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Blood & Iron (aka European Crisis) PBEM begins

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  • #16
    Howdy, how are you doing today, .... (thinking about marketing strategy..)

    Well, anyway, I have this small utility that you can download here It records your production item and shield progress in PBEM. When you lose a city the AI may change your production, so you need this to protect yourself.

    This is such a good program that I have sold millions of copies of this in a single dream (actually posted it for days and so far there's only one download). If you download it in the next 5 minutes, I'll give you a buy 1 get 0 free bargain as well!


    • #17
      Now I have 4 downloads. Thanks folks!

      If it is your first turn to use the program, run it after civ MPE is running and you have taken control of your civ; then in subsequent turns, run the program after civ MPE is running but before you take control of your turn (so the program has a chance to replace your recorded production items). In either cases the program should be kept running throughout your civ session to record changes you made to city productions.


      • #18
        Soundwave, I am going to be adding Malta, Gibraltar and Cyprus when I release an updated version. Thanks for the tips.

        Most of the units aren't mine, save for the ones marked MC. You're free to use any units marked MC just don't remove the tag.


        • #19
          What about Verdun?? Somme? Sedan?? Historical cities involved in the fighting, and many other things like Italian take over of Tunisia (maybe) dont forget at the time of your scen, Tunisia was NOT FRENCH, but a sultanta... thats when Italy was going to declear war on France... what about crimean war?? An event if russia took over constantiople, France, Austria, England, would declear war on it, and other things, do you want me to go on!!!!????
          "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


          • #20
            Shaddup now! I;m not quite handy with events files and even less with multiple events files.


            • #21
              Well when you have finished, i would like to join in a multplayer game of Blood&Iron, i like it alot! So tell me when you have finished El Awrence... i love France in this peroid, lead by a Emperor who try to please everying, and with that, loses his crown in the end.... so i would play France... PLEASE
              "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


              • #22
                Maybe, rather than a city, an immobile unit could be used for Verdun, with a high defense value, but not super high, and if it's killed France can lose a bunch of money.

                The Crimean War was before the timeframe of this scenario, I believe, but maybe a few more events here and there like the ones Soundwave mentioned wouldn't be too bad (if it's not too much trouble, of couse )

                I think a few things here and there we intentionally not historical, like France being a Republic too early, and some territories, etc, it's a game, fun first!

                One other thing about the units, on most of Russia's units, the colors of the Russian flag are in the wrong order, thought I'd point that out


                • #23
                  Yeah, well, I did most of the work before FW and then I didn't have enough space other than multievents, which I still have trouble using, let alone making. I'll look into multievents when I release the next version or update it.

                  About the flag, yeah, I realised too late it was the Serbian flag. I'll correct that sometime soon.


                  • #24
                    I went ahead and did it myself..

                    I was bored, so here you go, I left the symbol in the flag, as I wasn't sure if it was an imperial thing:


                    • #25
                      Well i think it should be a city, because, it was! And the French and Britsih were not allied at this time, they were friends only with an 'understanding' of the balance of power in Europe...

                      And... with the flags I noticed that too!!

                      I got got some more units too.... if ya want them...

                      Please fix Tunisia, problem.... And maybe have Bristish (or French units hehe) for the Greek Indepence Rev... place them by events...

                      When will you have it done by?? Can i help in any way?

                      And are you up for a mulitplayer game?
                      "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                      • #26
                        I do agree that the Balkan powderkeg warrants some events, as it was (and is) the most volitile place on the continent, maybe have some cities down there represented by Neutrals and others by barbs or something, with events related to who captures which cities; ie the turks would typically be less welcome around there than the Austrians.

                        Yeah, I was kind of annoyed at the very premature Franco-British allliance, as it didn't come to any meaningful significance until Germany tried to get a badass navy, France-Russia would be okay though, and make Prussia think twice before taking on either of its neighbors.

                        If every place that could be called a city was represented by a city on the civ2 map, well there wouldn't be much room for anything

                        Also, I noticed Scott's turn has yet to be downloaded...interesting...


                        • #27
                          jerkwaterbox! Where is he?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by El Awrence
                            jerkwaterbox! Where is he?

                            What a great exclamation his name makes..he said he'd play his turn "in a couple hours" a few days ago, also in the Crisis of NWO thread it's his turn, and he's posted recently, that's all I know! I swear! But he'd better play this turn before that other one!


                            • #29
                              grrrr... if he hasn't played in 48hs, we should go ahead and skip him.


                              • #30
                                I wanna PLAY!!!!!

                                I agree on the Russo-Franco Allicance... Can i say, your scenario will live thourgh the ages my liege...

                                Grrr.... Sedan Damn it!! (Napoleon III was captured there!! and Sedan was a major industrial city, sited near the Rhine)
                                "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave

