To all: Australia has declared it is an Islamic state and has launched a holy war to convert the Pacific islands to Islam. The first target will be New Zealand and valuable natural resource of sheep will be seized to fuel this Jihad. Allah ackbar!
No announcement yet.
staznes Apolyton II: The Current World
The Chinese Government issued a formal statement today saying that the claims of the terrorist are unfounded and untrue. The Chinese government counties to support the American government in its fight against terrorism.
Large Explosion in Downtown Shanghai Mall!!! Unknown Number of Casualties - Al Qaeda Takes Responsibility.
January, 2002
In Russia, a grand new idea of economic development has taken hold and has helped the Russian economy in several areas, including the faltering high-tech market, and the oil industry. (rise of 4 economic points)
In the Far East, multilateral talks between Japan, North Korea, South Korea, China, and the US have taken place. Many developments were made, including the deal to have US troops leave the Korean Peninsula and to give 2 billion dollars to North Korea in exchange for the dismantling of thier nuclear facilities. The Japanese and Chinese diplomats were keen on the deal while the South Koreans bitterly opposed it.
Disaster in the Pacific!! Off the coast of Japan, as Japan and the US navies held one of thier joint excersises, several Japanese subs accidentally launched thier torpedoes at the 6 US carriers in the practice. 5 were sunk, while the remaining one was sent back to Tawain for repair. The Japanese defense has officialy been "We thought the torpedoes were dummy ones".
Speeding up the Far Easten withdrawel to attack Iraq, the force now stationed in Kuwait and the Persian Gulf is 200,000 men and 13 carriers.
CIA and British Intelligence has learned that several small containers of uranium have been reported missing in Russia and Uzbekistan. The missing amount isnt considered dangerous and they are not investigating further.
7 Al-Quada agents, riding in the back of a sheep truck, have been caught at the crosspoint of the Mongolian and Chinese border. They claim they rode into China too silence the dirty midget infidels.
Bus bomb explodes in Tel-Aviv, killing 13 onboard and the 1 suicide bomber!! Futher attacks by Hamas in the same day, sparks an air retaliation from Israel. Areil Sharon promises to invade the West Bank at any further attacks.
Denouncing the US-led coalition forming to fight Iraq, Germany, France, and Belgium have formed the Hague Pact that is similiar to NATO. Diminishing this is the fact that the Pope supports the action of "Alleviating from the world, this sore of a human to the prisons of the underworld", youch.
Italian Prime Minister Sylvio Berlusconi resigns after heavy pressure from the increasingly popular pope party. The pope party promises to stop the corruption and underhandedness of Italian politics and too restore a small Papal State in the heart if Italy.
All over Europe, a new theory has been adopted, that the Roman Emperor on his death bed gave the entire empire to the church. Because of this, there has been international pressure on Italy to create a new Papal State. The US backs this claim as well.
Increasing fights in Western Papau have been blamed for over 2,000 Indonesian deaths in the last 4 months. Citizens are begging for crushing intervention.
U.E.A water miners finds oil off the coast of Oman. Dispute over the oil has gotten out of hand as clashes occur near the border, and the small Oman onclave in the U.E.A has been occupied.
Raids deep into the Jungles of Columbia have dug up several hundred thousand pounds of marijiuana and other drugs.
Fidel Castro, seeing the lack of US military in the area, has invaded and secured Haiti. A statewide conscription has been issued and Cuban troops are looking towards Jamaica and the Domican Republic. Many people suspect the aged Castro has gone insane.
The Liberian Civil war rages as rebels near Monrovia. Charles Taylor has promised the US he will go into asylum, if US troops calm the violence.
In the Western Sahara, Moroccan soldiers have entered. They have pushed into half the country, but the action has been opposed by Algeria which has retaliated by sending 20,000 of its own troops to fight, and flying 8 scuds into Casablanca and Rabat.
Small movements of Greek forces in Cyprus have Turkish generals worrying.
Two isolated firefight incidents at the Pakistan-Indian border has rose the tension in the region. Both sides are lining up the border with nuclear arms just incase.
In Australia, as the Prime Minister announces the nations conversion to Islam, Adelaide, Sydney, and Brisbane have erupted into riots. Armed police have entered the crowd, killing over 400 Australians so far. In the West, noone really cares much about it.
New Zealand invaded!! Proclaiming a Jihad on the South East Asian and Oceanian non-islam states, the 50,000 well trained soldiers of the Australian army and the several frigates entered the two islands. In the southern island, the attack came up from Invercargill and marched upwards to Christchurch (which was promptly renamed to Allahmosque). But when the Aussies attempted to take the fleeing New Zealanders in the mountains, problems arose from lack of knowledge about the land (even some New Zealanders dont know that land). In the north island, Auckland was secured but heavy resistance from most of the quickly gathered peasentry force made it tough going into Wellington. They made it though, and have taken the northern island. The US, Italy, Spain and several others have denounced the invasion but only Spain has sent troops to protect them..
Terror attacks in Southern Afghanistan, including a car bomb, suicide boming, and groups of armed attackers, have prompted the US to send an additional 30,000 soldiers in Afghanistan to help quell the resistance.
Economy in Iran begins to improve as government controlled media is loosened and transportation improvement has been able to provide new jobs (+5 economies and your new limit on economy levels is 25)
Many groups tired of the Kingdomish ways of Thailand, have began rebelling in hope of a change.
Due to the massive aid being received not only from the US, but from western nations around the world, North Korea's economy is improving. (+3 economies)
From: Eastern Iranians
To: Fundie Iran
Depose the mullahs, and create a republic! Then we'll talk.
From: France
To: The world
Stop the warmongering US before they destroy the entire middle-east!!
From: Spain, Italy
To: Australia
Please halt your attacks on New Zealand or we will force you out.
From: Iraq
To: Iran
*secret* I know we havent been the best of friends, but you know after me is you!! All i be wanting is some assistance in fighting the great satan*secret*
From: Cuba
To: The world
Please do not interfere with our operations in the Carribean.
From: the US
To: Al-Quada Officials
*secret* no, flat out no. You will not blackmail the strongest country of the Earth *secret*
From: Thai rebels
To: Indonesia
Please support us in our deposing of the old king.
From: West Papua
To: Indonesia
You can end the violence now and recognize our soverignty.
OOC: With the US not taken...Can i take the US?Please? It's my birthday. I'll really love you if you say yes.
Thats right. Tassadar has assumed the power of President. Glory!
Originally posted by Comrade Tassadar
Thats right. Tassadar has assumed the power of President. Glory!
Just watch, as Tassadar turns the U.S. socialistThose walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
Iran to Oman (SECRET) :
would you like help "solving" this UAE problem?
Iran to Pakistan:
Please, try not to have a nuclear war with India (SECRET : even if they are infidels/) Perhaps we can mediate discussions?
to Rebels:
What?! You insult your holy leaders and deliberately mistate our form of government (OOC: Iran is constitutional republic with universal suffrage [even if this is often abused]). There will be no agreement along these lines. If you wish to save your sorry selves, you had best come up with something reasonable soon.
Begin propoganda campaigns describing the evilness of the rebels. Send army to surround them. If the rebels don't surrender or offer reasonabel terms, crush them.
Iran to Iraq (secret) :
what would you have us do? We cannot fight the unholy might of the U.S., what with all the imperialist power they can bring to bear. We suggest you use diplomacy and appeal to the international community. Unless you have a plan that is feasible and will preserve our integrity, the most we can do is denounce whatever the U.S. does.
The surveys have been completed, and the power grid is in the first stages of upgrade, to be tied into the soon-to-be completed nuclear generators and other power plants within the next 5-15 years.Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
To United States:
We would like to send some of our naval forces to help in your fight against Iraq. As you can see we too have been a victom of terrorist attacks and see that Iraq is indeed a threat to world peace.
To Indonesia:
We will be sending you our first draft of the terms of the alliance you wish between our two nations.