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DICTATOR II MGE - Coming soon!

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  • By Jove!

    I think I have it!
    The Barbarossa invasion solution that is!

    It may require a slight twisting of history events...
    What do you guys think of this!

    In april 1941, the German civ announces it's 'invasion' of Yugoslavia...Thus:

    ^Taking advantage of the confusion in Yugoslavia,
    ^the German high command orders an attack on the country.
    ^It begins with air raids, followed by the ground forces that advance from all sides.

    Then followed by this trigger...

    ^June 22, 1941 - Hitler sends more than three million German soldiers,
    ^reinforced by half a million auxiliaries from Germany's allies, to attack the USSR.
    ^This is the conflict of the dictators that will decide the world's future...
    ^"All we have to do is kick in the door and the whole rotting edifice will collapse" - Adolf Hitler
    who=Third Reich
    whom=Eastern Allies

    defender=Eastern Allies
    who=Third Reich
    whom=Soviet Union

    Voila! War in the East, and on Germany's turn too!
    Attacks on Yugoslavia can be put down to 'anti-partisan attacks'...

    And if the anyunit trigger does not work, I can just make two, one with: 'unit=Infantry' and 'unit=Partisan'...
    I know there is these units in Belgrade and Bucharest, the two cities that get attacked right away!

    What do you chaps think?


    • Very similar to my idea, but much better because it fits in the war situation much better. Great job Curt!



      • I couldn't have done it alone!


        • Played a game as the United States and I was planning on staying out of the war until I was attacked or until the war got out of control.

          -Juneau and Anchorage started in Disorder
          -Should US be able to build GI Infantry from start?
          -I think the Rising Sun in the Jap flag on the cities is a little too big

