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Scenario Turn and .wav Playing Problem

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  • #16
    Problem still ongoing:

    The -1 Turn command means it occurs every turn. That's fine, because if I need to have something happen first turn, I'll just put that down along with a "JUSTONCE" command.

    But how do I cause things to happen at turns later in the game? Do I need to specify the turn of the scenario (ie with first turn of the scenario equalling "1") or do I have to perform mathematical gymnastics and work out what the actual turn of the event will be (ie 1 plus whatever the first turn was set to in scenedit)?

    This is really beginning to arse me off and it won't be long before I violently lose interest in it and ferociously wander off to do something else.

    "In all creation, there can be no task more onerous or tedious than that of playing God." - Stephen Fry, 'The Liar'.
    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


    • #17
      I don't have alot of FW/MGE experience but I do believe that the TURN trigger works on every turn other then the first turn.

      I'm tring to imagine, "ferocious wandering".


      • #18
        The set game year is the number of turns elapsed. If this is set to 101 then the first turn will be 102 (I think, it might be 101 still). The Game turns elapsed is NOT the same as the starting year. The starting year does not vary, obviously, but as you are producing the scenario you are playing the game so unless you set game year back to 0 every time you save as scenario you will have moved passed 'turn 1'. Try saving the scenario after resetting this to 0 and putting in 2 identical events to fire on turns 1 and 2 and see which one works.

        Well spotted about PLAYWAVEFILE. It has caught me out before.


        • #19
          Miner: I've got a save slot (in a normal, scenedit, game) which I boot up and save as scenario periodically. Each time I do this I save over the old scenario, which is all right because I'm improving on it directly.

          This shouldn't(?) increment the turn by one each time...??? But yes, I see that the game is in turn A, and having saved that as scenario, the first turn in the scenario is (A+1), right?

          So bearing that in mind, should I or shouldn't I consider TURN commands to be elapsed turns (wrt BC, AD, etc) or should they be "scenario" turns elapsed instead?

          "In all creation, there can be no task more onerous or tedious than that of playing God." - Stephen Fry, 'The Liar'.
          "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


          • #20
            Years and game turns are NOT the same thing at all.


            • #21

              This shouldn't(?) increment the turn by one each time...??? But yes, I see that the game is in turn A, and having saved that as scenario, the first turn in the scenario is (A+1), right?

              Ah but it does and this is the point. Whenever you play when setting up your scenario as you must do and press enter at the end of a turn then the game has incremented another Game Turn. Unless you reset this games turns elapsed the scenario remembers this. Your event is not firing because you are on turn 101 and you have set the event to fire on turn 1.

              I have just tested this with a scenario.
              Whenever you Save as Scenario the game remembers the Game Year. It is perhaps best not to think of the Set Game Year cheat option as in the number of years AD or BC but rather, as the popup menu suggests, as the number of game turns elapsed.

              To have them in sync, set Set Game Year to 0 when you Save as Scenario. Then turn 1 will be the first year of your scenario. Turn will almost never equal game year unless you set the start year to 0AD and set the years per turn to 1, an unlikely occurrence!

              I hope this made sense.
              [This message has been edited by Miner (edited March 13, 2000).]


              • #22
                Load your save file. Then open the "set game year" cheat and check the value (it's misnamed and a source of confusion!). It should have a value of 1 if you want your turn 1 event to work correctly. The turn counter advances whenever you end a turn, something you wouldn't normally do while building a scenario. However ending a turn could happen accidently or even on purpose, it you wanted to create barbarian cities by letting the barbarians have a turn and capture some unoccupied cities.

                Miner: I think that if you set the value there to zero, then the first turn will be turn zero, not turn 1.

                William: I believe turn=1 should work just fine. I see it all the time when authors display a scenario briefing on turn 1. I've done this myself.
                "Cease fire! Please! Cease fire. What a dreadful waste of ammunition!" -- General Horatio Herbert Kitchener


                • #23
                  Tried it out with the scenario at turn 1. However, this makes my timeline go funny (which I can handle) and also means that my events for turns 1 and 2 do not work at all.

                  This I can't handle and it's beginning to worry me.
                  "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                  • #24
                    Gothmog: You are right. Set game turn to 1.

                    AC: More info req'd.


                    • #25
                      A few very necessary explanations and elaborations:

                      A) This makes my timeline go funny. That is to say, I want it to go 1 AR, 2 AR, 3 AR, etc. But it doesn't. Instead, it goes as per the old Civ2 year increments just after BC becomes AD. This isn't too bad - it doesn't destroy the mood of the game.

                      B) My events for later turns aren't happening at all. I set an event to change terrain on a certain square on turn = 2. (As Gothmog and others suggested, I have set the starting turn to 1, not 0.) Having read the other thread where somebody made an error with the MAPRECT coords, I made sure that they were flawless. However, the turn 2 event still failed to materialize. I'm having another look at this to make sure I'm doing the right terrain change. However, I also included a text popup, which didn't materialize, making me suspect the entire event is faulty.

                      "In all creation, there can be no task more onerous or tedious than that of playing God." - Stephen Fry, 'The Liar'.
                      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                      • #26
                        Problem A) is easiest to answer. Go to
                        Cheat/Scenario Parameters/Turn Year Increment and change it from 0. (0 is the Civ2 default were the years/turn changes through history.) I would suggest 1 turn per year. This popup box is a lot clearer than most.

                        As for B), please post the event here so we can look at it.


                        • #27
                          In regards to the sound problem....make sure the wav file is in the correct format, i'm not sure what it is but it's in the scenerio design part of the MPGE book.
                          "There is no can't, only won't."
                          -Line from American Kick Boxer 2 (American Shaolin)


                          • #28



                            I am considering actually doing away with this, provided that I can provide alternative identities and dll gifs for all the other tribes in the game. However, would I be right in assuming that specifying a civ with this event would make it NOSCHISM only for that particular civ?

                            I have tried this with turn=1 and it won't work

                            This fails to work at all

                            All right up to here - everything works fine...but then...
                            This fails to work at all. I'm checking up the .wav stats to make sure it's identical - yup, it is the same as the other sound files I have so it should work. Why doesn't it?



                            Can any of you out there tell me what difference lowercase uppercase makes? I'm sure it makes some difference but can't figure out what must be what for it to work proper like.

                            Any comments gratefully appreciated and also noted in the scen readme for a very-dubious brand of immortality.

                            "In all creation, there can be no task more onerous or tedious than that of playing God." - Stephen Fry, 'The Liar'.
                            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                            • #29
                              !!!an unusual Miner double post!!!!
                              [This message has been edited by Miner (edited March 18, 2000).]


                              • #30
                                The events, at first glance, look good.

                                Do they work after you have changed the years/turn ?

                                Also, if you change the .wav file being played to one which comes with the game does it work?

