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Scenario League counter-proposal

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  • Scenario League counter-proposal

    Regarding the current debate about the SL forum and site, a small group of us have been working on a proposal. The idea is that the site hosts a monthly "magazine", dedicated to scenario design and PBEM's.

    Carl Fritz (Gothmog) will be the editor in chief, Nick Dowling (Case) will be assistant editor for PBEMs and I (techumseh) will be assistant editor for scenario design. As the webmaster for the SL site which will host the magazine, St. Leo will become, in effect, the publisher. The four of us will constitute an editorial board which would plan the magazine each month, with the assistance of other volunteer correspondents.

    Here's a mockup of a possible layout of the magazine, done by Gothmog: The magazine will have regular monthly features. Some ideas include articles dealing with new scenarios, profiles of authors, a scenario of the month feature, design tips, a PBEM players roster and so on. Volunteers wil be encouraged to submit articles as well.

    The SL forum and the proposed PBEM forum would be important to get feedback and discussion of the magazine's content. For that reason, I'd like to offer to take over as moderator of the SL forum. Warvoid's recurring computer problems have prevented him from being as active as he would like. If he is able to, Warvoid would continue to manage the scenario contest.

    I think with a more active forum, we can get some of the new scenario traffic back from CivFanatics, as well as provide a great focus for PBEM's. This all depends on he support of the scenario community. What do you think?
    Great idea! I'll even help.
    Sounds fine. I'll look forward to it.
    I'm indifferent.
    I like things the way they are.
    Don't you dare mess with my Scenario League!
    Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios

  • #2
    I'd prefer to use the same layout for everything in SLeague.
    Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


    • #3
      This sounds very cool, as long as the first scenario of the month is Roma Eterna
      Last edited by winterfritz; August 19, 2002, 05:23.


      • #4
        Originally posted by winterfritz
        This sounds very cool, as long as the first scenario of the month is Roma Eterna
        The plan is to report all new scenarios. I'm not really planning to review them; that would mean playing them all. So, there is not going to be a scenario of the month.
        "Cease fire! Please! Cease fire. What a dreadful waste of ammunition!" -- General Horatio Herbert Kitchener


        • #5
          I like the idea, I support it
          Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


          • #6
            Fantastic idea! I really look forward to seeing this!
            STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!


            • #7
              Wow, this is a great idea. However, would it be possible to maybe add scenario previews? It might help encourage certain people (e.g., me ) to work harder on developing scenarios if they were profiled out in public. Just a thought...
              "The self is a relation that relates itself to itself, or is the relation's relating itself to itself in the relation; the self is not the relation but is the relation relating itself to itself." -Kierkegaard, at one of his less lucid moments

              Tremolando shows rage! Sforzando shows excitement! C Minor means gravity!–D Minor means terror!...Round and round like donkeys at a grindstone! -Amadeus


              • #8
                Great idea!

                But couldn't this simply be part of the SLeague site (or was that the idea)? Isn't this a part of what the Scenario League is about?

                So I assume this is simply an additional effort to bring the SL to life again... But what's the "counter" bit in "counter-proposal" then?
                Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                • #9
                  It was (slightly) counter to Markos' idea of moving the SL forum.
                  Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                  • #10
                    A Great Project

                    One project we've discussed for SL magazine is a compilation of all WWII era Alex and Nemo units, including those made in their syle by others. These could be posted on the magazine in installments, as the collection grows.

                    The project will be open to anyone who wants to contribute. However, we should probably select an editor to oversee the work. The Anzac has already done considerable work along this line. How about it, Anzac?
                    Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                    • #11
                      Yes that would be very nice techumseh
                      Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                      • #12
                        Excellent. Welcome aboard! I've made a few myself. When do you want them and how shall I send them to you?
                        Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                        • #13
                          Yeah, I'd be interested in seeing them. Send them to
                          Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Mr. Oobir
                            Wow, this is a great idea. However, would it be possible to maybe add scenario previews? It might help encourage certain people (e.g., me ) to work harder on developing scenarios if they were profiled out in public. Just a thought...
                            I've been thinking about scenario previews, but I haven't made up my mind about whether to have a section on them. The problem is that many of these proposed scenarios never come to fruition. On the other hand many of them are completed. It's just that I don't have a crystal ball to tell which are which. Right now I am leaning against scenario previews. However, I am willing to change my mind.
                            "Cease fire! Please! Cease fire. What a dreadful waste of ammunition!" -- General Horatio Herbert Kitchener


                            • #15
                              A really good idea guys!

                              I recall back at the dawn of time (around 1999) that it was often difficult to get a good range of at least semi-articulate reviews and design tips for the League. Despite the difficulty in getting fresh content, the community and particularly the SLeague Editors nonetheless were pretty fixed on what we wanted the League to be and what it was to do.

                              At one point we toyed with the idea of creating a Developer's Workshop component to the site, where half-finished scenarios created by one author could be made available to everyone, and anyone who had the desire to finish it off could do so. I thought it was a good idea, but iirc Blackclove didn't (concerned that every half-baked if not totally lame concept would be dumped on the League's editors to handle).

                              Where is this going?

                              I think the concept of a magazine will give the League a new lease of life and extend to it the flexibility it needs to take on this sort of project. I suppose the home-site's structure was established just as the League concept was born, and while it had some good enhancements (contests, design tips), its format remained fairly set from 'Day One'. The magazine (if serviced and maintained appropriately - as I'm hopeful it will be) can add dynamics to what the League is aiming to achieve by venturing into areas and activities not traditionally covered in the 'working agenda'.
                              Last edited by Cam; August 22, 2002, 23:27.

