 were killed in a battle around the small village near Salonika.

            Papal urgency in saving Israel has led to a boom in conscription in Israel. 400,000 volunteers, mainly Catholic and Jewish, have signed up so far.


            Tel-Aviv Nuked! The attack has affected over half of Israel, with 2,000,000 dying. The army acts swiftly, destorying the Palestinian invasion force and clamping down on the Islamic Groups. Hamas and Islamic Jihad have started a round of attacks, 100 so far that have killed 4,000 on thier own.

            Iraq enters Saudi Arabia! With a huge army, Saddam burns oil fields found in the north. Heavy fighting has occured, with many dying in the this great desert war.

            Peace made between the UEA and Iran. In the aftermath, the UEA has increased its army and maintanence using new oil funds from the mines won from Oman.

            Iran invades Afghanistan! With the help of most of the groups, the US is forced into a pocked around Mazar e Shariff. Fighting is intense around the mountain region, with very little movement.

            Asia & Oceania

            Beijing nuked! Capital and major metropolis, Beijing was leveled by the second of the US 2 nukes supply. The nuke didnt affect the military much, and killed over 10 million people!

            America occupies Western China, with the Chinese retreating into Eastern China for a massive showdown. A huge guerrila force remains, and is harassing American convoys and slowing down supply shipments as well as hurting the new Tibetan nation.

            American and Chinese Armies engage in Qiqihar, Chengdu, Xi'an, and Luozang. Huge battles involving tanks, and the airforces of both nations have begun. The Americans eventually established air control, with help from the Taiwanese force. But the land battles are going nowhere, Americans techology is matched with the Chinese numbers. Over 100,000 total have died in the fighting, with another 50,000 dying from air strikes.

            North Korea tries a charge of over 1,000,000 men at South Korea. They attack was decimated by air bombings, but has gained territory.

            Indonesia re-invades West Papau and takes back the territory. The UN is furious and some nations are now organzing a force to enforce the UN's ruling.

            Australian Islamic Police (or the AIP) have rounded up many important mob leaders. The riots have left Sydney and Adelaidein ruins, but they have been contained as well as a few more minor ones.


            Not much happening in Africa.....


            From: Tibet
            To: US

            I believe your goal is accomplished, Tibet and Tawain are eternelly free.

            From: Israel
            To: US

            There, we nuked each others most important cities. Happy now?

            From: Iraq
            To: US

            Surrender Saudi Oil or we will burn it.

            From: France
            To: Papal States

            Restrain your Spanish dogs or we will begin our on inquisition on thier @$$ (explict word usage censored for small children and people with high blood pressure, because I care)

            map coming


            • Comment

              • i'll take iceland
                When it all comes to it, life is nothing more than saltfish - Salka Valka


                • nice, post some orders and get yourself a military (unless the US is willing to give you thier forces in Iceland)


                  • Since the chances are very thin that I'll be able to take someone else's country, I'll take Germany (deja vu).


                    In elections yesterday, Chancellor Schroeder lost by a thin margin to former Gen. Manfred Hohenzollern, a descendant of one of the old kings of Prussia. Though he has not yet made any statements regarding the return of Germany to empire, he has said that the situation in Asia, particularly the Middle East, looks horrendous.

                    Chancellor Manfred Hohenzollern (Specialist290)
                    Government: Democracy
                    Economy: 20 (best in the EU, according to real-life sources)
                    Army: 810,000 (Germany has always been rather militaristic)
                    Army Tech: High-tech Middle Modern Age (codeveloper of the M1 Abrams w/ US)
                    Navy: 45 destroyers, 10 cruisers, several transports
                    Navy Tech: aging-tech Middle Modern Age
                    Air Force: large (as I said for army...)
                    Air Force Tech: high-tech Middle Modern Age (codeveloper of the Jaguar w/ France and one other country)

                    I gave some reasons for those who may think the figures are too outlandish


                    • To Pope: We cordially invite the Papal States to join the Trans-Alpine Military Pact.

                      To Austria: We cordially invite you to join the Trans-Alpine Military Pact.

                      To Pope: *secret* If you'll condemn French actions against the other states of Europe and give us your support in attacking them, we'll return Avignon to the Chair if and when we get it in negotiations.

                      To Israel: Germany is willing to send food and supplies to nuke victims.

                      To Iran: *secret* If you'll invade Iraq while Saddam is still looking at his front door, we'll send you German military equipment and a German fighter squadron (temporary, as mercenaries) to help do the job.

