Since a couple of weeks I've been looking to OpenGL tutorials to learn to use it to code something, and I've seen the spectacular maps that can be realized with it.
So, I've had an idea: why don't have a RTS-games-like map?
I've thought a lot looking other games like WC3, Empire Earth, and Starcraft and I've concluded that an isometric map can be not vinculated to "tiles".
If "tiles" concept is removed by more detailed coordinates, so any unit can move and attack freely on the map, with the only limitation of his moving/attacking radius. Also resources will be gathered only in a certain radius from the base.
I know this idea can sound strange, but seen the possibilities of OpenGL, I thought that can be done. See here
So, I've had an idea: why don't have a RTS-games-like map?
I've thought a lot looking other games like WC3, Empire Earth, and Starcraft and I've concluded that an isometric map can be not vinculated to "tiles".
If "tiles" concept is removed by more detailed coordinates, so any unit can move and attack freely on the map, with the only limitation of his moving/attacking radius. Also resources will be gathered only in a certain radius from the base.
I know this idea can sound strange, but seen the possibilities of OpenGL, I thought that can be done. See here