          June 1940
          -No fighting, I decided to concentrate on building Academies in all my cities so I can get my science rate up high later on
          July 1940
          -After the Neutral Allies started demanding techs from me, I decided it was time to attack them and take care of the problem
          -Took Mexico City
          QUESTION-Partisans seem a bit too strong, don't know yet though, depending on what you are going for
          QUESTION-Noticed something weird, the AI was able to contact me, but I couldn't contact them?
          -Hanoi taken over by Eastern Allies
          August 1940
          -Possibly give the Americans more buildings to build from the start, what I mean is maybe give them less buildings in their cities from the start of the war. Pretty soon I will start building military exclusively and the build-up will start a little too soon IMO.
          -Japanese capture Kaifeng
          -Third Reich captured Belgrade
          SEPTEMBER 1940
          -Eastern Allies captured Bucharest
          -Japanese captured Hanoi
          -Third Reich captured Bucharest
          OCTOBER 1940
          -Third Reich develop Army Groups
          NOVEMBER 1940
          -Captured San Jose
          -British Allies Develop Aircraft Design II
          -Japanese capture Kunming
          -Third Reich capture Athens
          -Neutral Allies develop Arms Companies
          DECEMBER 1940
          -Captured Caracas
          -Forced to sign a cease fire with the Neutral Allies
          -Violate cease fire
          -Capture Santa Domingo
          -Japanese capture Wuchang
          JANUARY 1941
          FEBRUARY 1941
          QUESTION-I think Pittsburgh should really have more production
          -Japanese develop Ship Design V
          MARCH 1941
          -Captured Natal
          APRIL 1941
          -British develop Ship Design V
          MAY 1941
          -Third Reich develop Uber Soldaten
          JUNE 1941
          -Americans develop Homefront Labor
          -I like the new camo pattern on the German motorized vehicle, but I think there should be brown instead of gray
          -Germans should be able to attack first during Barbarossa, hmmm, any ideas?
          -Third Reich captured Odessa
          JULY 1941
          -Captured Rio De Janeiro
          AUGUST 1941
          -War between the Third Reich and Soviet Union Ended?
          -Soviets captured Langchow
          -Japanese captured Chunking
          -Third Reich develop Ship Design III
          SEPTEMBER 1941
          -British develop Research Effort
          -Neutrals develop Research Effort
          -Neutrals develop Government Party
          OCTOBER 1941
          -Barbs appeared near Juneau with Sherman tanks?!
          NOVEMBER 1941
          -Captured Reykjavik
          -Japanese develop Aircraft Design II
          -Japanese captured Mandalay
          DECEMBER 1941
          -No war?
          -Captured Buenos Aires
          JANUARY 1942
          -Japanese declare war on USA
          -Soviet Union Captured Urumqi
          -Americans develop Heavy Industry
          -Still at peace with Germany
          -British captured Chengtu
          FEBRUARY 1942
          -At war with Third Reich
          -Captured Bogota
          -British Allies develop Military Transport
          -British Captured Lhasa
          -Soviets develop Ship Design IV
          -Soviets captured Warsaw
          -Japanese captured Chengtu
          -Third Reich develop Ship Design IV
          MARCH 1942
          APRIL 1942
          -Japanese capture Guam
          -Third Reich develop Tiger Tank
          MAY 1942
          -British develop Royal Commandos
          JUNE 1942
          -British develop Advanced Flight I
          JULY 1942
          -Captured Rio Gallegos
          -British captured Mandalay
          -Neutral Allies develop Secret Service
          AUGUST 1942
          -Captured Lima
          -Third Reich develop Advanced Flight I
          SEPTEMBER 1942
          -Americans develop Ship Design V
          -Captured Brest
          -British develop Typhoon Fighter
          OCTOBER 1942
          -Soviets develop Red Army Regiments
          -Japanese capture Hong Kong (hell of an attack too, using combined arms)
          NOVEMBER 1942
          -Captured St. Nazaire
          -British develop Tail-Warning Radar
          DECEMBER 1942
          -Japanese capture Mandalay
          -Third Reich captured Warsaw
          JANUARY 1943
          -Soviets develop Stormovik
          -Soviets captured Warsaw
          -Japanese captured Rangoon
          -Third Reich captured Warsaw
          FEBRUARY 1943
          -Captured Santiago
          -third Reich develop Panther Tank
          -Japanese develop Advanced Flight I
          -Third Reich develop Advanced Flight II
          MARCH 1943
          -Soviets develop Red Air Force
          APRIL 1943
          -British develop Sonar
          -Yes, finally, I get the ability to build the B-17, did you have it so late to show that it was the B-17G version?
          MAY 1943
          -Captured La Paz, Minor Allies are off of the American continent
          -There was a message with the B-17 about P-47's are they in the scenario? If they are, I can't build them still, if not I would suggest removing them from the text.
          -Soviets develop Rocket Artillery
          JUNE 1943
          -Americans develop Aircraft Design II
          -Captured Toulouse
          JULY 1943
          -Neutral Allies capture Toulouse
          -Soviets captured Warsaw
          AUGUST 1943
          -British develop Tank Companies
          -Third Reich develops Miniaturization
