I have been working on a WW1 scenario for a while now. All that I have seem to done is to finish all the graphics. And now I am tired...I have made a map, added Africa, so that the colonial war in Africa would be represented. On this map I have filled it up with 256 cities, wich is the maximum, but as said I am tired.
I think this is a pitty, because I have spent almost 5 months up to now with this scenario, thinking out ideas, reading books and making the graphics all by my self.
This is where I want somone to help me, someone with a littlebit more energy. I could tell you how I want it, and you could make it a little bit as self fittet, but I want to be informed about the prosess, and offcourse help where that is needed. Everything you would have to do is to place units and to make the cities inhabitable.
My plan was to make it as a PBEM game. I hope that someone with good experience on scenario making would help me, so that we could make this "one for the books".
Civs included:
German Empire
Austro-Hungarian Empire
Russian Empire
Ottoman Empire
British Empire
French Empire
Italian Empire
(+barbaric civ as the neutrals)
Please help me!!!
I think this is a pitty, because I have spent almost 5 months up to now with this scenario, thinking out ideas, reading books and making the graphics all by my self.
This is where I want somone to help me, someone with a littlebit more energy. I could tell you how I want it, and you could make it a little bit as self fittet, but I want to be informed about the prosess, and offcourse help where that is needed. Everything you would have to do is to place units and to make the cities inhabitable.
My plan was to make it as a PBEM game. I hope that someone with good experience on scenario making would help me, so that we could make this "one for the books".
Civs included:
German Empire
Austro-Hungarian Empire
Russian Empire
Ottoman Empire
British Empire
French Empire
Italian Empire
(+barbaric civ as the neutrals)
Please help me!!!
