There has already been for many weeks several public design contests related to Stella Polaris logos and graphics. I addec this compiled contest thread here so that submissions are also accepted here.
The contests are...
- Stella Polaris logo, graphic
- Stella Polaris logo, basic
- Stella Polaris Development Team logo
- Stella Polaris Merchandise Store logo
- Stella Polaris merchandise
The merchandise related contests won't be closed in the nearby future, but all the rest of the contests can be expected to be closed within a few weeks time. Much depending of course how active people are.
Notes for designers
If you're submiting to more than one logo contest, please try streamline the design of your graphics, as having a more streamlined design is more appealing and it will improve your chances of winning. At least text style (not necessarily size) and colour would be good to maintain as the same. It's not a question of making a new brand, but instead making all Stella Polaris logos similar when it comes to text design. Of course this is mandatorial and it doesn't mean your submissions will be treated as second class submissions.
Do also pay attention to any copyright issues related to any material you use for the graphics as we don't want to get trouble with companies sueing us because of your submission/s.
Graphic Stella Polaris logo design contest
This is a logo that reminds of those very graphic ones submitted earlier to the original design contest. It can be used for multiple purposes, but at least it will be seen in the game as a splash screen or as a part of any other graphic element.
Rules and requirements
The artists are free to determine the outlook and style of the logo. It can include both text and graphic elements. Feel free to be creative! It should also be possible to resize it to a smaller size if needed to.
Anyone can take part in the contest by being allowed submiting more than 1 submission. There's in general no limits about file formats, etc. Submissions can be delievered to me per e-mail, but it's advisable to you agree on it on case to case basis. If the file/s aren't too large, you can submit it/them by attaching to your forum posting, under this thread. Any submissions can be ignored, if there's a reason to believe the logo includes any copyright protected elements that the artist didn't have the right to use. The contest ends at a date posted later. The winner will be selected by me and Blake.
Note about archived submissions
All the logo submissions received in the original thread on FACF that are now stored on FACF too, are also valid submissions in this contest. Please don't re-submit them as they're already included.
The winner will receive a discount on a single order in the Stella Polaris Merchandise Store.
Basic Stella Polaris logo design contest
This logo is meant to be used for purposes that need a more light styled logo, compared to a full scale graphic logo.
Rules and requirements
The artists are free to determine the outlook of the logo, but there's one simple guideline; try to keep it quite simple and more like a text logo. It should also be possible to resize it to a smaller size if needed to.
Anyone can take part in the contest by being allowed submiting more than 1 submission. There's in general no limits about file formats, etc. Submissions can be delievered to me per e-mail, but it's advisable to you agree on it on case to case basis. If the file/s aren't too large, you can submit it/them by attaching to your forum posting, under this thread. Any submissions can be ignored, if there's a reason to believe the logo includes any copyright protected elements that the artist didn't have the right to use. The contest ends at a date posted later. The winner will be selected by me and Blake.
The winner will receive a discount on a single order in the Stella Polaris Merchandise Store.
SPDT logo design contest
The SPDT is a logo for the development team. It can be used for several purposes, so it's supposed to be versatile.
Rules and requirements
There's only two requirements for the logo; it should include the name Stella Polaris Development Team and the style should be quite plain and possible to scale down in size.
Anyone can take part in the contest by being allowed submiting more than 1 submission. There's in general no limits about file formats, etc. Submissions can be delievered to me per e-mail, but it's advisable to you agree on it on case to case basis. If the file/s aren't too large, you can submit it/them by attaching to your forum posting, under this thread. Any submissions can be ignored, if there's a reason to believe the logo includes any copyright protected elements that the artist didn't have the right to use. The contest ends at a date posted later. The winner will be selected by me and Blake.
The winner will receive a discount on a single order in the Stella Polaris Merchandise Store.
SPMS logo design contest
The new and soon to be opened Stella Polaris Merchandise Store needs a logo. It can include graphics elements, but at least the name Stella Polaris Merchandise Store should be visible.
Rules and requirements
There's no requirements for the logo, except that the SPMS logo can be max 500x200 pixels in size, as doesn't allow any larger logos than that.
Anyone can take part in the contest by being allowed submiting more than 1 submission. There's in general no limits about file formats, etc. Submissions can be delievered to me per e-mail, but it's advisable to you agree on it on case to case basis. If the file/s aren't too large, you can submit it/them by attaching to your forum posting, under this thread. Any submissions can be ignored, if there's a reason to believe the logo includes any copyright protected elements that the artist didn't have the right to use. The contest ends at a date posted later. The winner will be selected by me and Blake.
The winner will receive a discount on a single order in the Stella Polaris Merchandise Store.
Stella Polaris merchandise design contest
Designs for the goods sold on SPMS are now needed, so it's time for a design contest. There's many different items available for sale, so you might want to make a custom design for a certain product, all the mugs or perhaps a general streamline design. You're free to choose.
Please do notice that the designs applied when the store opens aren't the only one's to be used, as special limited designs will be available and new ones are made. This contest will work as a kick-off for the Stella Polaris goods.
The full product line of can be found on their website. There you'll see multiple images on each product, so that you can more easily design your image/s. There's also available a clock template for making wall clock backrounds more easily. The Help Desk section includes information about the images, but most important; a full reference on image sizes. DPI and resolution. - Product Center - Help Desk: Preparing Images
Rules and requirements
All submissions must apply with the size and image quality limits set by Any submissions must include a note about the intended target item/s or a note that it's for general purpose. The artists are free to determine the outlook and style of the the item images. They can include both text and graphic elements. Feel free to be creative!
Anyone can take part in the contest by being allowed submiting more than 1 submission. There's in general no limits about file formats, etc. Submissions can be delievered to me per e-mail, but it's advisable to you agree on it on case to case basis. If the file/s aren't too large, you can submit it/them by attaching to your forum posting, under this thread. Any submissions can be ignored, if there's a reason to believe the product image includes any copyright protected elements that the artist didn't have the right to use. The contest ends at a date posted later. The best submission will be awarded with an award.
The winner will receive a discount on a single order in the Stella Polaris Merchandise Store. So you'd better make some cool image/s, and you might get a chance to buy the product for a rebated price.
The contests are...
- Stella Polaris logo, graphic
- Stella Polaris logo, basic
- Stella Polaris Development Team logo
- Stella Polaris Merchandise Store logo
- Stella Polaris merchandise
The merchandise related contests won't be closed in the nearby future, but all the rest of the contests can be expected to be closed within a few weeks time. Much depending of course how active people are.
Notes for designers
If you're submiting to more than one logo contest, please try streamline the design of your graphics, as having a more streamlined design is more appealing and it will improve your chances of winning. At least text style (not necessarily size) and colour would be good to maintain as the same. It's not a question of making a new brand, but instead making all Stella Polaris logos similar when it comes to text design. Of course this is mandatorial and it doesn't mean your submissions will be treated as second class submissions.

Do also pay attention to any copyright issues related to any material you use for the graphics as we don't want to get trouble with companies sueing us because of your submission/s.

Graphic Stella Polaris logo design contest
This is a logo that reminds of those very graphic ones submitted earlier to the original design contest. It can be used for multiple purposes, but at least it will be seen in the game as a splash screen or as a part of any other graphic element.
Rules and requirements
The artists are free to determine the outlook and style of the logo. It can include both text and graphic elements. Feel free to be creative! It should also be possible to resize it to a smaller size if needed to.
Anyone can take part in the contest by being allowed submiting more than 1 submission. There's in general no limits about file formats, etc. Submissions can be delievered to me per e-mail, but it's advisable to you agree on it on case to case basis. If the file/s aren't too large, you can submit it/them by attaching to your forum posting, under this thread. Any submissions can be ignored, if there's a reason to believe the logo includes any copyright protected elements that the artist didn't have the right to use. The contest ends at a date posted later. The winner will be selected by me and Blake.

Note about archived submissions
All the logo submissions received in the original thread on FACF that are now stored on FACF too, are also valid submissions in this contest. Please don't re-submit them as they're already included.
The winner will receive a discount on a single order in the Stella Polaris Merchandise Store.
