Opening of the Stella Polaris website and SPF
The new Stella Polaris website and Stella Polaris Forums will be opened in an official opening ceremony on Tuesday 4th February, 20:30 GMT/3:30 PM EST, which will be followed by a general Stella Polaris chat event with a party atmosphere, where you can talk about Stella Polaris or just have fun. The opening speech is held by the SPDT Manager, Rasbelin, and the chat will be hosted by Rasbelin and Disparat.
The opening ceremony and the chat are both held on the new official Stella Polaris IRC channel (#stellapolaris), which is located on the IRC server of ACS ( If you need instructions for how to connect to the IRC server and how to use IRC, please refer to the FAQ.
No special guests have yet been heard of, but several invitations have been sent.
I want to express my warm regards to Disparat for the work with the website and say thanks for the feedback that was received about the test site. Hopefully you will all like the new web services, one they are opened.
Welcome to the opening of the web services on Tuesday!
The new Stella Polaris website and Stella Polaris Forums will be opened in an official opening ceremony on Tuesday 4th February, 20:30 GMT/3:30 PM EST, which will be followed by a general Stella Polaris chat event with a party atmosphere, where you can talk about Stella Polaris or just have fun. The opening speech is held by the SPDT Manager, Rasbelin, and the chat will be hosted by Rasbelin and Disparat.
The opening ceremony and the chat are both held on the new official Stella Polaris IRC channel (#stellapolaris), which is located on the IRC server of ACS ( If you need instructions for how to connect to the IRC server and how to use IRC, please refer to the FAQ.
No special guests have yet been heard of, but several invitations have been sent.
I want to express my warm regards to Disparat for the work with the website and say thanks for the feedback that was received about the test site. Hopefully you will all like the new web services, one they are opened.
Welcome to the opening of the web services on Tuesday!