                      To US: You have already accomplished your goal. Make peace and make Tibet and Taiwan free once more. You do not need to lose more men than you have.

                      To the EU: We see that France is being bullheaded again. I suggest that we all keep watchful eyes on her activity.


                      • Pope to Germany : (dead top secret) With the European Union divided over whether to support the US, we should destroy it! France is objecting too strongly to our Spanish compainions, but at least we can rely on France to remain strongly opposed to the US. The Pope has a proposal, a reconstruction of the Holy Roman Empire (Germany and North Italy) which was crowned by the Pope traditionally, also the Pope crowned the Emperor Napoleon of France, and the Hapsburg Emperors of Spain, Austria and the Netherlands. The Pope thinks in these times of strife and trouble, that a new Holy Emperor is needed. Perhaps the new German Chancellor could wear the iron crown of the Empire, together with the golden crowns of Spain and France. The anceint crown of Napoleon sits in the Vatican treasure rooms.... will it fit your head?

                        In these times as nuclear missiles fly across the seas, as Islamic forces advance, as America is finally revealed as the Antichrist, in these times the churches are full as never since the Medeival times. Millions accross Europe flock to the Catholic Church, looking for some kind of hope and guidance. In fear from nuclear death, the people of the West turn to prayer once more. The Church needs a protector - we hope that Germany will be a good choice. We have invited the leaders of the European Union to Rome, where, if you will accept the role, the 4th Reich shall be founded, a glorious Holy Empire of the nations of Europe. Only thus can we stand agaist the growing threat of the USA. We need a strong leader - we cannot tolerate this situation where some of Europe's leaders support the evil devil-worshiping President Tassadar. We need to protect our ancient faith, or end like the poor Australians, may GOD have mercy on their souls. What do you say? (/dead top secret)

                        1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
                        That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
                        Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
                        Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


                        • TO European Powers:
                          We are in dire need of help against this unprovoked agression on the part of the UNited States. We have done nothing against the United States to derve our homeland to be riped apart like this. Please help out nation.

                          To Asian Alliance:
                          When will you come to the aid of China?

                          To Japan:
                          We know that you have had not part of this uprovoked attack, can you help China in its dire hour of need? What we really need is air brone radar planes to give us more controll of the sky. Can you sell some to us?

                          To Chinese People:
                          We must rise up, all of us and fight the americans in every street, in every building and every home. Every person of China must rise up with arms and kill the forenige troops that have invaded our homeland. If we do China will be victorous!

                          To United States:
                          We will never give up untill all of China is free again!!!!

                          Start to look for a week point in the American lines, and attack with 4 Divisions of armor.

                          Make a promice to the people of China, if they fight and China is secessfull in wining the war, that the Communist Government will end and will from a democratic government in its place.
                          Donate to the American Red Cross.
                          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                          • To China : Hopefully the nations of Europe will soon unite and decide if they are for America, the ANTICHRIST, or if they stand on the side of GOD.

                            1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
                            That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
                            Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
                            Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


                            • To Pope:
                              China is now allowing all Christians in China the freedom to worship.
                              Donate to the American Red Cross.
                              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                              • To Pope: *top secret will kill anyone who lets this out* You read my mind! I was going to make the same proposal to you, but I thought it too rash for you to accept, so I went along with my more modest one. Germany, France, Spain...

                                All right, we'll do it. But we have some conditions:

                                1. No persecutions of non-Catholics (except Muslims) your own Emperor is going to be Lutheran (in the game, not reality), so I won't look to good persecuting my own people.

                                2. Germany controls diplomatic and political matters throughout the empire except in the Papal States. The Pope takes care of religious matters and the affairs of his own state, though your advice will be taken with open minds and ears on how to run the rest. Military matters are to be joint.

                                3. Germany remains a Democracy, at least for now. I will be content for the German Bundestag to make the key decisions within our borders, though I may throw it out later. Everywhere else, I will play the autocrat, except in the Papacy; I leave the autocratizing there to you.

                                However, we are willing to make some concessions as well:

                                1. All of Italy, as well as French Savoy and Nice, come under Papal authority.

                                2. Cross-integration of our military. A mix of German, Italian, and Swiss officers leading a combined German-Papal Army. Intelligence and planning to be freely shared and collaborated on between the two authorities. Both of our faces go on the new Euro designs.

                                Basically, I do most of the administering, you do the religious work, we both do the crusading. How's that sound? I will listen to any advice on how to do my share, though whether it is acted upon is dependent upon different factors.

