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2194 Days PBEM

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  • #31
    MMmm, guys, why can i talk to everyone??? Its stupid, i can get all british techs and amreican ones, i take over a german City and the japs declear war its not very... hmmm historical? i thought thats what this was, i'm not posting my turn, until i know whats up!

    Personally, Russians, with Spitfire, Hurricanes i can understand but not Spitfires.. sorry guys i dont think its right... its just gonna get stupid and confusing.
    "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


    • #32
      Well, tell you what, just ignore the fact we're "technically" at war, I'll try to sign peace, but I won't attack you. If you suspect I have you can get the casualty timeline up to check. Likewise, don't attack me.


      • #33
        Okies, i wont attack you, coz we both dont want war on two fronts...
        "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


        • #34
          Definetly not a war on two fronts.


          • #35
            From The Soviet War Office

            Odessa Captured
            After bombardment from Soviet Crusiers offshore, the Russian Marines went ashore... the city is in toumoil and will be put to go use!

            German Air Force Destored Minsk Taken
            Over 1,500 German Aircraft were caught on the ground in Minsk and destoryed, by Soviet Tanks after entering the City. After Stalin said we will not build defensive units its time to pudh them back!

            T-34 Comissioned
            Today a band new T-34 roled out of the tank factory.. first of the lot to Stalins delight and Hitlers Anger!

            ....Sorry for the delay...
            Attached Files
            "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


            • #36
              +++++++Tokyo News Agency+++++Teletype and Radio++++++++Several American ships sunk in North Pacific and off the Australian coast.++++++++British battleship sunk off Singapore+++++++++Singapore assaulted, garrison destroyed++++++++Padang bombarded, garrison destroyed++++++++Imperial Army prepares assault of Langchow and Chunking++++++
              Attached Files


              • #37
                Prime minister Winston Churchil praises the efforts of the Russian army in capturing the coastal city of Oddessa and the great city of Minsk. Like Conrad Stalin, Winston Churchil has ordered a cease in defencesive production. More and more Nazi territory is claimed every day in North Africa and an invasion of Italy (operation Husky) is being planned right at this moment.

                The Germans are virtually wetting the pants and Rudolph Hess is our proof having been captured by our troops a few days ago. Hess was caught after parachuting into Scotland and trying to negotiate peace. He is reported to have said "Da Fuher Winterfritz is crazy"

                "There will be no peace with Germany" said Prime minister Churchill at a press conference earlier.


                • #38
                  From the Ministry of Enlightnement and Propoganda

                  This broadcast comes to you from the heart of the free world, der Fuehrer's Berlin!

                  Recent foreign allegations of der Fuehrer's insanity have been denounced as insane! The actions of the traitor Rudolph Hess have been disowned by leading government ministers. 'Rudolph Hess does not speak for the German people or their great leader,' Herr Goebbels stated today in Berlin. The glorious Third Reich does not desire peace with the decadent scum on the other side of the English Channel, and will only accept their unconditional surrender.

                  Der Fuehrer is most pleased with Japanese success in the Pacific and congratulates his eternal brothers and allies. Considering the unstoppable nature of our side-by-side advance, soon the whole world will be under the benevolent rule of our wise and powerful nations!

                  Counter-attack in North Africa
                  The much lauded British advance into Libya was reversed this month, as a co-ordinated attack by the Luftwaffe, Wehrmacht and Kreigsmarine obliterated the British city of Benghazi. The mobile component of the 8th army in Egypt was completely annihilated, as well as a large squadron of Spitfires. Off the Libyan coast, a British battleship and two cruisers were sunk by German bombardment.

                  Great advance in Russia
                  Despite the desperate communist counterattack earlier this month, our Panzers in the Soviet Union are again on the move. A limited counterattack has retaken the cities of Minsk and Odessa.

                  However, this impressive news was eclipsed by the even greater announcement, soon received from the Eastern Front, that Wehrmacht units have entered Moscow! A strong drive by our panzers, supported by Stukas and Luftwaffe bombers, has liberated the Russian capitol from Bolshevik oppression! While the Soviet leader has fled the city, der Fuehrer himself has paraded through Red Square, and General Guderian, the leader of the successful assault, has been awarded the Iron Cross.

                  The fall of the heart of the communist conspiracy heralds the destruction of the Bolsheviks and their decadent allies. Long live the Third Reich and the Empire of the Rising Sun!


                  • #39
                    And heres the save.
                    Attached Files


                    • #40
                      And heres a world map that shows the current territories (or as near as I have been able to piece together from all these posts )

                      If there are any errors on the map with your territory, feel free to tell me and I'll fix it. Lacking a fully explored map, we'll have to look to this one to get an idea of how the war is going.
                      Attached Files


                      • #41
                        Excuse me, but have i been skipped? Winterfritz, i downloaded your turn, just to have a look where i am, as i am allowed to, and all my units have moved and all the things i was building have changed, and now are building stuff like waterworks, it sinks!! I like justice for this, coz how can i play a game, when everything keeps changing... its not on!

                        Fighting is the Ruins of Moscow:-
                        Attached Files
                        "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                        • #42
                          Hmmm soundwave, did you press 'Cntrl-N' while you had a piece activated before you saved the game? If not... the units that were left fortified in places still have movement value left in them, and the AI will always take over your civ and change things around, and also move those fortified units around too. A pain in the arse, so be careful.

                          If the Germans can captialize on this, and maybe the Japs too... we could see an Axis victory here...



                          • #43
                            Not to be a pain, but guys can i have my go again... coz i want to have a good game, and i cant even enjoy it when AI takes over, do you Axis guys mind? PLEASE Sorry, but winterfritz, with what the comps done, i cant resist anything next turn, so please be fair?

                            And i did press Ctrl N i dont see why it didn't work? So why did the AI change what i was building?
                            "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                            • #44
                              The AI will switch production for you in a city when another nearby city or yours is taken by another civ. Xin Yu has more experience than me on this by far. As for the units, perhaps the AI will cancel out the Cntrl-N if a city of yours is taken too. I don't know...



                              • #45
                                And what if we said "tough"

