I'm currently playing around with designing a star trek scenario (ToT) based on the wargame Federation and Empire, which is a strategic level variant of TFG's Star Fleet battles.
All of the major races are playable (although this may not work out too well in practice
) - Feds, Klingons, Romulans, Hydrans, Lyrans, Kzinti and Gorn.
The Orions (and the Andromedans later in the game
) I can represent best by the barbs I think.
The others I'll have to leave out. No LDR, WYN's, Tholians or ISC.
Almost all units (ships) will be ground based (using desert or tundra as space methinks) a la Koby's (
)ST Dominion war.
Starbases/Battle stations will be naval units (giving them an offensive capability but no actual movement - I hope
Planets provide a whole ton of resources. The surrounding space virtually none - hence most of the pop will be devoted to specialists to account for the low trade/income. I'm not entirely sure how AI's handle that sort of thing though ...
I was going to model the effect of the homeworld shipyards by a tech collapse event should the homeworld fall - losing the ability (tech) to build cruiser-and-above ships until they've been researched again (To represent the necessity of building of constructing a new shipyard before capital ships can be built).
For those who've done something similar - are there any major pitfalls to avoid before starting out? Any major holes in what I'm trying to do? That sort of thing.
I have the AI settling bit sorted out (only colonizing grass/plain squares) but I'm not entirely sure how to work the terraforming. Are there any circumstances under which AI's transform terrain?
All of the major races are playable (although this may not work out too well in practice

The Orions (and the Andromedans later in the game

The others I'll have to leave out. No LDR, WYN's, Tholians or ISC.

Almost all units (ships) will be ground based (using desert or tundra as space methinks) a la Koby's (

Starbases/Battle stations will be naval units (giving them an offensive capability but no actual movement - I hope

Planets provide a whole ton of resources. The surrounding space virtually none - hence most of the pop will be devoted to specialists to account for the low trade/income. I'm not entirely sure how AI's handle that sort of thing though ...

I was going to model the effect of the homeworld shipyards by a tech collapse event should the homeworld fall - losing the ability (tech) to build cruiser-and-above ships until they've been researched again (To represent the necessity of building of constructing a new shipyard before capital ships can be built).
For those who've done something similar - are there any major pitfalls to avoid before starting out? Any major holes in what I'm trying to do? That sort of thing.
I have the AI settling bit sorted out (only colonizing grass/plain squares) but I'm not entirely sure how to work the terraforming. Are there any circumstances under which AI's transform terrain?