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Great Napoleonic Battles - Second Attempt

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  • #16
    The Ottoman Empire recognizes the Russian protectorateship of Bulgaria and agrees to end hostilities. May this peace mark a new beginning in peaceful cooperation between the two great empires.


    • #17
      Great Britian Calling for Alliances with the Ottoman EMpire, Russia, Austrian Empire, if these words are unheaded then Britian will continue the war, even if it is the only one.
      "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


      • #18
        A communique from Paris...

        It is obvious that the British Prime Minister does not have a real grasp of the situation he finds himself in. Europe is ready for peace and does not wish to fight a prolonged and bloody conflict. France calls to Britain for the return of Brest and that the British warmongers leave the soil of our great republic. As to the other countries, why follow the example set by the British? Surely you do not wish to sacrifice thousands of your counties finest men just because some stuffy politician in Westminster is waging war because of some personal vendetta against France? We are striving towards a better Europe where all nations and empires can co-exist in harmony, why should we throw all this progress away?

        L'Empurer Napoleon
        "The cost of living hasn't affected it's popularity." - Anonymous
        "I must confess, I was born at a very early age." - Groucho Marx
        "Time is the best teacher. Unfortunatley, it kills all it's pupils." -Hector-Luis Berloiz


        • #19
          Let me remind Europe if you submit and become 'allies' of France you are no more than satelites to France, nothing more. She will control your foreign policy, to be difficult Britian will stand and will not may peace just so Napoleon Bonapart and Prussian Genrals cam crave up the neutral cities as they please, as I was info so stupidly by Prussia Miltary Authorites to presume Britian would join an alliance will France-Prussia. I will not see that Europe be carved up, by those who do not deserve it! I call on the Ottoman, Austrian, Russian Elements to rise up, if we fight now, France is Weak and Napoleon is in Egypt! Not France!!

          We Must Act for the stablization of Europe!

          Not the Destruction of France, but the Destruction of Napoleon
          "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


          • #20
            Hollow words

            The French emporer Napolean speaks of a peaceful Europe with all it's nations living in harmony. At the same time he marches his troops on Venice, Austria turns its nose up at your so called offer of peace. Your troops outside of Venice have been dispatched with minimal effort. Emporer Francis II and the Austrian Empire will join Britain in her fight against this little tyrant. I also call to the nations of the Russians and the Ottomans to join us. The turks are already locked in a struggle with the French, let us join together and present a united front.
            Attached Files
            "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
            "Guinness sucks!" -- Me


            • #21
              The Great Sultan Selim III addresses a short speech for the leaders of Europe dealing with the situation of the Ottoman Empire.

              "The Austrian Empire has asked us to join in a common struggle against the Empire of French and its leader Napoleon. We decline this offer. The Turkish Empire will not become a chessman for the power hungry nations and wants no part in this ridiculous show off contest. We hope for an United Europe where nations are allowed to live in peace side by side and without outside interferences. At the moment the united front against L'Emperer Napoleon does not pursuit these ideals."


              • #22
                Glad to hear peace can begin! We ask now for control of Sofia (ie let me build a city on the coast) and that will complete the Transaction.

                Also the Russian Empire at this time is facing internal problems and would like to step out from aggressive policies towards other nations.......until a later date
                Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                • #23
                  The Ottoman Empire did not agree to any settling actions!
                  We don't allow any Russian city to be build near Bucurest!
                  The Great Sultan thought that the Russians wanted the control of the hills and forest north of Bucurest. We still allow this but any settlement in the Turkish territory will be attacked. We wish
                  peace with the Russians and we hope that you understand that your proposal of building a city is absurd and not accepted.


                  • #24
                    OK, just to let you know Bulgaria is south of Rumania. Fine, I will accept control of Carpathia and Transylvania (the areas yyou stated)
                    Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                    • #25

                      We blame the head cartographer for the misinformation.
                      He will soon enjoy a vacation in the coal mines of Antioch.

                      The Carpathia&Transylvania are yours but the mountainous terrain just north of Bucurest is still ours. You can have the forest and hills but not the mountain square!


                      • #26
                        Settled then.
                        Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                        • #27
                          Well Done !!!
                          "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                          • #28
                            I do believe it is frances go...

                            Also Britain, its funny how you say that prussia doesnt deserve to "carve" up the neutral cities, but have you forgotten that the german cities are naturally in prussias sphere of influence and as i have said before theres not much you can do about it, and also this is just prussia reuniting all the german speaking countries in northern europe.
                            Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                            "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                            • #29
                              Vive la France!
                              Vive L'Empurer!

                              The great Napoleon has liberated the port of Brest! Townsfolk speak of the horrible plundering and pillaging commited by British sailors and soilders. Napoleon hopes that this underlines the futility of any British invasion and wishes to disscus a cease-fire of some kind.

                              In other news the union of Prussia and France has been made official. A ceremony unpreccendented in proportion and wealth took place in Berlin, where Frederick of Prussia and Imperial Ambassador Chevain (filling in for Napoleon who is still on campaign) signed and confirmed the alliance.

                              As per terms of the agreement, France has begun liberating and unifing the independet kingdoms between the two countries borders. Napoleon speaks of how these underdeveloped peoples will benefit greatly with the coming of French and Prussian rule. The organisation and coordination of a proper government will bring great benefit to the cities and town that were previously in a shambles.

                              Napoleon stretches out a hand of peace to Austria and Russia stating how a long protracted war will only bring misery to our countries and peoples. We could be using the resources and effort currently being spent on a pointless war on much more important and grandiose projects.

                              By Letter of Napoleon
                              Attached Files
                              "The cost of living hasn't affected it's popularity." - Anonymous
                              "I must confess, I was born at a very early age." - Groucho Marx
                              "Time is the best teacher. Unfortunatley, it kills all it's pupils." -Hector-Luis Berloiz


                              • #30

                                This month could be called an even more glorious month for our amazing armies than the last month. Today our nation incorporated one more city of the german states. As had been expected the city fell peacefully after the defeat of the prince of baden last month. Prussian administrators have been rushed to the city to set up an interim government while the proper power structure is founded.

                                NAVY SUFFERS DEFEAT!!! FREDERICK SAYS "I DON'T CARE!"

                                The Prussian Navy, which only consisted of 2 fleets of frigates was sunk by the naval forces of Denmark, which has foolishly entered the conflict on the side of the german states, our ancesteral rights!! Our glorious king was quoted as saying he didnt care as wars are won on land and not on the oceans.

                                FREDERICK CONGRATULATES FRENCH GAINS!!!

                                Our wise and glorious king Frederick has welcomed the french gains in europe and in turkey as he says, "whatever the french gain, is something our enemies cannot." He said that the french were being very honourable with their regards to the Treaty of Berlin, and that they had not overstepped the mark, he also invited all the nations of europe to berlin to discuss peace terms with each other, turkey was not invited...

                                Save attached
                                Attached Files
                                Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                                "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"