          SEPTEMBER 1943
          -Soviets devlop Red Counterstrike
          -Minor Allies captured Tobrok
          OCTOBER 1943
          -Japanese develop Electrization
          -Third reich undertakes great project Weapons Test Lab
          NOVEMBER 1943
          -Captured Toulouse
          -Soviets captured Prague
          DECEMBER 1943
          -British captured Adis Abeba (Addis Adaba?)
          -Japanese captured Calcutta
          JANUARY 1944
          -First B-17's arrive in Europe, German soldiers are seen hiding in corners crying as bombs rain down
          -British develop Heavy Industry
          -Japanese develop Code of Honor II
          FEBRUARY 1944
          -Third Reich develop King Tiger
          -Soviets develop Research Effort
          -Soviets captured Vienna
          -Soviets captured Odessa
          -BERLIN builds Weapons Test Lab
          MARCH 1944
          -Breakout begins Captured Paris
          -Captured Marseilles
          -Soviets captured Hamburg
          -Soviets captured Munich
          -The race to Berlin is on, but it looks like the Soviets will get there first
          APRIL 1944
          -Third Reich develop Research Effort
          MAY 1944
          -Captured Lyon
          -Captured Lille
          -Captured Amsterdam
          -Emptied Berlin thinking I would have enough move points to get there, but now the Soviets will get it next turn
          -British Allies develop Army Corps
          -Soviets capture Berlin
          -Japanese develop Advanced Flight II
          -Japanese capture Suva
          JUNE 1944
          -Americans discover Rockets
          -Largest fleet ever to sail has left Pearl Harbor today heading for an undisclosed location
          -Pershing text came 2 turns after I was able to build them
          -Soviets captured Flensburg (I think this should be Copenhagen)
          -Soviets captured Frankfurt
          JULY 1944
          -Captured Madiera
          -Captured Rome
          -Captured Belgrade
          -Captured Bucharest
          -Japanese develop IJN Air Force II
          AUGUST 1944
          -Third Reich develop Jet Flight
          SEPTEMBER 1944
          -Captured Tripoli
          -Soviets captured Tehran
          OCTOBER 1944
          -British develop Artillery II
          NOVEMBER 1944
          -Captured Athens
          -The Third Reich has been removed from Europe, small pockets of resistance remain in Norway
          -Battle of Guam has began
          DECEMBER 1944
          -Battle of Guam continues, island beleived to be cleared of resistance
          -Soviets develop Advanced Flight I
          -Japanese develop Tank Divisions
          JANUARY 1945
          -Captured Guam
          -Americans develop Jet Flight
          FEBRUARY 1945
          -Captured Oslo
          -Captured Formosa
          -Captured Okinawa
          -British develop Miniaturization
          -Eastern Allies develop Regional Control
          -British develop Centurian Tank
          MARCH 1945
          -Captured Trondheim
          -Captured Kagoshima
          -Captured Osaka
          -Captured Kyoto
          -Japanese captured Osaka
          APRIL 1945
          -Captured Narvik
          -The Third Reich has been completely destroyed, pretty cool that it was in April of 1945 though
          -Japanese capture Rio Gallegos
          MAY 1945
          -Captured Osaka
          -Captured Hong Kong
          -Captured Saigon
          -Captured Nagoya
          -Neutral Allies Sneak Attack (I was waiting for this, this should be fun)
          -Neutrals captured Athens
          JUNE 1945
          -Americans develop Jet Fighter II
          -Captured Tokyo
          -Captured Lisbon
          -Captured Madrid
          -Captured Bucharest
          JULY 1945
          -Neutrals captured Tunis
          -UN Peace with Neutrals (for 2 turns, shhh)
          -Captured Sendai
          -British develop Industrial Research
          -Soviets develop Miniaturization
          AUGUST 1945
          -Soviets captured Keshih
          -Japanese captured Kabul
          SEPTEMBER 1945
          -Captured Shanghai
          -Captured Sapporo
          -Captured Mukden
          OCTOBER 1945
          -Americans complete wonder Advanced Aircraft Plant
          -Americans develop Atomic Research
          -Americans develop Nuclear Fission
          -Captured Algiers
          -Captured Tunis
          -Captured Istanbul
          -Captured Peking
          -Captured Rio Gallegos
          NOVEMBER 1945
          -Captured Casablanca
          -Captured Stockholm
          -Captured Kaifeng
          -Captured Harbin
          -British develop Advanced Flight II
          -Soviets captured Kabul
          -Soviets captured Kashgar
          -Eastern Allies are destroyed
          DECEMBER 1945
          -Captured Athens
          -Captured Tobruk
          -Captured Nanking
          -Soviets captured Ankara
          JANUARY 1946
          -Americans build Atom Bomb Project
          -Captured Wuchang
          -Soviets develop Amphibious Assault
          FEBRUARY 1946
          -Captured Santa Cruz
          -Captured Chunking
          -Captured Suva
          -British develop Rockets
          MARCH 1946
          -Discovered Jet Fighter III
          -Captured Bangkok
          -The Neutral Allies have been destroyed
          -Captured Canton
          -Captured Chengtu
          -Captured Kunming
          APRIL 1946
          -Captured Hanoi
          -Captured Mandalay
          MAY 1946
          -Captured Rangoon
          -Captured Calcutta
          -The Japanese have been destroyed, the war is over

