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MapEdit released!

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  • MapEdit released!

    MapEdit is available NOW at Mercator's Civilization

    It's a versatile map editing tool, capable of creating oversized and gigantic maps, converting maps to bitmaps and back, repositioning, flipping, inverting, previewing maps and more.
    Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)

  • #2
    Thanks, thy great cartographer!!!

    Ave Mercator ! Apolitani te salutant!!!
    "Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
    "E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
    "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


    • #3
      As I'm sure I've said before in another forum, this editor cannot create giga maps >10900


      • #4
        That util is awesome! Perhaps it will someday make my "Fars" map perfect!

        Follow the masses!
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        Mighty Carthage fought three wars:
        It was still mighty after the first one, still inhabitable
        after the second one;
        It could not be found after the third one.
        -Bert Brecht

        Visit my Homepage at:
        Follow the masses!
        30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


        • #5
          Another great tool added to the scenario designers kit, hats off to Mercator
          "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

          "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


          • #6
            Mercator, this is simpy fantastic !!!
            Where did you get all this useful tools like extending maps, reverting them, putting river on a type of terrain, etc.
            It shall help everybody who wants to create maps, especially gigantic ones.

            One single regret, that I dare to formulate 'cause I know it's probably impossible to make it perfectly, the conversions betweem bmp and mp are not entirely satisfying. So it is not enough to convert a into a .bmp, extend it and get back a nice
            Some work still must be done the hard way.

            BUT THIS IS REALLY GREAT !!!

            Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
            Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


            • #7
              Thank you! Most of the things in MapEdit really are pretty basic when you know how to program.
              Do you have MGE/ToT? gigamaps only work for Civ2 version >FW. MapEdit has a default maximum value of 10,922; only when you indicate the location and version of your Civ2 executable will MapEdit be able to create maps larger than 10,922 (if the version you indicate is MGE/ToT. Note that you don't actually need MGE or ToT to do this. Just locate your Civ2 executable [View > Options...], select the MGE/ToT as your Civ2 version and MapEdit will be able to create gigamaps. When you don't have MGE/ToT you can create gigamaps with MapEdit, but you won't be able to edit them or use them in Civ2 or the Civ2 MapEditor... Does that solve the problem?
              That problem probably involves flipping/mirroring/repositioning a map? Every other horizontal line of tiles sort of indents half a tile to create the isometric view. Since the bitmap version of a map doesn't have this indentation you will get some inconsistensies, say when adding one line at the top of a map, or when flipping a map with an odd height... That kinda sucks, but I'm afraid that can't be solved just like that
              Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


              • #8
                ANYone who is serious about mapping a CIV/Game must have your utility!


                • #9

                  Yet another testimonial of praise for you.

                  I have a map (non-earth) that I particularly like because of its topographic realism, but it was 75 by 120, too big (too long) for many of my games. I wondered how I could reduce it in size.

                  With the Maputil (and PaintshopPro) I have been able to convert to a bmp, resize with PaintshopPro, and then convert back to a mp (60 by 96) with minimal editing required.

                  Doing this also means that if I want to I can convert all "Plains" to "Desert" (or any terrain to any terrain) if I so choose merely by swapping the correct colours across when it is a bmp.

                  Once again, thanks for all your good work.


                  • #10
                    You may want to look into MapUtil (available at the Ziggurat) if you are interested in resizing maps.

                    St. Leo
                    Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                    • #11
                      Hey, Mercator! How do you get the "Hotseat" hack to work for Civ2? Will it work for versions FW or earlier?

                      I'm making a scenario (Star Wars) that I'd love to play against my housemate hotseat!
                      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                      • #12
                        Check out this thread for info about the use of the Hotseat thingy:

                        You could also go to: , There you can find CivHot, another program that does the same thing.
                        Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)

