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DICTATOR II MGE - Coming soon!

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  • Ok, because of Jimmy always insulted me as "dump nut" i will show you my problem! Perhaps he can help me (cuase commands are german - I guess most of you folks wont understand...)

    C´mon Jimmy!
    Attached Files
    Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


    • @IF
      ^^THE SUN IS RISING.....
      ^Unable to cope with the US embargo on oil, the Japanese turn their eyes on the Dutch East
      Indies. At an Imperial Conference on the 6th of September,with the Emperor present, the
      decision is made for an attempt to seize the oil rich Dutch East Indies. Other operations in SE
      Asia were planned with the aim of securing a safe route to and from the East Indies.
      ^On January 11, The Empire of Japan declares war on the Netherlands and immediately invade.
      who=Japanese Empire
      whom=Neutral Allies

      attacker=Japanese Empire
      ^^ASIAN BLITZ!
      ^Japanese army paratroopers make an airborne assault on the Palembang oil refinery in Sumatra!
      ^The Imperial Navy follows with seaborne landings and the Dutch garisson is forced to
      ^The Japanese offensive in SE Asia is gaining momentum....

      I think you should add some oil resources to the Dutch East indies and make the cities of Tarakan, Padang, Ambon and Surabaya neutral(dutch). Perhaps remove zinc or gems from jungle and put oil.

      I will be leaving later today for my university studies and will only be back on friday. I do not have time for other events or further playtesting till friday.I suppose the scenario will have been released before i get back.

      Hope i have helped.
      "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

      All those who want to die, follow me!
      Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.


      • Originally posted by Cifer Almasy
        Ok, because of Jimmy always insulted me as "dump nut" i will show you my problem! Perhaps he can help me (cuase commands are german - I guess most of you folks wont understand...)

        C´mon Jimmy!

        As i suspected. The file extension is not shown.

        It should say "winmail3.dat".

        follow the procedure i have already described and rename(Umbenennen) the extension from .dat to .zip

        Alternatively when you download from your e-mail the file you could save it as a .zip. Just rename the file from winmail.dat to when you select a save possition.

        But i think i will save you the trouble and send it in zip form.
        "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

        All those who want to die, follow me!
        Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.


        • @Pericles,

          Thank you very much for the new events, I will but them in the file ASAP!

          Also if have weakened the Type97 and Type 3...

          In my current game the USSR is fighting the most glorious battle in Russian history as the 3rd Reich are at the very gates of all 3 critical Soviet cities!

          The battle is on a knife edge...!

          Many of the stats are now working exactly the way I intended!


          • @Pericles,
            Good luck at university, and yes, you have been a huge help in developin the scenario, and making the Japanese aspect very playable.

            You will rank high in the credits.

            I imagine the scenario will be ready at some point tomorrow!

            Last edited by curtsibling; March 17, 2003, 03:53.


            • Historically, the British had four carriers in 1940. Three in either the Med or the Atlantic, the last one in the Pacific. IMO, the British Med fleet needs some boosting, and the Home Fleet could do with a few more ships, too.

              Great job on the war in China. I've enjoyed watching China and Japan battling it out.
              The one and only panda of the Red Army.
              Xenozodskyovitchkov, retired Commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front.
              Recipient of the Medal for Accomplishment in IRC Chat


              • I might add a carrier or two, and a few extra ships in the Med and the UK.

                Keep in mind that the CIV2 engine can never fully represent military power, but I will see if I can extend the Royal navy a little!


                • Thanks, Palaiologos!

                  Hmmm, unfortunately I ve deleted your former mail with the description, cause there was no more place for saves at my e-mail account (12/12 MB)...

                  but i try to show you, that mysteriously I cant "save as " zip. i.E.!

                  Here is a picture:

                  About the newest update:

                  Europes development goes better and better - you did a fine job, Curt!
                  Just some more little things: Why does Königsberg have 53 production? I guess 20 would be enough! But Milan could have 40 instead of 25.
                  Frankfurt perhaps is a little big... and perhaps has too much production - you could change colognes and frankfurts production (not the size): Cologne 99 and frankfurt 68 - I guess that would be better.
                  Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


                  • Sorry...forgot attachment
                    Attached Files
                    Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


                    • It is tricky to get the production where you want it on certain cities, because the production tiles have set values...

                      But I will see if I can do a last minute tweak!

                      Today is release day for this monster!



                      • OK, chaps, I have opened the official release thread!

                        Please post any comments here:

                        The new D2MGE Thread!
                        Attached Files


                        • Hey Curt!
                          I was away for a while, and when I came back, I think I deleted the newest version email. Could you resend it?


                          • Scratch the last post, I didn't see the release thread


                            • I don't have time to read the whole thing, but here are a few things I noticed in the old Dictator v2 (maybe it's too late now);

                              -Why is there a German airbase in Greenland?
                              -Canada: Regina is NOT beside the Rockie Mountains. Calgary and Edmonton should be near where Regina is now. Regina should be near where Winnipeg is. Winnipeg should be between where Winnipeg and Thunder Bay are. In fact, the Great Lakes are looking a bit shabby too. What are those lakes doing south of Detroit? And where is Halifax or St John's? The maritime provinces played a big part in sending troops to WW2, especially Halifax.
                              -New Zealand: Wellington is misplaced, and the islands look a bit deformed. I think there should be two kiwi cities.
                              -Australia: Broome, Darwin, and the nameless city are much too big.
                              -Where is New Caledonia? Guadalcanal?
                              -Batavia should be Djakarta. (unless that is a European name for it).
                              -I think Alma-Ata is misplaced.
                              -I'm pretty sure Ethiopia wasn't liberated until September 1941; in that case Addis Ababa should be German and that German raiding force shouldn't be there. Stick a few more cities in Africa.
                              There was a French presence in Madagascar, which turned Axis once France was captured, and had to be defeated by the British. Make Mahajanga on Madagascar, make it German, and give it a destroyer or two.
                              -Maybe stick some neutrals in for Angola and Mozambique?
                              -Dakar and the rest of former French Africa should be German, as they were controlled by Vichy France. Put in Brazzaville, it was the headquarters of De Gaulle.
                              -Rekjavik should be American.

                              Other than that I think it's great, I especially like the graphics. Keep it up!
                              World War 2 Worldwide
                              Muddy Flood Plains
                              World Map


                              • Originally posted by Yurt
                                -I'm pretty sure Ethiopia wasn't liberated until September 1941; in that case Addis Ababa should be German and that German raiding force shouldn't be there.

                                Addis Ababa was taken by the British in April '41, and most of the mopping up in East Africa was finished by May. Some operations did continue later in the year, but to all intents and purposes it was finished by May, I think.