Basic Stella Polaris logo design contest
This logo is meant to be used for purposes that need a more light styled logo, compared to a full scale graphic logo.
Rules and requirements
The artists are free to determine the outlook of the logo, but there's one simple guideline; try to keep it quite simple and more like a text logo. It should also be possible to resize it to a smaller size if needed to.
Anyone can take part in the contest by being allowed submiting more than 1 submission. There's in general no limits about file formats, etc. Submissions can be delievered to me per e-mail, but it's advisable to you agree on it on case to case basis. If the file/s aren't too large, you can submit it/them by attaching to your forum posting, under this thread. Any submissions can be ignored, if there's a reason to believe the logo includes any copyright protected elements that the artist didn't have the right to use. The contest ends at a date posted later. The winner will be selected by me and Blake.
The winner will receive a discount on a single order in the Stella Polaris Merchandise Store.
SPDT logo design contest
The SPDT is a logo for the development team. It can be used for several purposes, so it's supposed to be versatile.
Rules and requirements
There's only two requirements for the logo; it should include the name Stella Polaris Development Team and the style should be quite plain and possible to scale down in size.
Anyone can take part in the contest by being allowed submiting more than 1 submission. There's in general no limits about file formats, etc. Submissions can be delievered to me per e-mail, but it's advisable to you agree on it on case to case basis. If the file/s aren't too large, you can submit it/them by attaching to your forum posting, under this thread. Any submissions can be ignored, if there's a reason to believe the logo includes any copyright protected elements that the artist didn't have the right to use. The contest ends at a date posted later. The winner will be selected by me and Blake.
The winner will receive a discount on a single order in the Stella Polaris Merchandise Store.
SPMS logo design contest
The new and soon to be opened Stella Polaris Merchandise Store needs a logo. It can include graphics elements, but at least the name Stella Polaris Merchandise Store should be visible.
Rules and requirements
There's no requirements for the logo, except that the SPMS logo can be max 500x200 pixels in size, as doesn't allow any larger logos than that.
Anyone can take part in the contest by being allowed submiting more than 1 submission. There's in general no limits about file formats, etc. Submissions can be delievered to me per e-mail, but it's advisable to you agree on it on case to case basis. If the file/s aren't too large, you can submit it/them by attaching to your forum posting, under this thread. Any submissions can be ignored, if there's a reason to believe the logo includes any copyright protected elements that the artist didn't have the right to use. The contest ends at a date posted later. The winner will be selected by me and Blake.
The winner will receive a discount on a single order in the Stella Polaris Merchandise Store.
Stella Polaris merchandise design contest
Designs for the goods sold on SPMS are now needed, so it's time for a design contest. There's many different items available for sale, so you might want to make a custom design for a certain product, all the mugs or perhaps a general streamline design. You're free to choose.
Please do notice that the designs applied when the store opens aren't the only one's to be used, as special limited designs will be available and new ones are made. This contest will work as a kick-off for the Stella Polaris goods.
The full product line of can be found on their website. There you'll see multiple images on each product, so that you can more easily design your image/s. There's also available a clock template for making wall clock backrounds more easily. The Help Desk section includes information about the images, but most important; a full reference on image sizes. DPI and resolution. - Product Center - Help Desk: Preparing Images
Rules and requirements
All submissions must apply with the size and image quality limits set by Any submissions must include a note about the intended target item/s or a note that it's for general purpose. The artists are free to determine the outlook and style of the the item images. They can include both text and graphic elements. Feel free to be creative!
Anyone can take part in the contest by being allowed submiting more than 1 submission. There's in general no limits about file formats, etc. Submissions can be delievered to me per e-mail, but it's advisable to you agree on it on case to case basis. If the file/s aren't too large, you can submit it/them by attaching to your forum posting, under this thread. Any submissions can be ignored, if there's a reason to believe the product image includes any copyright protected elements that the artist didn't have the right to use. The contest ends at a date posted later. The best submission will be awarded with an award.
The winner will receive a discount on a single order in the Stella Polaris Merchandise Store. So you'd better make some cool image/s, and you might get a chance to buy the product for a rebated price.
