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  • #91
    The words possibly say "Stella Polaris" but then again I have no Idea.
    That's what I was thinking in the beginning, too - that they say Stella Polaris. But then look at the bottom part of the banner, right in the middle. There are two more words, written in a faintly bright colour. They are different from the two right under the latin Stell Polaris. I wonder.

    EDIT: I see the post by Disparat now... Beat me by a litle less than a minute
    XBox Live: VovanSim (login required)
    Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
    Spore page


    • #92
      Just in case you would like to insert the real name of stella polaris on the banner, I have found an english-greek dictionary and did some translation. The result is shown on the attached picture. The words with the label North Star to the right, are the real name of that star in greek. (That's what Stella Polaris means, right?) And on the second line is the sequence of letters that does not mean anything in greek, but if you read them accordingly to their pronuncation, they would sound as "Stella Polaris"
      Attached Files
      XBox Live: VovanSim (login required)
      Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
      Spore page


      • #93
        Hey, what about the main title being the word North Star in Greek? And then have Stella Polaris in smaller letters under it. I'll see what that's like, could be kinda cool. Thanks for the translations, vovansim.


        • #94
          Pole Star, not North Star. But yes, having Stella Polaris and Pole Star in Greek would be nice.
          "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


          • #95
            Originally posted by Rasbelin
            Pole Star, not North Star.
            OK, so if you want to be picky about it, here is an entry from Merriam-Webster dictionary:

            Main Entry: North Star
            Function: noun
            : the star of the northern hemisphere toward which the axis of the earth points -- called also polestar

            So, technically, it is Polestar, not Pole Star
            XBox Live: VovanSim
   (login required)
            Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
            Spore page


            • #96
              Whatever. North Star is fine.
              "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


              • #97
                Oops double post. Hmmm..


                • #98
                  That's what I was thinking in the beginning, too - that they say Stella Polaris. But then look at the bottom part of the banner, right in the middle. There are two more words, written in a faintly bright colour. They are different from the two right under the latin Stell Polaris. I wonder.
                  Yeah, I was going to state something close to what you said but I didn't have enough time, only 3min. to post and leave for next class. Anyways, at least its heard.
                  We could have North Pole (Pole Star) and/or Stella Polaris then Stella Polaris in english.
                  Naval Imperia Designer


                  • #99
                    Here we go. I plan on putting the name in English somewhere else visible on the site.
                    Attached Files


                    • Just being picky here , can you increase the cloud effect on the right side portion of the banner? Specifically, I think there are slightly too much negative space present at the moment.

                      A slight increase in the cloudy coverage, at the present colour scheme and gradation, may serve to enhance the overal atmosphere. Also, I prefer the original concept where binary digits intersect letters, be it Greek or English letters (or Gibberish), to that of the present form, on the same basis that it seems to be somewhat empty.

                      However, take my suggestion with several grains of salt because my monitor is quite old, and as such is prone to display images to be darker than they actually are (or should be), even on max brightness setting. So if there are indeed things present, and I can't see them just because my monitor can't show them properly, then ignore me



                      • Gateway is corect when he says that some of the text is hard to see. Well they are. I can distinguish the letters but it would be better if the text were a little more visible. Thanks.
                        Naval Imperia Designer


                        • Okay, version 3. I added some gray nebulous cloudy junk which fills up some more space on the right. Added some gibberish as well.
                          Attached Files


                          • Wow! Thats very good! I say it works.
                            I comend you for your exemplary work.
                            Naval Imperia Designer


                            • Well, I am not sure why the main title would be in Greek (other than to appease Markos for hosting the site, and keeping up the forums ), but it looks awesome. Works for me, too. Good job, Disparat
                              XBox Live: VovanSim
                     (login required)
                              Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
                              Spore page


                              • /me points out that the website isn't hosted by ACS, and that we have a Greek in the team too.
                                "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver

