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  • ToT PBEM

    Is there any interest in playing PBEM games with ToT? Techumseh I'm looking at you...
    Re-elect Bush!

  • #2
    I'd like to play Dictator for a PBEM...



    • #3
      I am up to play.


      • #4
        I might be, if there's something suitable. How balanced is Dictator? It sure isn't historically very accurate. Other suggestions are Kestrel's Mars scenario and my Congo.
        Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


        • #5
          I was thinking along the lines of dictator as well. But I think we should compile a list of historical inaccuracies about the scenario and submit it to the author and get him to update it. Prehaps he will play with us too?

          Techumseh, I need to check out your Congo scenario. BTW, weren't you working on a Bismarck and/or Russian Revolution scenario(s) for ToT?
          Re-elect Bush!


          • #6
            One option is also Michael Daumen's The Great Game.

            Dictator needs editing before we can play in my opinion too: events (too much unitcreation) and starting situation (at least Tripoli and Benghazi from British to Italy and India from China to British).


            • #7
              Here's the link to the ToT version of Congo:!.shtml

              What about your Europe in Flames, Mike? Would it be a good multiplayer game? Looking at the selection of historical scenarios (I assume fictional sci-fi ones are out), I see some others to consider. How about Alex Mor's "Hispanolia"? Kull's "Seeds of Greatness" would be fabulous, except it has a different Events file for each civ. The "Great Game" is basically a two player game - Russia vs. Britain. Other civs wouldn't be fun.

              I stopped working on my Bismark scenario "Blood and Iron" about a year ago, though I will finish it someday. I'm almost finished "Red October", but it's only playable as the Bolsheviks, so you wouldn't like it, MJ! Oh wait! It does have a role for Bela Kun. He was Hungarian, right?
              Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



              • #8
                I might be up for it too as long as its ToT.
                Only problem is that I may have difficulties with the E-mail part...


                • #9
                  Hispaniola and Seeds of Greatness are not very good for PBEMs because there are too many turns.

                  Seems like Congo and Dictator are the best choices.

                  We really need design contest for ToT PBEM scenarios!

                  BTW, has anybody played ToT PBEM before? I secretly hope that the MGE bug where AI takes over production (with Ctrl+N done) don't appear in ToT.


                  • #10
                    I hope you will add your voice on the scenario design contest thread. I'm arguing for ToT to be an accepted platform for the contest.
                    Last edited by techumseh; March 16, 2002, 14:37.
                    Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                    • #11
                      Marko, I agree with you about Hispanola. About the bug, Xin Yu developed a program to fix that bug called "lazy civ."

                      We really need design contest for ToT PBEM scenarios!
                      Agreed. One reason I started this thread was to test if ther were enough interest in ToT PBEM to justify the creation of a scenario. I did voice my opinion in the contest thread, but everyone ended up agreeing on a timeframe that I am not too interested in at the moment. I'm wanting to create a scenario about Europe and the Middle East around 1100AD, but I think I'd need help with that.

                      Techumseh, Europe in Flames is not good for PBEM. It was designed for single player and I would have to spend a lot of time to fix events and balance everything else out. Frankly, I'm too lazy to do that right now. If we don't get a fix on Dictator we should play Congo. I'm going to download it and check it out.
                      Re-elect Bush!


                      • #12
                        If we play Congo, I'll take Uganda. I have a few questions, though. There are 2 scenario files in Congo, which one to take? And is it balanced for multiplayer? And what about victory conditions? Do we play as opposite alliances or everything is free?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Marko
                          If we play Congo, I'll take Uganda. I have a few questions, though. There are 2 scenario files in Congo, which one to take? And is it balanced for multiplayer? And what about victory conditions? Do we play as opposite alliances or everything is free?
                          I would say Congo[R]. This has a weaker Rwanda and a stronger Congo. I don't know if it's blanced for multiplayer or not. Each country is playable though.

                          As for victory conditions, I noticed a problem. There are no 3 point objective cities allowed in ToT and I removed them proir to conversion. But I didn't make those cities objectives again. Would people agree to let me have this week to produce a balanced multiplayer version? I'll adjust forces and simpify events, as well as redefine the victory conditions. Let me know.
                          Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                          • #14
                            It's OK by me.


                            • #15
                              Go for it.
                              Re-elect Bush!

