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C++ OR a busybody wanting others to PM each other

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  • C++ OR a busybody wanting others to PM each other

    Subliminal on another thread...
    I'm new to civ modding, scenario creation although I have alot of programming (c++) knowledge which looks to be of no use in creating civ2: ToT scenarios/mods, and I know hardly anything about graphics. I've seen the animated units on the normal game but when I make a mod using units.bmp (which cant be animated I know) there 2D so how can I make/convert to animated which i assume is the .spr files.
    Subliminal, if you haven't already, pleeeeease meet Angelo and Mercator. You've a valuable talent from which many on this forum could benefit.

    Angelo has written on a program (CSPL) that enhances events in ToT scenarios. Not a macro language, "it accesses Test of Time memory and continuously reads and writes data following a pre-defined program written by the CSPL user." It requires C++ programs to do it, a feat beyond virtually all scenario designers (except Darthveda). His examples, which provide several valuable capabilities, need debugging. Once debugged, they could be plugged, with minimal editing, into a new scenario without C++ knowledge. He's also working on a second generation version that uses an higher level macro language as input. Although busy learning his joy, physics , he is very helpful and I suspect could use a hand.

    Mercator, as you've read, is encoding a sprite editor. AFAIK, it relies on i/o to a standard format, so that you can use a standard graphics editor to create ToT graphics. I believe he's essentially decoded the sprite format, and is well on his way to writing the program. Well known and greatly appreciated for a number of utilities, he appears jammed for time on this one. Many are drooling with anticipation for this. Perhaps he too could use help.
    El Aurens v2 Beta!

  • #2
    As a matter of fact, this Mercator character actually finished his sprite editor (he uses VB though, because he gets dizzy when he tries to figure out how to do all the Windows programming stuff in VC++).
    I've heard it is somewhat limited, but it can import and export images all right.

    Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


    • #3
      Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


      • #4
        All hail Mercator characters

        Time to start a ToT graphics thread?
        El Aurens v2 Beta!