          It took a year longer than in real life, but at the same time, I did not use any nukes, and I did have to fight through every city. I played very cautiously the whole game, only attacking if I was sure I would win the battle. The B-17 was the weapon of choice and I will give some production numbers so you can see what happnened.

          At the end of the war, I had 32 B-17's located split between both fronts. I lost 84 B-17's throughout the course of the war, so I managed to produce more than 100 B-17's from mid 1943 to early 1945 as I stopped building all weapons in late 1944 because they were not needed anymore. I built 20 Battleships very early, all before 1942 and I only ended the war with 1 remaining. I worked on building Super Battleships also, but only managed to produce 10. I did very little ground fighting because the M4 was inferior to the German tanks and they could not attack amphibiously in the Pacific. I did build more than 60 Shermans, but only 20 or so survived and they were used to garrison cities until Motor Infantry could be built.

          It was a good game and I enjoyed it very much, I'm actually going to continue this and probably start a war with the Russians who control more than half of Europe. I may attempt a war with the British also, but that will come later.

          Curt, I just did this so you could see how the war was progressing to see if you wanted to change anything etc. I don't expect you to read half of this, but at least you have it to look back at.



          • Just picking out a few things from there that I didn't bring up...

            1. There seems to be a lot of techs that are dead ends, is this done for a reason?

            2. I think Flensberg should be renamed to Copenhagen as it is the biggest city there and the capital of Denmark

            3. I was able to build the M26 Pershing 2 turns before the text popped up for it? Don't know what happened.

            The units look great though and so does the interface.



            • Jep pap is right with Copenhagen - i am just not sure if it was German in 1940!?

              I would also rename Toulouse - cause where it stands theres Bordeaux in reality.
              Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


              • Well, Copenhagen was actually conquered before Norway because the airfields in Denmark were used for the invasion of Norway.



                • I think you guys will like the latest version!
                  I have to go to college now but I am going to send the latest file to you before I leave!

                  The Barbarossa attack works!
                  The destruction event of an Eastern Allied unit on June 1941 opens the gateway of Germany launching a devastating attack on Russia!

                  Ya gotta see it!

                  I will email the files to you, just overwrite the existing ones, and delete any old saves!

                  I am afraid you will have to start new games to take advantage of the events changes!

                  I hope the new balance is to your liking!
                  Civ colours will change, I didn't have time to make any edits!


                  • And Pap, a great victory, sir!

                    I will read thru the report when I get back tonight, you made a great effort, and I will repay by taking the time to read through it all!


                    • Originally posted by Pap1723
                      Just picking out a few things from there that I didn't bring up...

                      1. There seems to be a lot of techs that are dead ends, is this done for a reason?

                      2. I think Flensberg should be renamed to Copenhagen as it is the biggest city there and the capital of Denmark

                      3. I was able to build the M26 Pershing 2 turns before the text popped up for it? Don't know what happened.

                      The units look great though and so does the interface.


                      I put the city as 'Flensburg' for WW2 significance...
                      But I could change it!

                      I will look into these Pershing issues!



                      • Perhaps Infantry units should have the "ignore AT Defense" flag.
                        Because in reality you cant storm a city just with tanks and artys.
                        That way there would be am good balance - an army only equipped with infantry wouldnt manage to survive on the open battlefields where tanks and artillery are heavily needed - but to occupy a city infantry would be really important.

                        What do you think?

                        Greetings, Cifer
                        Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


                        • I think germany still got too many aircrafts. It was easy for me to take Britain. And with the Soviets did I launch an offensive on Germany and captured Berlin in 1943.

                          And I had no problems with Japan, i captured Australia and India and landed in California.

                          With the US did i only build Aircrafts and Ships.
                          When the Japanese declared war on me, did i launch an large Navy offensive against them. And captured an large part of their empire.

                          I think you have done great improvements from the 1.0 version and i like the new sounds.
                          "This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim

                          Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
                          Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal


                          • Originally posted by Cifer Almasy
                            Perhaps Infantry units should have the "ignore AT Defense" flag.
                            Because in reality you cant storm a city just with tanks and artys.
                            That way there would be am good balance - an army only equipped with infantry wouldnt manage to survive on the open battlefields where tanks and artillery are heavily needed - but to occupy a city infantry would be really important.

                            What do you think?

                            Greetings, Cifer
                            In the new version, all Infantry can ignore city walls!


                            • Originally posted by FiGu
                              I think germany still got too many aircrafts. It was easy for me to take Britain. And with the Soviets did I launch an offensive on Germany and captured Berlin in 1943.

                              And I had no problems with Japan, i captured Australia and India and landed in California.

                              With the US did i only build Aircrafts and Ships.
                              When the Japanese declared war on me, did i launch an large Navy offensive against them. And captured an large part of their empire.

                              I think you have done great improvements from the 1.0 version and i like the new sounds.

                              Does everybody think it should be tougher?

                              I was thinking of staggering the Battle Of Britian attack, with only 10+ aircraft available on the first turn...
                              This way, the Luftwaffe don't get the upper hand too quickly...


                              • If you're starting anew...would you like a third playtester? If not that's ok, but still...


