This is a bit OT*, but I was wondering what everyones favorite history books are.
Personallly. I like reading military history, and my favourite 5 history books are:
1. 'Engage the Enemy More Closely' By Corneli Barret (about the Royal Navy in WW2)
2. 'A Bright Shining Lie' by Neil Sheenhan (about the Vietnam War)
3. 'Stalingrad' by Anthony Beevor
4. 'The Pity of War' by Niall Ferguson (an alternative examination of WW1)
5. 'The Civil War: A Narritive' by Shelby Foote (all three volumes, especially volume two)
Honorable mentions:
'Silent Victory' by Clay Blair (about US Submarines in WW2)
'One Day in a Very Long War' by John Ellis (about the 25th of October 1944)
'The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich' by William S. Shier
* Mods: think of this as discussion of sources for scenarios
Personallly. I like reading military history, and my favourite 5 history books are:
1. 'Engage the Enemy More Closely' By Corneli Barret (about the Royal Navy in WW2)
2. 'A Bright Shining Lie' by Neil Sheenhan (about the Vietnam War)
3. 'Stalingrad' by Anthony Beevor
4. 'The Pity of War' by Niall Ferguson (an alternative examination of WW1)
5. 'The Civil War: A Narritive' by Shelby Foote (all three volumes, especially volume two)
Honorable mentions:
'Silent Victory' by Clay Blair (about US Submarines in WW2)
'One Day in a Very Long War' by John Ellis (about the 25th of October 1944)
'The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich' by William S. Shier
* Mods: think of this as discussion of sources for scenarios